Daily Log to 2019 Show Season

Most definitely not harder. If you can’t control it you’re overusing slin. You don’t have to cover every single carb with slin. That’s the mistake being made. Waiting for the peak post-training seems silly, especially when post training you are most sensitive to utilizing carbs already.
oh okay thx man
If I had fast acting insulin I’d only use it postworkout, but R I like pre for the peak during training and the peak post while the gh is peaking like I said before

Like Mac said it’s not hard, only when you’ve done too much and your intra ran out and next thing you know your eating a moon pie from the 7/11 between rack pulls trying not to panic :D not that I’ve been there of course lol

but no, and the most I’ve used was 8units pre which 30g hbcd and eaa intra has always covered

Insulin is only scary for the people who have been misinformed
ya so just doing 2ui post workout shouldnt cause any problems if I take fast acting and eat a meal 10-30min after?
oh okay thx man

ya so just doing 2ui post workout shouldnt cause any problems if I take fast acting and eat a meal 10-30min after?
2iu probably wouldn’t cause an issue in anything but a fasted state. I’m confident your body could adapt and release enough glucose to cover 2iu...
oh okay thx man

ya so just doing 2ui post workout shouldnt cause any problems if I take fast acting and eat a meal 10-30min after?
2iu insulin?

and you wanna start eating/drinking your food right after you inject it don’t wait 10-30min to eat
whats the usual starting dose for a first time user for insulin? Dont wanna start too high tho
I think 5iu should be completely manageable assuming you eat carbs around training like you should be. 50 pre, 25 Intra, 50 post will have you easily covered. Keep a Gatorade or sugary candy in your bag just incase until you learn your limits and signs of pushing too far.
I think 5iu should be completely manageable assuming you eat carbs around training like you should be. 50 pre, 25 Intra, 50 post will have you easily covered. Keep a Gatorade or sugary candy in your bag just incase until you learn your limits and signs of pushing too far.
ah okay, I only have fast acting insulin, so would you suggest pinning right before workout with 50gram carbs? then 25 intra 50 post - and then meal 30min later?
ah okay, I only have fast acting insulin, so would you suggest pinning right before workout with 50gram carbs? then 25 intra 50 post - and then meal 30min later?
My only experience is with log. 100g+ should cover 5iu with plenty to spare. Once again...you should not be adding carbs to use slin...if the protocol you just mentioned above is adding carbs to your norm for you to use slin, it’s incorrect and will make you fat.
My only experience is with log. 100g+ should cover 5iu with plenty to spare. Once again...you should not be adding carbs to use slin...if the protocol you just mentioned above is adding carbs to your norm for you to use slin, it’s incorrect and will make you fat.
gothca, thx for taking your time mate;)
Has anybody ever gone hypo on 5 iu, regardless of the grams of carbs ingested?

Not theoretically, but a real person with 5 iu. If this has happened, it would be the first time I have ever heard of such a thing.
I think a little fear of your first time using slin is a good thing..but yeah. This.
ya man, so many ppl telling me how dangerous it is. Thats why im really carefull about it.

Maybe I should just start with hgh and add slin later tho? Never ran either. What did you do when you dabbed into hgh and slin?
ya man, so many ppl telling me how dangerous it is. Thats why im really carefull about it.

Maybe I should just start with hgh and add slin later tho? Never ran either. What did you do when you dabbed into hgh and slin?
GH first. Then slin. Your use should match your goals.