
Did a bit of digging and found this recent review on NB (posted about a day ago)

“Made an account to say this. After a pretty lengthy delay received my order after a few weeks a bit over a week ago. Prior to this Nutra had always been extremely reliable, and the stuff was quality. This batch though I noticed pretty early I had no sides, not even mild after 5 days. Upped the dosage, none. Played it dangerous, went over 1g in a 24 hour period, no sides. Tried burn test and it failed it, these being the "250mg capsules" mind you, not the 125mg. The packaging is also different from normal, where the bottles usually previously had several cotton balls to the point of annoyance of taking them out, each bottle only has one, and they're barely stained yellow. Rolling the capsules inbetween fingers also doesn't stain them yellow as it did previously and as I'd expect from dnp.

Either he changed the dosage to extremely low as a means of deception with capsules now being mostly filler (if there even is any in it), or he's rushing orders to meet deadlines and skimping. That, or he got taken compromised / sold the site off to a scammer and dipped out. I sent him an email asking what the hell happened, and will update this post if I receive a response, but the fact that at minimum an entire 50 capsules I have (but most likely all of them) are bad product suggests that nutraburn is no longer a quality source.”

What do you guys think? It’s looking more and more like NB is becoming an unreliable source. really sucks tbh, his product was pretty good.

@Rampant_S Since you already have a batch of his recent product, I’d like to hear about your experience w/ it by the end of the cycle & if you think its legit or not.
Just heard back and he said my order got dumped by his database and it’s on the way. I’ve used his stuff before so I’ll let you all know if it’s weak as described above.
I just received package last week been using for 4-5 days 250mg morning and same dose before go sleep. I feel it’s under dosed I sweat but not that much when with 500mg with a proper dose of dnp you’ll effects for sure.
for those with experience with nutra's 250mg tabs do they feel overdosed or underdosed? do you feel lethargic or just mild sweating? looking to do a 2 week 250mg ED cycle to see how i respond to this stuff.
Under dosed imo I’m using 500mg a day and not feeling anything like used to be
Did a bit of digging and found this recent review on NB (posted about a day ago)

“Made an account to say this. After a pretty lengthy delay received my order after a few weeks a bit over a week ago. Prior to this Nutra had always been extremely reliable, and the stuff was quality. This batch though I noticed pretty early I had no sides, not even mild after 5 days. Upped the dosage, none. Played it dangerous, went over 1g in a 24 hour period, no sides. Tried burn test and it failed it, these being the "250mg capsules" mind you, not the 125mg. The packaging is also different from normal, where the bottles usually previously had several cotton balls to the point of annoyance of taking them out, each bottle only has one, and they're barely stained yellow. Rolling the capsules inbetween fingers also doesn't stain them yellow as it did previously and as I'd expect from dnp.

Either he changed the dosage to extremely low as a means of deception with capsules now being mostly filler (if there even is any in it), or he's rushing orders to meet deadlines and skimping. That, or he got taken compromised / sold the site off to a scammer and dipped out. I sent him an email asking what the hell happened, and will update this post if I receive a response, but the fact that at minimum an entire 50 capsules I have (but most likely all of them) are bad product suggests that nutraburn is no longer a quality source.”

What do you guys think? It’s looking more and more like NB is becoming an unreliable source. really sucks tbh, his product was pretty good.

@Rampant_S Since you already have a batch of his recent product, I’d like to hear about your experience w/ it by the end of the cycle & if you think its legit or not.
That’s a shame. My last order was in May I think. Mine came with a million cotton balls all stained yellow and my fingers would be yellow after I counted them. I definitely felt sides but not as much as when I ordered last year and I had to go up to 500mg. His quality used to be great. But with that and him getting behind in orders I wouldn’t buy from him anymore. Bummer
Did a bit of digging and found this recent review on NB (posted about a day ago)

“Made an account to say this. After a pretty lengthy delay received my order after a few weeks a bit over a week ago. Prior to this Nutra had always been extremely reliable, and the stuff was quality. This batch though I noticed pretty early I had no sides, not even mild after 5 days. Upped the dosage, none. Played it dangerous, went over 1g in a 24 hour period, no sides. Tried burn test and it failed it, these being the "250mg capsules" mind you, not the 125mg. The packaging is also different from normal, where the bottles usually previously had several cotton balls to the point of annoyance of taking them out, each bottle only has one, and they're barely stained yellow. Rolling the capsules inbetween fingers also doesn't stain them yellow as it did previously and as I'd expect from dnp.

