
I try to check his site and it says that I'm geolocked or some bullshit? Is there a technical problem or is his site really geolocked?
for those with experience with nutra's 250mg tabs do they feel overdosed or underdosed? do you feel lethargic or just mild sweating? looking to do a 2 week 250mg ED cycle to see how i respond to this stuff.
for those with experience with nutra's 250mg tabs do they feel overdosed or underdosed? do you feel lethargic or just mild sweating? looking to do a 2 week 250mg ED cycle to see how i respond to this stuff.
250 wasn’t bad, but taken in one pill you may get some shitty nausea or heartburn. I started taking them with a meal or at least a lot of liquid to dilute it, otherwise I felt fucking gross for the next 30 minutes.

Oh, and I don’t know how they’re dosed but I know they definitely kicked me in the balls so they’re at least potent. I went as high as 750 (don’t), and it was a life that closely resembled hell even aside from the temperature hike.
I ordered on the 19th. No email confirmation or anything, didn't expect it. Still haven't received anything yet so I just sent Nutraburn an email with my order and BTC transaction info. Hoping I get a response soon, or preferably receive my order soon
Dunno man my order was the 8th I think and nothing, I emailed Tues and no response either.
shit. I mean its not a ton of money or anything but I was relying on having my stuff for my final cut in September. Going to be gone too in about two weeks for the rest of August so I won't be able to check the post box to see if its showed up. Really hoping I don't get screwed on this.
He or she, sometimes responds in about a week. Sometimes you email and after that it sets of a reminder and the package comes.

I have a story to tell. And it's not solely dnp related as I am running quite a few things. But today after an early morning gym session, my heart area felt awfully warm and sweat was coming out of my forehead. And upper shoulders. At some point, I felt like my head kept slipping a little into a waking sleep. I turned the AC on high in the car, but it was still a bit challenging to drive. I've definitely used it most recently for more than a week, but only 125 mg daily. So please, be extra careful when using it in the summer.
Going to be gone too in about two weeks for the rest of August so I won't be able to check the post box to see if its showed up.
If you don't have USPS Informed Delivery, I highly recommend it. It lets you see what's on the way and what's delivered.

My recent Nutra order showed up there several days before he sent me the tracking info.
@Ping @WeightLossBurn @effswithtren

Literally got my order in the mail today. no email response but looks like all I had to do was wait another 12 hours and I would have been good. opened it up and all looks legit. got 70X 125mg capsules, planning on starting with 125mg ED to asses effects then move to 250 ED for the next run if required. looking to lose anywhere in the range of 10-20lbs, 10 would put me in a good spot, 20 would get me stupidly shredded.
@Ping @WeightLossBurn @effswithtren

Literally got my order in the mail today. no email response but looks like all I had to do was wait another 12 hours and I would have been good. opened it up and all looks legit. got 70X 125mg capsules, planning on starting with 125mg ED to asses effects then move to 250 ED for the next run if required. looking to lose anywhere in the range of 10-20lbs, 10 would put me in a good spot, 20 would get me stupidly shredded.
Well hell if you ordered the 19th I guess my 8th order is just shit outta luck lol
@Ping @WeightLossBurn @effswithtren

Literally got my order in the mail today. no email response but looks like all I had to do was wait another 12 hours and I would have been good. opened it up and all looks legit. got 70X 125mg capsules, planning on starting with 125mg ED to asses effects then move to 250 ED for the next run if required. looking to lose anywhere in the range of 10-20lbs, 10 would put me in a good spot, 20 would get me stupidly shredded.
How long you plan on running it for? Everyone's different, but I feel like after 7 days you start to really notice the wet clothes.
Well hell if you ordered the 19th I guess my 8th order is just shit outta luck lol
In the exact same situation as you. Ordered on the 8th, haven't heard or gotten anything since. Have ordered from nutra multiple times prior so this is a bit unusual. I'm guessing that something went wrong on the 8th and a few of the orders just happened to slip past the system. Either way I just sent him another email to try and get this shit resolved, not sure if he'll be responding though lol
@Rampant_S I found a Google Sheet that lets you calculate your ongoing actual DNP blood level that I used during a recent cycle. Based on the half life of DNP, your weight, and dosing / timing, it shows a running total of the approximate active drug in your system.

