MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

No one is questioning any integrity. I've learned to question everything in the underground steroid world. This is no different. Do you submit the samples? Do you work at the lab that tests them? Do you run the website? Do you personally know any of the parties involved besides talking to Millard on this forum? I don't know how much clearer we can be, it is probably 100% legit but if you completely deny that there is a lot of possibilities for it to be atleast influenced you are a moron. It is a tool to use to help users and that's awesome that someone has put the time and effort in for others to benefit but don't say others are stupid for being cautious. You are obviously biased with your tag so you definitely shouldn't say anything.that might come of questionable to new members wondering.
there's nothing wrong with being skeptical, but like I said research the program before you go spouting off an opinion. and if you have a better way of finding good gear, please share
there's nothing wrong with being skeptical, but like I said research the program before you go spouting off an opinion. and if you have a better way of finding good gear, please share

I have researched the company. That's all I do. It doesn't change anything. And just because there isn't a better way out there it proves something? This is a pointless argument unless you can provide proof or I can... And that's exactly the point I'm trying to make. Or that you are making for me.
than what method do you use. I understand you guys are having problems with pharmacom, but questioning the integrity of anaboliclabs is bullshit. I'd hate to have to go back to the days of gtg bro bulsshit and labmax
I'm not questioning ABL integrity I'm questioning where some of these samples come from. I dont think the lab itself is up to no good I never said that nor hinted at it. And I also question our willingness to keep giving a lab a g2g status on 6 month old testing.
Gentleman, Pharmacom isn't tripping at all about the posts people make concerning TA and the posts of pics showing the exact products and how they are disguised. It is their responsibility to train their customers. All it would take is a quick note in an email about what to expect after the customer has paid for the order and also to NOT POST ABOUT SHIPPING AND TA.
Someone posted that some of the posts made here would be grounds to be banned. The importance of not posting about these things is stressed by staff and the sources. Sources will not do business with folks that make such posts.
Pharmacom doesn't care and the fact that they don't is worrisome.
Pharmacom does inform customers about discreet shipping when they choose it, both on site and in generated emails.Besides this, the option is mentioned in our FAQ also. If someone does not reads it, it`s not our fault.
No offense to anaboliclab but I don't personally know these people and can't trust them either. I know they are likely honest members helping the community and that the tests are awesome for helping confirm gear. But I've seen some pretty crazy shit in the past. Could you imagine if some money was involved though. There are so many possibilities where it could all be bs. SIMEC being paid, sources starting anaboliclab under different handles, Simec just being a lab certified but actually being a source lab. I mean unless someone flys to Europe and watches a test then their is no way to prove it. That being said I do believe it is legit and I appreciate them doing it but I just use it as another tool.
you`ve misread the code. Don`t know why people check them, in any case Basicstero can not have fake codes. But if it makes you feel better, please do.

We updated our ordering terms and included an extra section. It specifically considers concerns you just mentioned. So, here is what we got:


1. is direct store of Pharmacom Labs, we are Pharmacom Labs. We produce all items available in stock in our store. Therefore, we control the manufacturing process and quality of all products in our range. You get real manufacturers guarantee. Thus, items of questionable quality are a subject for free replacement. Users have right to request replacement of questionable items. If this is the case, an independent qualitative/quantitative examination of an item in question by a third-side lab is required. This is our regular solution procedure for similar cases. As a rule, we use independent GMP-certified accredited Swiss lab Simec AG ( However, to absolutely exclude any tiniest possibility of our influence on the testing results, a customer is authorized to choose any certified lab on his/her choice. There are 2 compulsory conditions to keep the testing results as trustworthy as possible for both sides:

I. Only untouched/unopened items (vials/ampoules/pills) should be sent for testing. Since after an item is open its contents, purity and composition are no longer under our control we can guarantee the quality of unopened items only.

II. The lab chosen should correspond to all respective testing standards. Each test report should have an individual verifiable number, so that any person could contact the lab, provide report number and make sure that the result was not forged.

If a customer decides to take advantage of this item of the terms, he/she shall inform us about this in advance, provide order Nr., which contained the product in question and photos of it. is bound by these terms to replace to the customer the item sent for testing independent on whether the final result will be positive or negative. Furthermore, if the lab report shows negative and some considerable deviations are found, will completely cover all testing expenses and provide to the customer a good bonus for all inconvenience caused. However, if the report shows positive and no significant deviations are found, the customer should cover all testing expenses, but he/she still gets items sent for testing replaced.

Important: Deviations of the dosage within +/- 10% from the value manifested on the label are permissible.

Questions regarding the entire testing procedure, testing expenses, payment details and all other aspects are to be discussed and agreed individually per e-mail.

2. All claims/complains/blood works regarding Pharmatropin (Human Growth Hormone) are considered only within 1 week (7 days) upon order receipt (as per tracking number). Since Pharmatropin requires special storage conditions and should be kept refrigerated to keep its potency for a long time and we cannot check whether these conditions are observed by a customer, we may not and should not be reliable for any inefficiency or bad blood work results caused by improper storage conditions.
Pharmacom does inform customers about discreet shipping when they choose it, both on site and in generated emails.Besides this, the option is mentioned in our FAQ also. If someone does not reads it, it`s not our fault.

you`ve misread the code. Don`t know why people check them, in any case Basicstero can not have fake codes. But if it makes you feel better, please do.

