
1 gram?!?! Holy shit. I ran 500mg for a while and ended up completely blind and the nerves died in my feet. I had cataract surgery and the feeling is finally coming back in my feet. Most expensive run of DNP ever. Just be careful guys. It’s an awesome drug but also scary.
1 gram?!?! Holy shit. I ran 500mg for a while and ended up completely blind and the nerves died in my feet. I had cataract surgery and the feeling is finally coming back in my feet. Most expensive run of DNP ever. Just be careful guys. It’s an awesome drug but also scary.
Gah damn are u serious man? I know the risk of cataracts but dang that sounds terrible
Gah damn are u serious man? I know the risk of cataracts but dang that sounds terrible
It was unbelievable to me. Happened in just 2 months. My job was at an eye surgeons clinic so I asked my boss to do my surgery. I had the worst cataracts that we have ever seen in clinic. I can see amazing now though and won’t need cataract surgery when I’m old.

The feet thing was pretty intense. It felt like big brick blocks attached to my legs. I saw that peripheral neuropathy was a possible side effect.

I lost the weight I needed but I don’t think it was worth it honestly.
It was unbelievable to me. Happened in just 2 months. My job was at an eye surgeons clinic so I asked my boss to do my surgery. I had the worst cataracts that we have ever seen in clinic. I can see amazing now though and won’t need cataract surgery when I’m old.

The feet thing was pretty intense. It felt like big brick blocks attached to my legs. I saw that peripheral neuropathy was a possible side effect.

I lost the weight I needed but I don’t think it was worth it honestly.
Oh yea I remember u posting about it now but damn that's crazy. From what I understood women were mostly at risk for cataracts but I guess it can happen to anyone
It was unbelievable to me. Happened in just 2 months. My job was at an eye surgeons clinic so I asked my boss to do my surgery. I had the worst cataracts that we have ever seen in clinic. I can see amazing now though and won’t need cataract surgery when I’m old.

The feet thing was pretty intense. It felt like big brick blocks attached to my legs. I saw that peripheral neuropathy was a possible side effect.

I lost the weight I needed but I don’t think it was worth it honestly.
Would love a few more details if you don't mind.

Was this your first time running DNP? Did you run it 500mg from the start? How long before you noticed symptoms, did you stop running as soon as you noticed symptoms, etc etc.

Just curious, thanks.
Would love a few more details if you don't mind.

Was this your first time running DNP? Did you run it 500mg from the start? How long before you noticed symptoms, did you stop running as soon as you noticed symptoms, etc etc.

Just curious, thanks.
This was not my first time. I have run it 3 other times over 3 years. I started with 125mg and then 250 and then 500. On 500 I was doing really well weight loss wise. That last time I ran it I started to notice I couldn’t see when I was driving at night. The road looked invisible if that makes sense. And the headlights were blinding starburst patterns. Then that week my feet felt like they were on fire. I learned that was the nerves dying off. They started to go numb. But if I stepped on ANYTHING at all, it would hurt so bad. I have a high pain tolerance and that pain really got to me. I decided to stop the cycle then. Even though I stopped, the cataracts got drastically worse. DNP stays a while in the system. It’s been many many months now that I have been off. My feet are much better. Still very sensitive and numb but miles better than they started. I will not run DNP again. I know I can’t regrow cataracts, but I am positive my feet will get worse if I got back on.
Crazy! Thank you so much for explaining that.

So I can assume from what you said that you ran 500mg/day for 2 months and around the 2 month mark these sides showed up?
Crazy! Thank you so much for explaining that.

So I can assume from what you said that you ran 500mg/day for 2 months and around the 2 month mark these sides showed up?
No, the 2 months was from when I stopped taking it until the cataracts got so bad I couldn’t see my own hand. All my cycles were 1 month cycles.
This was not my first time. I have run it 3 other times over 3 years. I started with 125mg and then 250 and then 500. On 500 I was doing really well weight loss wise. That last time I ran it I started to notice I couldn’t see when I was driving at night. The road looked invisible if that makes sense. And the headlights were blinding starburst patterns. Then that week my feet felt like they were on fire. I learned that was the nerves dying off. They started to go numb. But if I stepped on ANYTHING at all, it would hurt so bad. I have a high pain tolerance and that pain really got to me. I decided to stop the cycle then. Even though I stopped, the cataracts got drastically worse. DNP stays a while in the system. It’s been many many months now that I have been off. My feet are much better. Still very sensitive and numb but miles better than they started. I will not run DNP again. I know I can’t regrow cataracts, but I am positive my feet will get worse if I got back on.
So sorry to hear you went through this. I have done a ton of research into this, reading much of the original papers and posts by concilitor. What u experienced is rare, and apparently random.

