
He's a
The user name associated with the email should be obvious, but PM me if needed.
As I mentioned before, his TA time was back on target. Also, his email response time was better than ever. It used to be about a week, but had improved to a couple days.

I received my product, but I never received an email confirmation. It took about 10 days. 3 Thumbs up!
I received my product, but I never received an email confirmation. It took about 10 days. 3 Thumbs up!
Great! His product is effective and cheapest on the market of a few that I know of. The recent lack of email confirmation sucks. But his email response time improved and he's never failed me once.
I wish I remember how many mgs were in the caps from another source I used last. I’ve been taking 500mg from nutra and it’s not really uncomfortable at all. I haven’t gotten the intense heat waves from eating carbs, but lethargy is definitely there and I am losing fat. Not going to bump the dose but I feel I was taking 500-600mg the previous times and the heat was much more prevalent. I wonder if your body better tolerates it with repetitive cycles? Just hypothesizing here, but it seems unusual. I felt the heat was more present at the start of this cycle when I was at a lower dose. Just kind of strange!
I wish I remember how many mgs were in the caps from another source I used last. I’ve been taking 500mg from nutra and it’s not really uncomfortable at all. I haven’t gotten the intense heat waves from eating carbs, but lethargy is definitely there and I am losing fat. Not going to bump the dose but I feel I was taking 500-600mg the previous times and the heat was much more prevalent. I wonder if your body better tolerates it with repetitive cycles? Just hypothesizing here, but it seems unusual. I felt the heat was more present at the start of this cycle when I was at a lower dose. Just kind of strange!
Maybe, maybe not. There are certain other supplements that take the effectiveness out of DNP. And some that keep it effective, but control sides better. Read exactly what dnp does from a science perspective and you will understand what supplements can cause variances.
Maybe, maybe not. There are certain other supplements that take the effectiveness out of DNP. And some that keep it effective, but control sides better. Read exactly what dnp does from a science perspective and you will understand what supplements can cause variances.
I’m not really taking anything other than some various things for liver function and immune health at the moment.
I’m not really taking anything other than some various things for liver function and immune health at the moment.
In that case, someone else on another forum said that dnp tends to produce a different story every time someone uses it again after stopping. So, if he is correct your body may not necessarily be permanently tolerating it and it can actually make you sweat profusely the next cycle.

I've stopped DNP here and there for a few days. So perhaps that's why I don't get the mystery treatment (I may need to stop for a longer period of time). But for the most part it's the same bullshit for me. Disgusting, sweaty neck. A little moist, but if I go under the covers with the wife all sweat breaks loose. Moist shirt, moist bed. Super hero like ability to walk around in cold weather.

There was one supplement that I felt reduced the efficacy of dnp, others that increased it, and even one that helped reduce the sweatiness. When I read about the mechanism of how dnp worked the one that reduced the efficacy made sense. I was too lazy to look into the reasoning behind the other supplements.
In that case, someone else on another forum said that dnp tends to produce a different story every time someone uses it again after stopping. So, if he is correct your body may not necessarily be permanently tolerating it and it can actually make you sweat profusely the next cycle.

I've stopped DNP here and there for a few days. So perhaps that's why I don't get the mystery treatment (I may need to stop for a longer period of time). But for the most part it's the same bullshit for me. Disgusting, sweaty neck. A little moist, but if I go under the covers with the wife all sweat breaks loose. Moist shirt, moist bed. Super hero like ability to walk around in cold weather.

There was one supplement that I felt reduced the efficacy of dnp, others that increased it, and even one that helped reduce the sweatiness. When I read about the mechanism of how dnp worked the one that reduced the efficacy made sense. I was too lazy to look into the reasoning behind the other supplements.
What supplement was that?
I think I read creatine, maybe.
Sorry, I thought I responded to this. Perhaps you are right about creatine. But the one I was referring to was meldonium. It's a popular Russian nootropic that maria Sharapova was in trouble for using.

The way it metabolizes fat and uses carnatine makes it counter the effects of DNP.
Sorry, I thought I responded to this. Perhaps you are right about creatine. But the one I was referring to was meldonium. It's a popular Russian nootropic that maria Sharapova was in trouble for using.

The way it metabolizes fat and uses carnatine makes it counter the effects of DNP.
Speaking of that, I used it in hopes of improving my running. Used it a few times, got zero out of it. Was hoping it would provide some benefit.
Speaking of that, I used it in hopes of improving my running. Used it a few times, got zero out of it. Was hoping it would provide some benefit.
Try cardarine instead, it will greatly improve your cardiovascular endurance.
Couldn't get a response via email, but pack showed up like the last few times. TA 11 days, a few quicker than last time.
My pack has been sitting at shipping label created since the 10th. Placed the order on the 6th. I’m not sure why his TA is so long, but if he notified the post office on the 10th, I don’t understand why after 6 days the pack hasn’t even been dropped off at the post office yet. Does he mail out a bunch of orders at a time only a few times a month or what?
My pack has been sitting at shipping label created since the 10th. Placed the order on the 6th. I’m not sure why his TA is so long, but if he notified the post office on the 10th, I don’t understand why after 6 days the pack hasn’t even been dropped off at the post office yet. Does he mail out a bunch of orders at a time only a few times a month or what?
You email him?
Have not heard back and still no package showing up on informed delivery. It’s been 12 days.
As I stated, he never responded to my email but pack did show up. I've had a few orders take 14 or 15 days from payment so give it a few more days.
Have not heard back and still no package showing up on informed delivery. It’s been 12 days.
i thought u said it was stuck at label created? mine was stuck at label created for over a week and just updated a few hours ago