MESO-Rx Sponsor HGH - Domestic USA

Maybe I’m missing something here. Almost sounds like people are suggesting that one is better than the other? Besides the different amounts.
Pretty sure the black tops tested slightly higher then the grey tops. Either way both are good and gunna do what there suppose to.... U can't go wrong with either
I can’t say or compare Optus blacks to his other type. He has these blacks at such a great price and the recent test done on them came out
Amazing so it’s was an easy choice for me
Almost a month on the black tops. Was doing 2iu a day, recently went up to 3iu. Sleeping pretty well. Occasional numbness in hands. Generally feeling pretty good
hello mesonites…. next test is as follows; so i started taking a vial a day of the grey tops on october 5th. Half in the morning around 5am and the other half around 3 pm every day.

monitoring my blood and it hasn’t went over 110 so we are good there. i stopped taking my high dose of 500mg and started my cruise dose of 275mg a week with the following; 50 mg provi a day and 100mcg t4 a day. i’m reconstructing with 1 ML of sterile water only. i will be pulling bloods on the November 1st as i am flying out of the country on the 2nd.

my diet sucks right now and my weight shot up 10lb after about 1.5 weeks. I noticed i’m holding the most water i have held in a long time. but my workouts have gone great. i was planning for my first IFBB show in Saudi but unfortunately i will be fucking working!! so have to catch the Dubai or Kuwaiti show, but that gives me a few extra months and can do a proper prep cycle.
my legs need some work and are still lacking due to both hyper extending 2 months ago. i have a MRI planned for that when i get to saudi…. only cost 150 for an MRI there hopping it’s nothing major cause my dead lift went from 500lb to 220lb without hurting and i can only squat 135 now without it hurting.

ANYWAYS, bunch of shit going on in my life right now but inshallah i make it through it and heal good. stay posted for the 1 vial a day igf numbers. and let’s see how much water weight comes off after this. i know it’s not a full month but, i’m limited on time due to the fact i’m traveling most of the year.

also, fuck trest! it’s so good it will make you make bad life decisions or good depending on how you think about it….. i’m starting trest again soon as i get to the middle east … also saudi women have the wettest pussy in the world FYI

also want to add i bought some growth in the middle east and it made bruise marks on me and haven’t went away 2 months later…. got another vendor i will try he “claims” they are pharma grade. lucky for me i can walk into any hospital over there and check my igf or growth serum for only 20 bucks. AND i buy provi from the pharmacy there so sleep on that!!

current weight 229 still 5’4” this shit ain’t making me grow at all!!! prob close to the high teens in body fat i’m scared to check right now…. i don’t need that negativity in my life!

also - off subject i never knew the day would come where i can legally smoke a blunt in the bar after a workout but hey it’s 2022!!39057D27-A134-472A-A8AB-57E7DD7DBE9B.jpeg75D6EA68-F8E8-4F58-9788-A47F88904A74.jpeg
hello mesonites…. next test is as follows; so i started taking a vial a day of the grey tops on october 5th. Half in the morning around 5am and the other half around 3 pm every day.

monitoring my blood and it hasn’t went over 110 so we are good there. i stopped taking my high dose of 500mg and started my cruise dose of 275mg a week with the following; 50 mg provi a day and 100mcg t4 a day. i’m reconstructing with 1 ML of sterile water only. i will be pulling bloods on the November 1st as i am flying out of the country on the 2nd.

my diet sucks right now and my weight shot up 10lb after about 1.5 weeks. I noticed i’m holding the most water i have held in a long time. but my workouts have gone great. i was planning for my first IFBB show in Saudi but unfortunately i will be fucking working!! so have to catch the Dubai or Kuwaiti show, but that gives me a few extra months and can do a proper prep cycle.
my legs need some work and are still lacking due to both hyper extending 2 months ago. i have a MRI planned for that when i get to saudi…. only cost 150 for an MRI there hopping it’s nothing major cause my dead lift went from 500lb to 220lb without hurting and i can only squat 135 now without it hurting.

ANYWAYS, bunch of shit going on in my life right now but inshallah i make it through it and heal good. stay posted for the 1 vial a day igf numbers. and let’s see how much water weight comes off after this. i know it’s not a full month but, i’m limited on time due to the fact i’m traveling most of the year.

also, fuck trest! it’s so good it will make you make bad life decisions or good depending on how you think about it….. i’m starting trest again soon as i get to the middle east … also saudi women have the wettest pussy in the world FYI

also want to add i bought some growth in the middle east and it made bruise marks on me and haven’t went away 2 months later…. got another vendor i will try he “claims” they are pharma grade. lucky for me i can walk into any hospital over there and check my igf or growth serum for only 20 bucks. AND i buy provi from the pharmacy there so sleep on that!!

current weight 229 still 5’4” this shit ain’t making me grow at all!!! prob close to the high teens in body fat i’m scared to check right now…. i don’t need that negativity in my life!

also - off subject i never knew the day would come where i can legally smoke a blunt in the bar after a workout but hey it’s 2022!!View attachment 174718View attachment 174719

Just curious why are you sarching for pharma hgh if this is treating you well? Do you think pharma will be better?maybe less sides like water bloat?
Just curious why are you sarching for pharma hgh if this is treating you well? Do you think pharma will be better?maybe less sides like water bloat?
because i can’t travel to saudi with these… i have no script. so my only option is to find them in the middle east
Fasting blood sugar creeping up on the gh 112 . Not using insulin. Any other suggestion other than come off use insulin. Anyone use GDA or any other methods. Or is 111 much of a concern fasted.?
Thanks read a lot about Metformin.Anyone use Berberine or any other GDA

Many take berberine. I myself switch back in forth between it and metformin. I’ve even taken the two together.

Fasting blood sugar creeping up on the gh 112 . Not using insulin. Any other suggestion other than come off use insulin. Anyone use GDA or any other methods. Or is 111 much of a concern fasted.?

You need to make a drastic change. What is your daily dose?

How long does hgh take to raise igf-1 for a blood test?

Around 2 - 2.5 weeks. I once pulled labs at 13 days but wish I would of waited a few more days as my reading was slightly lower than other previous labs
Many take berberine. I myself switch back in forth between it and metformin. I’ve even taken the two together.

You need to make a drastic change. What is your daily dose?

Around 2 - 2.5 weeks. I once pulled labs at 13 days but wish I would of waited a few more days as my reading was slightly lower than other previous labs
My igf-1 was only 210 after 2 months of 4-5iu a day. Any ideas on why it would be so low? My baseline before hgh was 160.
My igf-1 was only 210 after 2 months of 4-5iu a day. Any ideas on why it would be so low? My baseline before hgh was 160.

There are to many variables. Could be diet, supps/meds interfering, liver, very low bf%, etc. There are more and more guys like you coming out showing poor responsive igf-1 scores while on hgh. How does your liver function look on base labs?

Do you have any other labs while taking hgh?
what is an average igf-1 for taking 4iu? i know its different because peoples liver convert hgh to igf-1 differently?

Not to long ago most would tell you per 1iu = 100igf-1. This is the case for a lot of members including myself but like the post above, not the case for everyone. Lab work for each individual is needed. The more labs the better. Don’t base your results on what another might score at. For me, my labs tell me a lot but that’s because I have dozens of lab reports to go off of. Collect data on how your body functions while administering aas and hgh.