I've done so much DNP over the years, I of all people should have gotten at least one of your problems if total usage was a factor.
So sorry to hear you went through this. I have done a ton of research into this, reading much of the original papers and posts by concilitor. What u experienced is rare, and apparently random.

I've done so much DNP over the years, I of all people should have gotten at least one of your problems if total usage was a factor.
For sure! I’m just unlucky haha. Everything worked out in the end.
has anyone ever ran bromocriptine (anti-prolacin drug) with DNP? just curious.
Are anti prolactin drugs used to stop bitch tits? If you are coming off gear can you just use an anti estrogen PCT? Do you have access to blood testing? If so, I would just use DNP with PCT and run a blood test to verify that it's working with respect to it's intended purposes.

My personal experience, DNP has not interacted negatively with anything else I ran. I just wouldn't recommend DNP with somewhat similar items. For example, clen or T3.
Clen is horrible for heart+gives anxiety and shakes. Clen+Dnp was basically a death sentence for me, bed ridden all day. This was with stim assistance, tons of EC stack. Anything more, t3, or yohimbine, is just terrible. I would even take dnp over clen any day. But ever since sema became popular here there is no need for me unless you are a masochist (i am) and/or want to drop lbs quick.
Clen is horrible for heart+gives anxiety and shakes. Clen+Dnp was basically a death sentence for me, bed ridden all day. This was with stim assistance, tons of EC stack. Anything more, t3, or yohimbine, is just terrible. I would even take dnp over clen any day. But ever since sema became popular here there is no need for me unless you are a masochist (i am) and/or want to drop lbs quick.
I'm in agreement to Clen being horrible for you. Only because of the scientific studies behind it. For some reason Clen gives me a feeling of euphoria. And because of that I won't ever completely stop using it.
Are anti prolactin drugs used to stop bitch tits? If you are coming off gear can you just use an anti estrogen PCT? Do you have access to blood testing? If so, I would just use DNP with PCT and run a blood test to verify that it's working with respect to it's intended purposes.

My personal experience, DNP has not interacted negatively with anything else I ran. I just wouldn't recommend DNP with somewhat similar items. For example, clen or T3.
no not for gyno, im natty but im balding and i think the balding is due to prolactin buildup from years of stress and mast*rbation so im gonna do a small dose on anti-prolactin for a few weeks to see if i can get some hair growth back possibly, just wanted to see if DNP negatively reacts with it.

my hairloss protocol is going to be:

bromocriptine (anti -prolactin) (pro-dopamine) 1.25 mg ED
cyproheptadine (anti-serotonin) 2 mg ED
exemestane (anti-estrogen) 2 mg EOD
dermaroll+ (topical caffeine+aspirin+niacinamide+dhea+pregnenolone mixture)
25 mcg T3 daily for adequate thyroid function
daily 15 minute deep scalp massage.

I am reluctant to believe that balding is due to genetics or purely DHT since so many young men are going bald in their 20s when their fathers didnt start balding until their 35's or 45's, I think its probably more related to thyroid function, scalp tightness (bad posture) and scalp calcification, high estrogen, high prolactin, high serotonin etc.. there are so many factors at play, so im going to try to address every single one.

