Daily Log to 2019 Show Season

Good luck my man! Have loved watching your progress. Looks like you're going to crush this and you next one too! Refreshing to see success without stupid risks.
Got to see Mac sets a great example with discipline and hard work. His log is very informative for those who want to understand what it takes to get show-ready.

Go get it @Mac11wildcat !
Damn, that's quite a transformation...good luck brother and hope you do very well at the qualifier!
Levels to it all. Natural evolution of competing haha.
Makes sense
It's just really cool.to see the behind the scenes of this sport.
Just like any other sport I suppose.
If the competition isnt crazy, you're not going to tire out your A Team to beat them.

Just very interesting to see your approaches and the technical aspect of Bodybuilding, like anything else, so much more to it than meets the eye
Meals today (3) have been ~5oz meat with 100-150g rice and maybe an egg. 2 cups of coffee and ~16oz water total so far. Still not even taking two full doses (the recommended one on the label) of xpel. Weight down around 192-193. Weighins around 5. Tan around 7. Depending on how I respond once weighins are over, we may or may not use slin to push nutrients. Up till now all meals have just been half a dose of a GDA.
Meals today (3) have been ~5oz meat with 100-150g rice and maybe an egg. 2 cups of coffee and ~16oz water total so far. Still not even taking two full doses (the recommended one on the label) of xpel. Weight down around 192-193. Weighins around 5. Tan around 7. Depending on how I respond once weighins are over, we may or may not use slin to push nutrients. Up till now all meals have just been half a dose of a GDA.
Maintain the cool head brother you’ll pop better!