Homebrew effectiveness?


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AnabolicLab.com Supporter
Well been questioning just brewing my own for a while now and for a few friends and acquaintances. With the price of oils these days from a few vendors is it cost effective ba just buying them and refitting the finished oils already. Or is it just a hobby to most you all now and do it for the process experience and fun. Really want to pull the gun on brewing small 500-1000ml batches just to have on hand for us but the cheap price of all finished products these days have kind of turned me away thus far. I think it would be an enjoyable process plus the fact you know what’s in every bottle for sure. What would you say it is costing to make a bottle of test, sus, deca, tren, mast and so on including the raws, sterile bottles plunger, and caps(everything excluding the decent equipment). Thanks for any input.
Well once you have the initial equipment the only thing you're paying for is raws, filters, vials, carrier oil, and ba/bb. So say you bought 100g test c. OK, approximately you've spent $150 on 40 vials of Test c 250.

1000ml isn't a small batch btw lol. 50-100ml is lol
So basically it’s only saving me a few dollars not a big some of money at the price I can get the vials for now is ridiculously low. But still the process is tempting to do and have your own little brand for yourself and a few friend a lol
So basically it’s only saving me a few dollars not a big some of money at the price I can get the vials for now is ridiculously low. But still the process is tempting to do and have your own little brand for yourself and a few friend a lol
I definitely feel it's worth the savings. But I do it because I like things very sterile. Never a worry about quality if I'm the one determining it.

You should try it brother
So basically it’s only saving me a few dollars not a big some of money at the price I can get the vials for now is ridiculously low. But still the process is tempting to do and have your own little brand for yourself and a few friend a lol
The difference if you do the math is
$1200 to buy 40 vials of Test 250 at $30 a vial
$150 to brew 40 vials of Test 250 at $3.75 a vial

That’s a $1050 savings with only a $150 investment
Roughly 1000 % cheaper
That’s considerable in my book lol

Even if your buying that cheap QSC stuff with cheap stoppers that leave floaters and should be refiltered anyway its still a huge savings
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The real difference comes if you send your gear out for testing. I've seen differences in dosing between vials as much as 22% from the same lab. For TRT purposes this makes it difficult to dial in a proper dose if not testing every vial.
I buy the raw hormones and test them once vs testing every vial.
The difference if you do the math is
$1200 to buy 40 vials of Test 250 at $30 a vial
$150 to brew 40 vials of Test 250 at $3.75 a vial

That’s a $1050 savings with only a $150 investment
Roughly 1000 % cheaper
That’s considerable in my book lol

Even if your buying that cheap QSC stuff with cheap stoppers that leave floaters and should be refiltered anyway its still a huge savings

Probably a little cheaper but the savings aren't huge.

Brewing has costs besides the raws (sterile filters, vials, carrier oil, BA/BB, your time, etc.; ie, stuff needed for every batch). And QSC finished vials are more like $10.
Probably a little cheaper but the savings aren't huge.

Brewing has costs besides the raws (sterile filters, vials, carrier oil, BA/BB, your time, etc.; ie, stuff needed for every batch). And QSC finished vials are more like $10.
Yes very true but those costs were included in the $150 price that @nightprowler7 gave.
Since 100 grams of Test only costs $80 so the price remains the same minus the hour or two of time. So still 300% cheaper than QSC and QSC gear absolutely should be filtered and put in better quality vials with better quality stoppers that don’t leave floaters
So add the sterile vials and filters and syringe to the QSC price and now your looking at 500% more plus you e invested very close to the same time it takes to brew lol
So yes absolutely is a huge savings no matter how you look at it
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Since 100 grams of Test only costs $80 so the price remains the same minus the hour or two of time.

For me personally, I don't mind the time. It's a hobby and pretty close to what I do for my day job (which I like).

Also I think once a homebrewing n00b does it a few times, the time is not a big commitment and maybe they can view it like a hobby as well. Not a chore or work equivalent to slave labor.

I retract that part of my statement. At the end of the day I'm pro-homebrewing.

