Daily Log to 2019 Show Season

Undecided. I think I may run the sust higher than test I have in the past. Haven’t used deca for a very long time.

Thinking something like:
Sust @ 750/week for 16
Deca @ 400-500/ week for 16 (I may pair deca with NPP for the same total dose per week) and may taper up if I feel the need/ability to tolerate it
Dbol @ 25 for 4 weeks and 37.5 for 2 more weeks (as tolerated)

This all depends on how nice the gear is I end up with. We’ll see.
Insane how I arrived at nearly exactly the same cycle thru experimentation.

And we’re back. 14 days post show give or take. 7 of them spent in Aruba. Not too mad about where we are.
PM weight is 214 (can’t get AM because my scale finally died but back to AM gym visits for photos this week and I’ll replace the batteries tomorrow). Guessing my AM will be about 206-208 which, considering I’ve still got a little vacation water to lose, I’m very happy with. Seeing about 10-12lbs over my lowest is a nice neat rebound for two weeks, though I’d like to drive it back down a bit here shortly. The leaner I stay now the easier later this year is. Will be starting cardio back up at 45m 5-6 days a week. Diet back to just over final week macros.

Next phase starts almost immediately. Toying with the drugs because my test pins have had some brutal PIP. Get back to you on that.

Mahi Mahi for attention.
Dig your structure and the overall flow of your physique. Its quite pleasing (no homo.) Everything is there, no real.weaknesses.

So this is what its all about.
Appreciate that man. I’ve don’t a lot of work to balance my physique and spent a lot of time tweaking my training style. I think it’s served me pretty well. I still have some size to gain to max out LHW and the another 10-15 for 212 (god willing I make the IFBB).
Appreciate that man. I’ve don’t a lot of work to balance my physique and spent a lot of time tweaking my training style. I think it’s served me pretty well. I still have some size to gain to max out LHW and the another 10-15 for 212 (god willing I make the IFBB).
Bro don't sell yourself short for one second. You have a very competitive marketable polished look. And the heart of a lion.
So the DHB/NPP plan is squandered. Shit hurt like a MF. My bitch ass muscle wins again.

600 test/300 eq/300 deca
2 iu GH fasted/4iu GH preworkout on days with slin
20iu lantus AM, 3iu log with 4 of my meals

GH and slin coincide with high days below which is 2 days per cycle of my 4 training days and ends up being 2-3 days out of every 5-7 week days depending on rest.

High days: 350/500/70
Other training days: 375/300/80
Off days: 400/200/90
Welcome back Mac, and bet you are getting back into the game! Hope you and yours have had a great R&R.
I'm with you on everything but that tiny dose of Lantus. I started at 30 and am at 70 and LOVE IT. Small doses of humulin r 5ius at a time 3x a day.

Just my .02$
None taken dude. I wouldn’t put it out here if it wasn’t for comment.
Bro whats up with mens physique? I kind of chatted up the biggest dudes at my gym and they are both doing physique? One claims to be a pro. Both are pretty big 220 range super lean. Is this the new thing? They are like "its easier and you get just as much exposure."

Both were assholes tbh. Like who the fuck am I kind of attitudes. Idk

Both mid to late 40s
So the DHB/NPP plan is squandered. Shit hurt like a MF. My bitch ass muscle wins again.

600 test/300 eq/300 deca
2 iu GH fasted/4iu GH preworkout on days with slin
20iu lantus AM, 3iu log with 4 of my meals

GH and slin coincide with high days below which is 2 days per cycle of my 4 training days and ends up being 2-3 days out of every 5-7 week days depending on rest.

High days: 350/500/70
Other training days: 375/300/80
Off days: 400/200/90
Whats your current training split?
Bro whats up with mens physique? I kind of chatted up the biggest dudes at my gym and they are both doing physique? One claims to be a pro. Both are pretty big 220 range super lean. Is this the new thing? They are like "its easier and you get just as much exposure."

Both were assholes tbh. Like who the fuck am I kind of attitudes. Idk

Both mid to late 40s
Men’s physique sucks lol. Can’t comment on that though. Some of the pros are huge, like way too big for the division IMO, but never legs.
Whats your current training split?
Arms/Legs/Push/Pull. Whether or not there’s a rest day in the middle or just at the end is by feel.