Im covering im fairly certain this will cure my hairline and bring it back down to norwood 2 or maybe even 1.
no not for gyno, im natty but im balding and i think the balding is due to prolactin buildup from years of stress and mast*rbation so im gonna do a small dose on anti-prolactin for a few weeks to see if i can get some hair growth back possibly, just wanted to see if DNP negatively reacts with it.

my hairloss protocol is going to be:

bromocriptine (anti -prolactin) (pro-dopamine) 1.25 mg ED
cyproheptadine (anti-serotonin) 2 mg ED
exemestane (anti-estrogen) 2 mg EOD
dermaroll+ (topical caffeine+aspirin+niacinamide+dhea+pregnenolone mixture)
25 mcg T3 daily for adequate thyroid function
daily 15 minute deep scalp massage.

I am reluctant to believe that balding is due to genetics or purely DHT since so many young men are going bald in their 20s when their fathers didnt start balding until their 35's or 45's, I think its probably more related to thyroid function, scalp tightness (bad posture) and scalp calcification, high estrogen, high prolactin, high serotonin etc.. there are so many factors at play, so im going to try to address every single one.

Im covering im fairly certain this will cure my hairline and bring it back down to norwood 2 or maybe even 1.
I simply wouldn't do DNP if you already have T3 in your protocol. If you however, want to continue using it, I would suggest listening to the MPMD podcast. Derrick loves to have episodes on preventing hair loss. The one I do specifically remember him talking about is the hair loss prevention/recovery SARM. But I think regardless, you would have the same question if you switched protocol. The question being it's interaction with DNP.

So, don't use T3 with DNP. But if you do my experience has been no negative or opposing reaction with DNP and anything else I used. Every other supplement worked to it's intended purpose.
LOG: high doses of DNP 500-1G ED for 16 days ran through 90 caps of 125mg.

9/27/2022 235.0 lbs <- - - - - – -Started my DNP cycle
10/1/2022 230.0
10/5/2022 222.0
10/6/2022 218.5
10/7/2022 217.5
10/9/2022 216.5
10/12/2022 217.5 <-- - - - - - - stopped DNP cycle
10/13/2022 214.0
10/15/2022 215.3
10/16/2022 215.5

25mcg t3 cynomel ED (split into small doses throughout the day)

400mg caffiene ED (4 tablespoons of nescafe instant coffee)

Super high quality b-complex (energin) and vitamin E (tocovit), bought from IdeaLabs Online Store - Cosmetic Raw Ingredients

glycine: 9-12 grams ED:

magnesium 400mg ED Magnesium Glycinate Capsules | 800mg

cyproheptadine 2mg ED <-(cypro is an anti-histamine, anti-serotonin, and knocks you out for sleep, had 10 hours of sleep everyday with this)

diet everyday:
1 gallon of skim milk
2-4 scoops of whey protein isolate w/milk
1 can of tuna
4-5 tablespoons of beef gelatin powder w/ milk
occasional oysters
occasional eggs
1/2 gallon orange juice
2-3 bananas
4-5 tablespoons of white cane sugar w/ my coffee
2 tablespoons of raw honey
1 tablespoon of unrefined coconut oil w/ my carrot salad
2 tablespoons of grass fed butter

occasional junk food

No cardio, other than regular everyday moving around.
45 minutes -1hr of bodybuilding ED
Last edited:

9/27/2022 235.0 <- - - - - – -Started my DNP cycle, 90 caps of 125mg
10/1/2022 230.0
10/5/2022 222.0
10/6/2022 218.5
10/7/2022 217.5
10/9/2022 216.5
10/12/2022 217.5 <-- - - - - - - stopped DNP cycle
10/13/2022 214.0
10/15/2022 215.3
10/17/2022 215.5

high doses of DNP 500-1G ED,
25mcg t3 cynomel ED (split into small doses throughout the day)
400mg caffiene (4 tablespoons of nescafe instant coffee) ED ,
Super high quality b-complex and vitamin e, bought from IdeaLabs Online Store - Cosmetic Raw Ingredients
glycine 9-12 grams ED: ( Spend less. Smile more.) NOW-Supplements-Glycine-Powder-1-Pound/dp/B0013OVZJW
magnesium 400mg ED Buy The Best Nootropics Online Today at Nootropics Depot magnesium-glycinate-capsules
cyproheptadine 2mg ED <-(cypro is an anti-histamine, anti-sereonin, and insane sleep agent)
500 to 1 gram a days tells me this definitely wasn't your first cycle. Great results for a 2 week run.

