
“How did RayPeatFanAccount die?”

“Paper cut”
Haha Yeah i hope i dont get a paper cut when im on that much, i take vitamin k2 mk4 to mitigate the bleeding of the high doses of aspirin.

Actually the reason i take that much is because high doses of aspirin are somewhat comparable to DNP in therm of the uncoupling effect. Taking ~1 gram to load then taking ~600 mg every 4-6 hours produces a significant uncoupling effect similar to DNP.

Caffeine is also an uncoupler in higher doses ~1200 mg /day
Caffeine Has Same Effects On Metabolism As Dinitrophenol

So my theory is to stack these uncouplers, caffiene, aspirin, DNP for insane fat loss.

high dose of caffeine in the morning + 3 grams of aspirin split throughout the day + 25 mcg t3 split throughout the day + nutraburn 375 MG DNP (250 morning 125 night) might be the most safe, effective, and quickest way to lose a shit ton of fat.

“If a newly discovered substance had aspirin’s anticancer, antistress, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions it would be the most researched substance in history.” - ray peat

“Metabolic effects of high-dose aspirin: Increase in oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide formation, oxidation of ketone bodies, fluid retention by kidneys and intracellular cAMP in neutrophils.” “Block in the formation of free fatty acids and conversion of arachidonic acid to cyclic endoperoxides.” “Uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation.”[2]

“We show that high doses of salicylates reverse hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and dyslipidemia in obese rodents by sensitizing insulin signaling.”[3]

Aspirin, brain, and cancer
I just received my order I made in July. Reading comments here and checking back nutra website, looks like I need to contact him for “RE shipping” the “new batch” to me as there are problems with the order I received. Does anyone what’s your with the faculty batch ? Underdosed ? Overdosed ? Not dnp ?

Can I email him with different email address with all order details ? Cause I got locked out of my old email. Has anyone tried the faulty batch ? What’s your experiences??
Yeah im curious as to if my faulty batch had any DNP in it at all. either it had no DNP or it was severely underdosed, hopefully this new batch is high quality.
I think it's really cool of Nutra to reach out and do that. After a week of the last dose only at 125 daily. I can say that after a week my shirt was properly wet. My hands were moist, but I can add drying powder to make them dry. Maybe I hyper respond. But being able to hold my wife's hands while losing some weight, I honestly liked the underdosed batch.
6 days since he said he would start shipping out the new batches and nothing has shipped for me yet... hope he ships mine soon, hes not responding to my emails either.
Just got the email about reshipping. Thought I’d check here to see what the issue was with the batch in question. Does anyone have any ideas? I’ve been taking it for a week so it’d be cool to know, you know?
Just got the email about reshipping. Thought I’d check here to see what the issue was with the batch in question. Does anyone have any ideas? I’ve been taking it for a week so it’d be cool to know, you know?

Could take 2 - 3 weeks and I'm basing this off personal experience. Dnp is a pain in the balls to cap and prepare.
my re-reshipment came in on 9/1. ive been running ~500 mg for the past 4 days, im sweating like crazy just sitting in my room, night sweats aren't too bad if i take my doses earlier in the day. Actually i feel cold most of the time because of the fan wind hitting my drenched body. down 4 pounds in 4 days. great stuff. re-ordering soon.
I ordered from NB on the 29th thinking he had sorted out his supplier issue by that point and it got here today on the 8th. Well I took 250mg on an empty stomach, then another 125mg an hour later because I wasn't feeling anything and wanted to test it believing it was weak - no nausea, upset stomach, no heat. Still 4 hours later I feel nothing. I tried eating a like 120g of quick carbs and nothing, can't tell I took anything. This is way different than the first time I ordered from NB a couple months ago. That shit if I took just 125mg on an empty stomach I was feeling the upset stomach and nausea shortly after taking it - then if I were to take like 250mg at once I could DEFINITELY notice the heat from that dose and especially after eating a bunch of quick carbs. I know it's my first day, but this shit has to be severely underdosed. Which is really fucked up of him to keep sending out bunk shit after getting a bunch of complaints from the previous batch and assuring everyone he had changed suppliers to a legit source. Extremely disappointed. If anyone could tell me his email that would be great since I tried the tutona email a couple weeks ago for a different question and the email got bounced back saying invalid email.
I ordered from NB on the 29th thinking he had sorted out his supplier issue by that point and it got here today on the 8th. Well I took 250mg on an empty stomach, then another 125mg an hour later because I wasn't feeling anything and wanted to test it believing it was weak - no nausea, upset stomach, no heat. Still 4 hours later I feel nothing. I tried eating a like 120g of quick carbs and nothing, can't tell I took anything. This is way different than the first time I ordered from NB a couple months ago. That shit if I took just 125mg on an empty stomach I was feeling the upset stomach and nausea shortly after taking it - then if I were to take like 250mg at once I could DEFINITELY notice the heat from that dose and especially after eating a bunch of quick carbs. I know it's my first day, but this shit has to be severely underdosed. Which is really fucked up of him to keep sending out bunk shit after getting a bunch of complaints from the previous batch and assuring everyone he had changed suppliers to a legit source. Extremely disappointed. If anyone could tell me his email that would be great since I tried the tutona email a couple weeks ago for a different question and the email got bounced back saying invalid email.
Agree I got the last batch and is bunk 250mg feels like 125
I ordered from NB on the 29th thinking he had sorted out his supplier issue by that point and it got here today on the 8th. Well I took 250mg on an empty stomach, then another 125mg an hour later because I wasn't feeling anything and wanted to test it believing it was weak - no nausea, upset stomach, no heat. Still 4 hours later I feel nothing. I tried eating a like 120g of quick carbs and nothing, can't tell I took anything. This is way different than the first time I ordered from NB a couple months ago. That shit if I took just 125mg on an empty stomach I was feeling the upset stomach and nausea shortly after taking it - then if I were to take like 250mg at once I could DEFINITELY notice the heat from that dose and especially after eating a bunch of quick carbs. I know it's my first day, but this shit has to be severely underdosed. Which is really fucked up of him to keep sending out bunk shit after getting a bunch of complaints from the previous batch and assuring everyone he had changed suppliers to a legit source. Extremely disappointed. If anyone could tell me his email that would be great since I tried the tutona email a couple weeks ago for a different question and the email got bounced back saying invalid email.
You are forming an opinion after day 1? I got back from vacation and started taking it again. Nothing really for a week, maybe a week and a half. And then I'm at work with my face sweating. Give it some time.
Agree I got the last batch and is bunk 250mg feels like 125
Yeah except for I ordered on Aug 29th after he had already said he had sent out reshipments for the orders all the way up to Aug 24th. So either I also still got the "last" batch, or the last batch AND the new batch are both bunk. Either way, I like to know how much dnp I am taking. Sure I could just take like 1g+ of this stuff and just go by feel of how warm I am or how much I am sweating, but then I'd you'd have no idea of how much dnp it is. Just because this shit is so far off - if the sides were at least somewhat similar between different sources you have a pretty close idea, but this shit is nowhere close. So you could be taking a gram thinking it equals like 500mg, but maybe its only 100-300mg lol
You are forming an opinion after day 1? I got back from vacation and started taking it again. Nothing really for a week, maybe a week and a half. And then I'm at work with my face sweating. Give it some time.
I'm just comparing it to the last stuff I got from NB like 2 months ago. And actually, yes, I am forming an opinion after just like 3 or 4 hours of taking my first dose, because in fact you can and do feel dnp within a couple hours, at least I do, and others I have talked to do. On one single 250mg dose even if its the very first dose in a cycle I do feel some heat especially after eating some carbs later. Also, I would feel a borderline "I may throw up" upset stomach and nausea. Like not super severe but it's very apparent. I took 250 then another 125 within the hour on empty stomach and I got none of that whatsoever. I was hoping to feel a little heat after eating a bunch of carbs but no. Only way I could see someone not feeling anything for a week is if it was a low dose that was spread evenly throughout the day. I don't know if it's possible for someone to take 375 on an empty stomach and not feel anything for several hours. And if it is, not sure why I was feeling it strong last time and this time nothing at all.