And this guy.
So basically it’s only saving me a few dollars not a big some of money at the price I can get the vials for now is ridiculously low. But still the process is tempting to do and have your own little brand for yourself and a few friend a lol
It is substantial for the more expensive items like primo or even tren. Factor in how much you use and in the long run, the savings could accumulate enough to buy another 100g of raws.

10x10 ml (10g) Tren A = 125 USD
50g Tren A = 130 USD

You get 50 vials for the price of 10. Definitely worth it. With test even more.

You just have to make a one time investment for glassware, sterilized vials, oil, ba and bb. And some filter equipment of choice. Still very worth it.

The only downside is you will tend to permablast or at least use more than usual.
Thanks for all your input and advice. I’m very much considering it even more now bc a kilo of test is so damn cheap and I’m pretty sure I could just brew up a few batches a year and it would still not have much degradation. I just want to make sure I have decent equipment if I’m going to do it and very sterile bc who doesn’t want the best product especially if they control all aspects. Guess I’ll have to look into it closer bc I almost bought everything a few years ago and just didn’t bc I didn’t have the space or time but now I do and I could save for everything I need pretty quickly.
Thanks for all your input and advice. I’m very much considering it even more now bc a kilo of test is so damn cheap and I’m pretty sure I could just brew up a few batches a year and it would still not have much degradation. I just want to make sure I have decent equipment if I’m going to do it and very sterile bc who doesn’t want the best product especially if they control all aspects. Guess I’ll have to look into it closer bc I almost bought everything a few years ago and just didn’t bc I didn’t have the space or time but now I do and I could save for everything I need pretty quickly.
Good luck in your research brother. Lots of good info with good people in the homebrew section
Thanks for all your input and advice. I’m very much considering it even more now bc a kilo of test is so damn cheap and I’m pretty sure I could just brew up a few batches a year and it would still not have much degradation. I just want to make sure I have decent equipment if I’m going to do it and very sterile bc who doesn’t want the best product especially if they control all aspects. Guess I’ll have to look into it closer bc I almost bought everything a few years ago and just didn’t bc I didn’t have the space or time but now I do and I could save for everything I need pretty quickly.
The magnetic stirrers on Amazon for $30 work great
Hot plate and some glassware from medlabsupply and your in business
if your doing syringe filters, which most start at you need a calking gun from Ace Hardware and 100 mL syringes from Amazon

Like $100 for everything lol
Thanks for all your input and advice. I’m very much considering it even more now bc a kilo of test is so damn cheap and I’m pretty sure I could just brew up a few batches a year and it would still not have much degradation. I just want to make sure I have decent equipment if I’m going to do it and very sterile bc who doesn’t want the best product especially if they control all aspects. Guess I’ll have to look into it closer bc I almost bought everything a few years ago and just didn’t bc I didn’t have the space or time but now I do and I could save for everything I need pretty quickly.

If you're strictly brewing Test for TRT it's a waste of time for minimal savings. You can buy Generic Asia, a quality lab in the opinion of many, Test-C @ $35 / year (5 vials).

Buy 5 years worth so they're all the same batch and send one vial off for testing if you feel like it. They will compensate you for blind testing with $100 credit. Personally I see no need as they test all products as well as their customer base posting blind tests regularly as well.

So for a net cost of $40-$50 a year, you've got quality, Jano tested TRT gear without going through the learning curve, potential mistakes, and legal liability of having a sched III manufacturing setup in your home.

If you're a full on bodybuilder using large quantities of numerous substances, have unique needs, etc, it's a different calculation
You just have to make a one time investment for glassware, sterilized vials, oil, ba and bb. And some filter equipment of choice. Still very worth it.

Out of everything you listed, only the glassware is a one time investment. You could've added a magnetic heated stir plate.

Everything else gets used up in the brewing process just like the raws... unless you were talking about buying all the sterile vials, carrier oil, BA/BB, and filters you'll ever need at once, so yeah technically "one time investment."

I still think it's worth it but that's partly because it's kind of like a hobby to me.


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