
Is it normal to not get any sort of confirmation e-mail after making an order and paying? I find it weird that I can't go back and view my order details like shipping address, etc. Would I have to e-mail him to ensure the order went through?
Well I can say this isn't looking good for me. I purchased $178 dollars worth and emailed Nutra who told me it wasn't in the system. I sent him the order confirmation as well as the bitcoin transfer info and proof of receipt. I guess we get to see what the customer service really looks like.

Is it normal to not get any sort of confirmation e-mail after making an order and paying? I find it weird that I can't go back and view my order details like shipping address, etc. Would I have to e-mail him to ensure the order went through?

SO...... this is a bit tricky. Technically you got an order number and confirmation on the webpage after you paid (That was your confirmation). Read above to see my experience prior to this morning. This morning I received an email back from Nutra saying that thanks to me sending the proof of receipt to him via email he was able to locate the payment and re-instated my order after an 11 day wait for him to respond to my email.

Now with that being said most people on here don't have an issue with him and in my case he took care of it even it wasn't fast. His average T/A is 13-15 Days. You can email him I suppose but you may not get a response until a day or two before your product would arrive. 99% of his packages arrive and no one gets email confirmation so most likely you are good. My situation was unique and eventually addressed.

Bottom line: I would wait at least 2 weeks before contacting him considering his T/A and the fact that I haven't seen anyone on here get burned and during that 11 day period I thought I was going to be the first. I wasn't though Nutra made it right even if it was slow.
Nutraburn is definitely the real deal. I had my doubts. Posting this for anyone who reacts like I did. The information is all online but any time someone posts their experience, it seems they're all dropping weight daily.

I did not lose any weight while "on." I did 250mg for 14 days. Weight stayed the same despite being in a deficit and doing 45-60min cardio daily, on top of lifting 4x/wk. Looked worse each day. Started thinking this was a dumb idea. Its winter where I am so it has been frigid cold, which I guess led to me not sweating much at all. Never felt hot. I did however notice the night sweats, and definitely felt lethargic.

Workouts were shit by the 2nd week. Energy in general was shit. The lethargy is REAL. Hunger cravings are real. My weight went up 7lbs from my starting point the last 3 days (for no reason, did not binge, did not eat in a surplus). WTF? Took last dose on day 14. Looked like a soft watery mess.

Came off, the night sweats continued. The night time pissing ensued. Over the next few days the scale started tanking. Now off about a week and down 11lbs. Crazy.

I have never ran DNP and always questioned it because of all the conflicting info online. My curiosity got the best of me. I fearfully respected it and never upped my dose despite my weight maintaining, and even increasing. I told myself its better to gain weight than end up in the ER or worse.

Nutraburn works. It was a total mind fuck for 2 weeks. But being off now for a week is where I really see the results. What a wild ride.
As a person who has used DNP several times in the past, it’s not my place to try and gatekeep but…. At the size you are, why would you do DNP? That’s ridiculous
Hey guys. Update: my Nutraburn order arrived and it’s real product. Seems to be a good supplier.

I emailed them after over a week and the order hadn’t arrived just to check and no communication, but the order did arrive in about 2 weeks.
Hey guys. Update: my Nutraburn order arrived and it’s real product. Seems to be a good supplier.

I emailed them after over a week and the order hadn’t arrived just to check and no communication, but the order did arrive in about 2 weeks.
I'm in a similar boat. Ordered about 10 days ago. Never received an email. I sent him two different emails over the last 3 days. No response. I'm hoping it just arrives.
Nutriburn it works good product. I bought it about a year ago. I recently reordered on March 28th of this year but I still received my order so I don't know what's going on with them at the moment.
Yes bro, i thought it was me. on day 4 now and dont feel a slight side effect at all, just my piss a light yellow and dehydration but thats about it.
I was doing 250 a day for 2 weeks. Had all sides. Zero complaints. Ive had multiple orders with them.