Daily Log to 2019 Show Season

Well right, but don’t understand what that means when you take nuts or olive oil into consideration? I’ve never heard an argument that fats such as almonds and avocado aren’t healthy and unprocessed, unless I’m misunderstanding you. Like I mentioned, the guys like Bleu, chad, or even milos are proponents of high protein and not added fats not because there’s anything wrong with added healthy fats but because you’re getting enough fat with the higher protein and they believe much higher protein plus higher expenditure is superior for growth signaling. Just trying to understand your approach as it sounds like it may be from a different perspective?
Sounds about right.

I mean..I could eat chicken or use a shake and eat a handful of bland almonds..or I could eat a delicious steak and get the same macros and better micros.

I don’t see a reason to add fats when I easily get 80-120+ for myself and clients depending on caloric intake with meats/eggs and trace sources.
Sounds about right.

I mean..I could eat chicken or use a shake and eat a handful of bland almonds..or I could eat a delicious steak and get the same macros and better micros.

I don’t see a reason to add fats when I easily get 80-120+ for myself and clients depending on caloric intake with meats/eggs and trace sources.
Awesome that’s what I was wondering, I know I struggle personally with that as I don’t process steak or eggs well, even avocado and typically need to do fish or very lean meats with added fats but for the average bodybuilder with healthy digestion lol definitely no reason to add fats when eating primarily steak, salmon, eggs, etc
Sounds about right.

I mean..I could eat chicken or use a shake and eat a handful of bland almonds..or I could eat a delicious steak and get the same macros and better micros.

I don’t see a reason to add fats when I easily get 80-120+ for myself and clients depending on caloric intake with meats/eggs and trace sources.
Have you ever pushed the protein to those amounts? 500-600g etc?

When I worked with Bleu, out of curiosity I logged my meals on to MyFitnessPal and protein came out over 550ish ON A DIET PHASE weighing 190 at 6ft! It worked great but every coach I was with after and the general consensus said that’s too much.

I’m really wanting to try it again. Your thoughts?
Have you ever pushed the protein to those amounts? 500-600g etc?

When I worked with Bleu, out of curiosity I logged my meals on to MyFitnessPal and protein came out over 550ish ON A DIET PHASE weighing 190 at 6ft! It worked great but every coach I was with after and the general consensus said that’s too much.

I’m really wanting to try it again. Your thoughts?
That seems excessive. I like 1.5-2g/lb for enhanced guys. At higher body weights like 275-300lbs, 500-600 can def be in play. In a dieting phase it’s normal to hit the upper end of protein intake for any time of the year but 550 at 190lbs is crazy.
Have you ever been plagued by any injuries @Mac11wildcat. My shoulder at the minute is killing me, not sure if it’s a tendon or the front delt.
I certainly have nagging injuries but none so serious they’re preventing intense training. Right shoulder under the front delt, left elbow, right knee, all ragged but performing with the proper warmup, movement selection and execution, and supportive gear.

Get your tissue work and stay mobile, try some bpc/tb, and train smart.
That seems excessive. I like 1.5-2g/lb for enhanced guys. At higher body weights like 275-300lbs, 500-600 can def be in play. In a dieting phase it’s normal to hit the upper end of protein intake for any time of the year but 550 at 190lbs is crazy.

Is that counting only from direct sources?
Direct. Most trace proteins are not complete.
when you were younger building most of your muscle mass did you push heavy on the surplus?

I'm 7 weeks post show 30lbs+ up my biggest strongest ever and hunger is still crazy but feeling body comp is sliding a little abs are very blurry not sure if i should pull back a little or let my body adjust to the surplus and stay here with no more changes. Im wanting to fill out my weight cap for classic with lots to grow.

Sorry for all the annoying questions im still reading through most of your log and let me say it is GOLDMINE man. Just insane the info on here
when you were younger building most of your muscle mass did you push heavy on the surplus?

I'm 7 weeks post show 30lbs+ up my biggest strongest ever and hunger is still crazy but feeling body comp is sliding a little abs are very blurry not sure if i should pull back a little or let my body adjust to the surplus and stay here with no more changes. Im wanting to fill out my weight cap for classic with lots to grow.

Sorry for all the annoying questions im still reading through most of your log and let me say it is GOLDMINE man. Just insane the info on here
If you don’t manage your rebound you will definitely get fat and minimize the muscle building potential of this phase. There are times to get a bit softer, those times are deep into pushes, not 8 weeks post show. Hunger is good. Slowly feed into it as you grow.
I certainly have nagging injuries but none so serious they’re preventing intense training. Right shoulder under the front delt, left elbow, right knee, all ragged but performing with the proper warmup, movement selection and execution, and supportive gear.

Get your tissue work and stay mobile, try some bpc/tb, and train smart.
I think everyone has an issue with one of their shoulders in this game. You have the exact same injury I have. Any special ways of dealing with it that you’ve learned?
I think everyone has an issue with one of their shoulders in this game. You have the exact same injury I have. Any special ways of dealing with it that you’ve learned?
As I said above, I try (not always great) to stay up on tissue and mobility work, I choose movements and execution patterns (arm paths) in those movements that hurt the least, etc.

I don’t have overhead press in my split because delts have always been a strong suit, so that’s a major help.
As I said above, I try (not always great) to stay up on tissue and mobility work, I choose movements and execution patterns (arm paths) in those movements that hurt the least, etc.

I don’t have overhead press in my split because delts have always been a strong suit, so that’s a major help.
Yeah another thing worth mentioning is that you rather use Masteron instead of an AI right? Mast has SERM like qualities.
Yeah another thing worth mentioning is that you rather use Masteron instead of an AI right? Mast has SERM like qualities.
I prefer mast/primo matched to test to avoid AI use all year yes. During contest prep, AI use is largely unavoidable. But aside from peaking into a show, controlling estrogen to a number when there are no side effects is a massive mistake.
I prefer mast/primo matched to test to avoid AI use all year yes. During contest prep, AI use is largely unavoidable. But aside from peaking into a show, controlling estrogen to a number when there are no side effects is a massive mistake.
How much Masteron do you find to be enough? Half the dosage of test i usually use.
Had my first “bad” check in yesterday. Holding water and up a few lbs. woke up this morning down to 218 and dry.

Primo is gone. Mast to 450. A tad more t3 and clen. 55m of cardio a day split in 35/20 fasted and post. About to be fucking shrink wrapped.1DADBD0E-B91F-4295-ACB5-DB0C0C739436.jpeg
3 weeks out - 215.8 after two 1000g+ carb refeeds Sunday and Friday and likely on our last push down

450 test prop
450 mast p
225 tren
50 winny
50 prov
50 var
20 halo
.5 adex 2x a day

Fat burners at 25/12.5 t3 and 80mcg

See yall on the other side