Either he changed the dosage to extremely low as a means of deception with capsules now being mostly filler (if there even is any in it), or he's rushing orders to meet deadlines and skimping. That, or he got taken compromised / sold the site off to a scammer and dipped out. I sent him an email asking what the hell happened, and will update this post if I receive a response, but the fact that at minimum an entire 50 capsules I have (but most likely all of them) are bad product suggests that nutraburn is no longer a quality source.”

What do you guys think? It’s looking more and more like NB is becoming an unreliable source. really sucks tbh, his product was pretty good.

@Rampant_S Since you already have a batch of his recent product, I’d like to hear about your experience w/ it by the end of the cycle & if you think its legit or not.
for reference this is my first experience with DNP, and I am using the 125mg capsules. The packaging seems consistent with what you described as the "before" with several cotton balls and they were definitely yellow. I wipe off all my capsules before taking them and some amount of yellow residue is usually left behind. I took 125mg at first but have taken 250mg two days in a row now, just to see what it was like. I noticed no sides at first which was expected because of the dose and because I was fasting. when I broke my fast, I 100% got hot and sweaty and continued to be hot and sweaty for about two hours afterwards. I have no question that this stuff is doing something. as for if its underused or not, I'm not sure but my dosage and what I feel seem pretty on par with what others have described, so so far Nutraburn gets the green checkmark in my book, even if it did take a little while to get to me. Unless a lot of people start having bad experiences with them, I wouldn't hesitate to order from them again in the future if I want to use DNP again
I ordered on 7/31. and since then hes had 40 new orders in the past 8 days. so hes averaging 5 orders per day. Maybe that's too much for him?

I got a email instantly after my order and and a tracking ID a few hours later that says "Shipping Label Created, USPS Awaiting Item" but the package has not moved at all just keeps staying at "Shipping Label Created, USPS Awaiting Item"
Just heard back and he said my order got dumped by his database and it’s on the way. I’ve used his stuff before so I’ll let you all know if it’s weak as described above.
Just got the same response from him. Looks like he’s still legit which I’m glad to hear, really tough to find DNP vendors nowadays. Will update w/ my experience when I receive the order.
Just got the same response from him. Looks like he’s still legit which I’m glad to hear, really tough to find DNP vendors nowadays. Will update w/ my experience when I receive the order.
Yeah definitely. I will say I bought some from Changzhou or whatever and it went great. Seems like it spiked less and was a lot more even in sides throughout the day. Dunno if that’s because of crystal vs powder or whatever, but the results were great and if I’m being honest I may actually prefer theirs. But either way it’s good nutraburn is still in the game. It’s some potent stuff.
I don't know if these reviews are honest or competitors. I still drench myself at night. But you may be right, my hands are not as sweaty. With that said if the dosage did go down a bit, I like these better.
Day 4 of 375mg and i haven't felt any heat yet, i do feel a bit dehydrated, and workout have suffered slightly but not that much, hopefully i start feeling more heat sides. Im down 7 pounds in 4 days. 245--->238lbs

Side note: my 250mg bottle seems to have more pills than i ordered, i ordered 14 pills but i counted 17.... i really hope these arent underdosed...

Currently supplementing with:
3+ grams of aspirin per day
400 mg caffeine
25 mcg T3
1500 mg naicinamide
Vitamin E
Vitamin D3
Vitamin K2 MK4
Magnesium Glycinate
Progesterone/Pregnenolone/Dhea (low amounts)
I take 2mg of cyproheptadine before bed and it knocks me out im getting 10 hours of sleep w/ a fan blowing on me on low intensity, feel great no night sweats.

Food: I eat when im hungry, I eat around 3000 calories per day, i suspect im burning around 5000+ per day. These are the foods i eat, most of my calories come from milk, beef liver and oysters.

no cardio done so far and i dont plan on doing cardio
I do my regular weight training for slightly lower reps
Nutraburn webite now says: "All orders from July to August may have had issues. If you experienced an issue with your order, please contact us via email for compensation." Guess i got a scam order because im feeling more heat from aspirin and caffiene than the DNP :(