Sorry, but I just had this cut planned out so what I'm gonna do is take big doses for the next couple days to know for sure if I really am dealing with something that is potentially as weak as I'm thinking it is. If you're taking large doses then you definitely don't have to wait a week to know if it's legit if you aren't feeling anything. Maybe I am wrong with my first impressions and If that's the case I will gladly retract my statements, but I'm not gonna stay on something for a full week doing a stupid amount of cardio that I do on dnp and sacrifice my bodybuilding for that long when I can know for sure in a couple days.
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I don't know if these reviews are honest or competitors. I still drench myself at night. But you may be right, my hands are not as sweaty. With that said if the dosage did go down a bit, I like these better.
Why would you possibly say you liked a weaker version? That doesn't make any sense. You could just take less of the stronger one or the one that probably IS accurately dosed. If you start being okay with weaker product then you really have no idea how much you are taking and just going by feel. At least if you get a similar feel from different sources for example, you know the dose is also pretty similar, but with something like this that feels much weaker you really have no idea, so you're totally just winging it. Not the type of mindset you should have with dnp. When you say shit like this and that you gotta wait a week to know if it's legit and saying what a great guy he is while there's a bunch of people complaining it feels weak as hell it just really makes you look like a shill for NB. Yeah there could be competitors bashing NB but there could also be people like you shilling for him saying shit that doesn't make any sense just to make NB look better.
So is the consensus that issue with the affected batch that needed reshipping, that the stuff was underdosed? I’ve been taking low doses anyway, so I wouldn’t really notice much difference I guess. Is that what everyone thinks though, that it’s underdosed?
Why would you possibly say you liked a weaker version? That doesn't make any sense. You could just take less of the stronger one or the one that probably IS accurately dosed. If you start being okay with weaker product then you really have no idea how much you are taking and just going by feel. At least if you get a similar feel from different sources for example, you know the dose is also pretty similar, but with something like this that feels much weaker you really have no idea, so you're totally just winging it. Not the type of mindset you should have with dnp. When you say shit like this and that you gotta wait a week to know if it's legit and saying what a great guy he is while there's a bunch of people complaining it feels weak as hell it just really makes you look like a shill for NB. Yeah there could be competitors bashing NB but there could also be people like you shilling for him saying shit that doesn't make any sense just to make NB look better.
I am taking 125. I enjoy the weaker one because it stops the questioning from my family as to why I am sweating. NB doesn't need a shill, as people on the board can talk all the shit they want and he will still be selling. That and me making reference to a weaker product isnt going to have people line up to make purchases.
I am taking 125. I enjoy the weaker one because it stops the questioning from my family as to why I am sweating. NB doesn't need a shill, as people on the board can talk all the shit they want and he will still be selling. That and me making reference to a weaker product isnt going to have people line up to make purchases.
Well I don't know if you looked at the NB website recently but it appears I was right about the new product people have been getting lately even after the reshipment. Someone told me he posted this this morning after I had been bitching extensively here and on reddit. Coincidence idk, but it appears he tried to salvage the bad product and it didn't work very well. IMO, it worked horribly. My first impression was that you have to take 500mg to feel like yur on 125. I took 375 on empty stomach and it felt weaker than 125 of the previous shit I got from him. And yes you should feel good dnp within a couple hours on your first dose unless it's a really small dose like 125.


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