BigTomJ's Training and Everything Log

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It is probably for the better. It was painfull to watch

I know what you mean, everyone does.
However, and feel free to call me an idiot etc, I kind of feel bad to see someone "deleted".
Tbh, I was not expecting that.
He did write some crazy stuff, but maybe what did it was the constant attempts to create conflict, tagging people just to be obnoxious and so on.
I thought maybe admin was going to have a word, although that would have been useless. Maybe they did warn him.
Even if he "deserved it", I can't help also feeling bad for him.
Yes, OK, I am a retard.
My understanding is, if a member is "deleted" it is because they asked Millard to get their account deleted, so it was most probably his own choice.
Oh cool.
If he did that, rather than what I assumed, good.
Sorry, I didn't think of looking into what deleted member actually means.
I just thought his account had been removed by someone other than him.
Sorry if everyone knew and I just wrote something stupid.
Deloading this week,
not bothering with the log for this week.
just training at 60% loads or volume depending on movement and spending the rest of my gym sessions getting some much needed mobility work done
Hope you get better and some R&R can sure help you recharge and you'll be back at it refreshed. Doing simpler mobility movements also helps improve your mood and getting you out of that training rut.
Adductor is feeling good, deload has knees and joints feeling good, back full steam with the training feeling renewed.

Morning workout ☀️
Monday, Aug 12, 2024 at 5:51am

Seated Leg Curl (Machine)
Set 1: 190 lbs x 12
Set 2: 190 lbs x 12
Set 3: 190 lbs x 12

Leg Extension (Machine)
Set 1: 90 lbs x 20
Set 2: 210 lbs x 15
Set 3: 210 lbs x 15
Set 4: 230 lbs x 12
Immedita dropset
Set 5: 130 lbs x 15

Single Leg Press (Machine)
Set 1: 225 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 2: 225 lbs x 8 @ 10 rpe

Straight Leg Deadlift
Set 1: 135 lbs x 5
Set 2: 225 lbs x 5
Set 3: 315 lbs x 5
Set 4: 405 lbs x 8 @ 10 rpe

Hack Squat
Set 1: 135 lbs x 10
Set 2: 315 lbs x 5
Set 3: 495 lbs x 9 @ 10 rpe

How are you finding training so early in the morning?
I know you have to, now.
Given the choice, I wouldn't.
But maybe it's just a matter of getting used to it.
How are you finding training so early in the morning?
I know you have to, now.
Given the choice, I wouldn't.
But maybe it's just a matter of getting used to it.
Its an adjustment for sure.

as im getting use to it, im noticing less and less of a performance gap compared to afternoon training.

I actually enjoy the greater flexibility it gives me. I work 7-5pm at my office, when i was training in the afternoon when the fiance got off work we wouldnt be getting home until 730+ some nights. Add in having to meal prep, or grocery shop or whatever other errands and there goes your whole day.
Getting it out of the way early i feel lik i have much more liesure time and dont feel rushed with misc daily errands and chores, so i may stick to the AM training for a longer period
Its an adjustment for sure.

as im getting use to it, im noticing less and less of a performance gap compared to afternoon training.

I actually enjoy the greater flexibility it gives me. I work 7-5pm at my office, when i was training in the afternoon when the fiance got off work we wouldnt be getting home until 730+ some nights. Add in having to meal prep, or grocery shop or whatever other errands and there goes your whole day.
Getting it out of the way early i feel lik i have much more liesure time and dont feel rushed with misc daily errands and chores, so i may stick to the AM training for a longer
I’m most productive in the am, always have been. Im like a machine in the early hours, I can literally jump out of bed right into my boots and take off boot camp style even at 36, I’m always up 2-15min before my alarm goes off so during the week it doesn’t wake my wife up. What sucks about that is I can’t sleep in on the weekends so I’m up around the house working out cleaning, tweaking lol , to counter it I do all our shopping in the early am sat or sun, then workout right after.
But then after a meal or 2 I take a 1hr-2hr nap in the middle of the day, because I’m super lucky if I sleep 7.5 hrs on a week night.
Monday check ins.

256.8 fasted after a few missed meals over the weekend. We are very close to the finish line and being able to move into our house, so work over there has taken priority over meals and training on the weekends.

Been to a wedding, today, and thought of you guys.
Has the big day happened, already?
If not, are you ready???
I have a thing for you.
I will post it on your honeymoon thread, at some point later.
Hope you and your other half are well.
Give us your news :)
Been to a wedding, today, and thought of you guys.
Has the big day happened, already?
If not, are you ready???
I have a thing for you.
I will post it on your honeymoon thread, at some point later.
Hope you and your other half are well.
Give us your news :)
Wedding is this weekend! Thank you for the well wishes we are very ready.
Wedding is this weekend! Thank you for the well wishes we are very ready.
Brilliant timing, probably for the first time in my life.
Usually it's tragic.
I will try to write that thingy later on.

Also, what about flying a drone, so you can live stream the wedding here, on Meso.
That is an awesome idea that I am sure you had been developing since the day of the engagement. I have psychic powers.

What colour is your suit?
Did you manage to find one that fit or did it have to be adjusted loads/made to measure?

Wedding is this weekend!
Congrats mate!

I can only give you one piece of advice, if you want it: Forget the me, my, I. There is only we from now own.

And when you f up, say sorry. Goes a long way.

(I know that was two, but an old fart like me rarely count correct these days...)
Fixed it for you that way Mr. Tom can love a long and prosperous life.
Jokes aside, sometimes all it takes, is to just get over it. We people tend to overreact to trivial things that end up f up good things far too often.

But I am mumbling again... Back on topic, Tom's log
Tom, I should have written my first message in your honeymoon thread, instead of this one.
As the clever man above me says, back on topic...
Sorry, I hope you don’t mind, too much.
Anyway, I am going to that one later.