Yeah, sust is just murdering me. Can’t handle it anymore.Never had PIP from Sustanon in my life but....
From Jan to Jun was switching every 3 weeks Test esters, from 750 Sust 450 TrenA 300 NPP to 600 TestP 600 DHB 600 PrimoE. Every time I was starting Sustanon, was having Test Flu, it was really annoying!!!
Tbh I wouldn't switch esters again, IMHO it's useless.
When you lay down your workouts do you have any rules? Like 6-8 sets per body part... 6-12 reps and so on?
Any tips to bring up legs? I am pretty strong at leg presses but I miss that outer swipe.... Was thinking to start training them in 30-20 rep range.... Instead of 8-12.
As far as training, it’s usually instinctual aside from the days I have a friend send me what they did for the body part recently just to change it up. I go in with a general idea of what I want to accomplish (this usually doesn’t change for a few months for each body part) and as I go make changes as i see fit.
My general scheme is always higher volume but I dip to 4-6 reps and all the way up to 20+ (higher on legs). Set count per primary body part tends to be 20-24 i think. Higher end for back, lower end for smaller less complex groups. Sometimes 4 movements get s it done because I’m just in it. Sometimes I bounce to 6-7 movements. I’ve been training for the same goal long enough that it’s become second nature BUT I do have someone sort of re-baseline me every once and a while with a training plan to kind of make sure I’m not missing any opportunities, leaning towards too high volume, missing movements, etc.
For legs specifically I made a post somewhere on why I do. Let me find it.