Since DNP's half life is 36 hours, taking the same dose at the same time every 24 hours results in an ever-rising concentration of the drug in your body; the number never actually levels off. I used the spreadsheet to try to dial in the actual active drug level, and understand how a given dose at a certain time would affect that level.

I didn't make this sheet, can't vouch for it's accuracy, or for the soundness of the underlying assumptions it makes about how the body processes DNP. I'm not responsible if your dick turns electric yellow and falls off. All rights reserved, all wrongs released, etc...


You'll have to go to File >> Make a copy, then save it to your own account to be able to edit it. Credit to u/Interesting-Record92 on Reddit for creating the sheet.
How long you plan on running it for? Everyone's different, but I feel like after 7 days you start to really notice the wet clothes.
two weeks at at time at most. One week if it gets too miserable. I've recently done a weeklong super tough cut without DNP and it was successful but very difficult. I'm thinking If I do that + 250mg DNP I can grind through it and have one week of misery but still dump over 5lbs of fat in a week. not sure if that's a good approach or if I should rather do a 2 week run, and take it less aggressively. Basically just going to see how I feel. I have a lot of things on my plate (metaphorically, seeing as I'm not really eating much these days) and I need to have enough energy and patience to deal with all of it. If I can't maintain my life in order, I will stop it and re-try in a more conservative approach.
@Rampant_S I found a Google Sheet that lets you calculate your ongoing actual DNP blood level that I used during a recent cycle. Based on the half life of DNP, your weight, and dosing / timing, it shows a running total of the approximate active drug in your system.

Since DNP's half life is 36 hours, taking the same dose at the same time every 24 hours results in an ever-rising concentration of the drug in your body; the number never actually levels off. I used the spreadsheet to try to dial in the actual active drug level, and understand how a given dose at a certain time would affect that level.

I didn't make this sheet, can't vouch for it's accuracy, or for the soundness of the underlying assumptions it makes about how the body processes DNP. I'm not responsible if your dick turns electric yellow and falls off. All rights reserved, all wrongs released, etc...


You'll have to go to File >> Make a copy, then save it to your own account to be able to edit it. Credit to u/Interesting-Record92 on Reddit for creating the sheet.
Thanks. I am aware of the long half life. I will be doing a one week trial run at 125mg ED before I take it higher to assess tolerance/effects/ side effects. I'll use the sheet to take a look at things.
Thanks. I am aware of the long half life. I will be doing a one week trial run at 125mg ED before I take it higher to assess tolerance/effects/ side effects. I'll use the sheet to take a look at things.
If you’re like me, I can’t tell 125. 250 I start to be warmer than usual. 500 things fairly blow and I’m sweaty without a fan, and 750 I want to die. But yeah start off light. The stuff isn’t as dangerous as people like to say, but if you’re careless you can absolutely mess yourself up or at least be absolutely disgustingly miserable for a day or two.
If you’re like me, I can’t tell 125. 250 I start to be warmer than usual. 500 things fairly blow and I’m sweaty without a fan, and 750 I want to die. But yeah start off light. The stuff isn’t as dangerous as people like to say, but if you’re careless you can absolutely mess yourself up or at least be absolutely disgustingly miserable for a day or two.
absolutely not planning on running more than 250, maaaaybe 375 if I'm feeling really cocky and like I really need it but I seriously doubt it. Also do not want to run any even moderately high dosages these days since where I am right now is insanely hot and will be for the next few months so I don't want to be unable to go outside without risking passing out or death LOL
In the exact same situation as you. Ordered on the 8th, haven't heard or gotten anything since. Have ordered from nutra multiple times prior so this is a bit unusual. I'm guessing that something went wrong on the 8th and a few of the orders just happened to slip past the system. Either way I just sent him another email to try and get this shit resolved, not sure if he'll be responding though lol
Well if you get a response from him you’re doing better than me. I’ve sent two the last week and nothing. Kinda butthurt about it tbh lol


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