We updated our ordering terms and included an extra section. It specifically considers concerns you just mentioned. So, here is what we got:


1. is direct store of Pharmacom Labs, we are Pharmacom Labs. We produce all items available in stock in our store. Therefore, we control the manufacturing process and quality of all products in our range. You get real manufacturers guarantee. Thus, items of questionable quality are a subject for free replacement. Users have right to request replacement of questionable items. If this is the case, an independent qualitative/quantitative examination of an item in question by a third-side lab is required. This is our regular solution procedure for similar cases. As a rule, we use independent GMP-certified accredited Swiss lab Simec AG ( However, to absolutely exclude any tiniest possibility of our influence on the testing results, a customer is authorized to choose any certified lab on his/her choice. There are 2 compulsory conditions to keep the testing results as trustworthy as possible for both sides:

I. Only untouched/unopened items (vials/ampoules/pills) should be sent for testing. Since after an item is open its contents, purity and composition are no longer under our control we can guarantee the quality of unopened items only.

II. The lab chosen should correspond to all respective testing standards. Each test report should have an individual verifiable number, so that any person could contact the lab, provide report number and make sure that the result was not forged.

If a customer decides to take advantage of this item of the terms, he/she shall inform us about this in advance, provide order Nr., which contained the product in question and photos of it. is bound by these terms to replace to the customer the item sent for testing independent on whether the final result will be positive or negative. Furthermore, if the lab report shows negative and some considerable deviations are found, will completely cover all testing expenses and provide to the customer a good bonus for all inconvenience caused. However, if the report shows positive and no significant deviations are found, the customer should cover all testing expenses, but he/she still gets items sent for testing replaced.

Important: Deviations of the dosage within +/- 10% from the value manifested on the label are permissible.

Questions regarding the entire testing procedure, testing expenses, payment details and all other aspects are to be discussed and agreed individually per e-mail.

2. All claims/complains/blood works regarding Pharmatropin (Human Growth Hormone) are considered only within 1 week (7 days) upon order receipt (as per tracking number). Since Pharmatropin requires special storage conditions and should be kept refrigerated to keep its potency for a long time and we cannot check whether these conditions are observed by a customer, we may not and should not be reliable for any inefficiency or bad blood work results caused by improper storage conditions.

It's actually quite sad that you had to write that down for these useless morons to understand , oh well, I have came to the conclusion that a lot of people here don't even lift, so it makes them to feel better bitching about people who actually do.

Hint: I would find all of your ips and in your next order all your vials would be filled with pee.
And little reminder:
Clomiphene citrate (Clomos), Letrozole (Letros), and Clenbuterol (Meltos) are in stock now
Promo offer is also running:
order for $200 - $90 bonus
order for $100 - $35 bonus
order for $300 - $200 bonus
order for $500 - $400 bonus
order for $700 - $700 bonus
The promo will be valid till the 1st of October
In case of a seizure only paid items are reshipped
This thread has more pointless shit in it then anyone would care to read..why? the general population thinks ordering illegal things to countries with laws is just ok and overlooked and you can just sit and complain about it as if you went to a actual legitimate store bought something with a defect and demand a refund are replacement... get over it already anyone who has sat in this thread and bitches about it...basically you dont like PC move the fuck on and try another source and see what you get... solution solved...
Wow BOGO for 700 dollar orders. Thats pretty sweet. Why do the sales start when I'm not ready to buy hah
This thread has more pointless shit in it then anyone would care to read..why? the general population thinks ordering illegal things to countries with laws is just ok and overlooked and you can just sit and complain about it as if you went to a actual legitimate store bought something with a defect and demand a refund are replacement... get over it already anyone who has sat in this thread and bitches about it...basically you dont like PC move the fuck on and try another source and see what you get... solution solved...
Yeah, its quite tiring, but in some ways thats what makes meso what it is. Everyones free to contribute their thoughts at any given time, whether necessary or not. Guess its up to the world to sift through the crap and find the useful stuff.
Gentleman, Pharmacom isn't tripping at all about the posts people make concerning TA and the posts of pics showing the exact products and how they are disguised. It is their responsibility to train their customers. All it would take is a quick note in an email about what to expect after the customer has paid for the order and also to NOT POST ABOUT SHIPPING AND TA.
Someone posted that some of the posts made here would be grounds to be banned. The importance of not posting about these things is stressed by staff and the sources. Sources will not do business with folks that make such posts.
Pharmacom doesn't care and the fact that they don't is worrisome.

when you place an order you get an email specifically saying do not talk about anything that has to do with your order (I.e. T/A and payment as well)

I've made the mistake before talking about payment and won't do it again cause I don't think it's worth it.
This thread has more pointless shit in it then anyone would care to read..why? the general population thinks ordering illegal things to countries with laws is just ok and overlooked and you can just sit and complain about it as if you went to a actual legitimate store bought something with a defect and demand a refund are replacement... get over it already anyone who has sat in this thread and bitches about it...basically you dont like PC move the fuck on and try another source and see what you get... solution solved...
I don't know this guy, but give him a freaking beer!
If anyone has used discreet shipping please pm me. I have a question that I'd rather not discuss in the open.
Hey Thanks Darius for the gift on top. First timer using pharmacom an you are a really cool cat I apperciate the help an the professional organization you have brother. Super user friendly those guys looking for a easy to deal with an professional company you found um. Im no shill an by no means a professional everyone rolls the dice when going with any source but this was the most stress free experence so far. Thanks again Darius!