Sending AAS samples to independent, accredited laboratory in Europe

Would you be willing to submit an unopened sample to an independent accredited laboratory in Europe?

  • No. I could never bear to part with gear.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. I would only send it to a US-based laboratory.

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • Yes. But only if I didn't have to pay for the cost of analysis.

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • Yes. But I would not be willing to pay more than USD $50 for analysis.

    Votes: 18 29.5%
  • Yes. I would pay up to USD $100 for analysis.

    Votes: 20 32.8%
  • Yes. I would pay up to USD $150 for analysis.

    Votes: 4 6.6%
  • Yes. I would pay up to USD $200 for analysis.

    Votes: 11 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Only a MINORITY of that minority will donate on a consistent basis.

Can we do something like this? For instance, those who donate will be the first to receive testing data via a special subscription?

If funding/lack of donations becomes an problem, it might be best to make membership at the new test result website contingent upon a minimum donation.

I think that option is probably the best way to go about this for a couple of reasons. First, many people are reluctant to voluntarily donate or pay for something they can get for free, and secondly, people don't tend to place much value on things they haven't paid for. If people have to donate something to the program in order to see the test results, the importance of the program itself will have more meaning to them because they have something invested in it.

The more I think about it, the more I think charging for membership is the way to do this. Too many people will be content to reap the benefits while others have to pay for it, and if the program fails due to lack of funding, it won't be a great loss to them.

A subscription model is not consistent with our current strategy. I realize that only a very small minority will regularly donate to support the project. But I am a believer in the power of numbers. If the numbers are big enough, then a very small minority will be all it takes. I want the lab results to reach as many people as possible for two reasons: (1) the viral distribution of the results will lead to even bigger numbers, and (2) the widest distribution will have maximal harm reduction effects.

Of course, there are benefits to a subscription model. If it comes to it, we'll put idealism aside and reconsider our approach.
This is particularly true early on in the analytical process, since FEW labs have all that's required for testing of this nature such as; the standards, the columns, the solvents or the necessary equipment.
Our lab has it all :)

If this changes, we will do our best to plan accordingly to keep the turnaround short as possible.
I'm a bit disappointed that not many ppl have donated. Where are all the whiners that complain about bad gear and bunk gear? I hope it's just because ppl don't know it and it's fairly new.
Millard's right, it would be hard to keep the test results private, this is the internet. One guy could donate $5 and then post all over the internet.
Millard's right, it would be hard to keep the test results private, this is the internet. One guy could donate $5 and then post all over the internet.
Not to mention that the goal IS to have the results posted all over the internet. The fundraising goal is crucial. I am hopeful we can achieve both goals.
Not to mention that the goal IS to have the results posted all over the internet. The fundraising goal is crucial. I am hopeful we can achieve both goals.

I am sure that you will see an even bigger increase in donations and donators once the results for the first batch gets released. The lab results for the first batch will most likely find their away across all the different boards, especially since the labs being tested have such a large customer base. The increased exposure should bring in a lot more potential donators. Or maybe that is being too optimistic.

However I think the progress for the gofundme page has been great so far, and I'm sure the donations will spool up even more when the results find their way across the net. :)
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How do you think some of these labs are going to react? Do you think they will start a smear campaign against the results or try to drag what your doing threw the mud? And how are you prepared to deal with any backlash? Do you think other boards will follow your example and begin their own testing? Do you think this will ultimately attract the attention of the authorities?
How do you think some of these labs are going to react? Do you think they will start a smear campaign against the results or try to drag what your doing threw the mud? And how are you prepared to deal with any backlash? Do you think other boards will follow your example and begin their own testing?

Ask William Llewellyn how UGL's respond to unfavorable test results. :( Millard I'm sure has some first hand experience with the unscrupulous tactics that are used to silence test results as well. On a smaller scale, many of us who have questioned UGL's even in the Underground here on Meso have seen them resort to lies and sometimes far worse to silence criticism.

The smear campaign / name dragging is pretty much to be expected, assuming the results turn up unfavorable for the lab/labs in question. It is almost guaranteed to happen at some point. The community will respond to the backlash and attempts to discredit the test results. IOW, it's everyone's job to help deal with the lies and deceitful tactics black market vendors have a tendency to turn to.
Thank you, Millard, for your continued trailblazing in the Community. The little $20 I pitched in under Tiff's name pushed us over $1,500.00
I was impressed when I saw those first 19 donors got us to $1,485. Some of you guys have an alarming but very impressive amt of expendable income. Any amount is a help fellas.
I think starting it the way he has is the way to go. Not everyone checks the board every day and people that stop by may not even see the thread. It has only been a few days. As weighted chinup said, i am also hoping that this is a boulder that will continue gaining speed as it goes along.

A lot of big events occur from a minority of people getting the ball rolling, so why not this? It does seem to take a stalwart guy at the helm, which i think we have in this case, not to mention some competent supporters.

I definitely don't speak for everyone on this i am sure, but i do not have a problem donating every month to a cause that is going to benefit the greater good for our community. It isn't a negative to me that "freeloaders" as Dr. Jim put it, will benefit as well. I want everyone to benefit and i think we need the information out there in black and white so people can see what they are truly dealing with. This is a safety issue and we have to regulate things ourselves the only way we can. It really doesn't matter if it is a substance i am using or not that gets tested. While it might be nice when it happens, it still paints a picture of the lab and fills in data point so we can understand how they are operating and adjust accordingly.
How do you think some of these labs are going to react? Do you think they will start a smear campaign against the results or try to drag what your doing threw the mud? And how are you prepared to deal with any backlash? Do you think other boards will follow your example and begin their own testing? Do you think this will ultimately attract the attention of the authorities?
Good questions. Nothing would surprise me as far as lab reactions are concerned. I believe the program will be implemented in such a way that it will gain the credibility and trust of consumers and vendors alike.

I am prepared for any backlash because I have objective, independent lab reports and supporters who recognize this as a gamechanger in my corner.

I hope other boards decide to help fund the current project. It is important to note that this is not a service only for the benefit of MESO and its members. It is a program for the benefit of the entire AAS-using community. The program is not a promotional tool for MESO. It will be on its own independent website free of any commercialization. Ideally, I would hope that all of the top AAS-related forums/websites contribute to the costs of the project.

As far as legal concerns, I don't think authorities in the U.S. will have any problem because there are no U.S. laws relevant to its operation in Europe. It doesn't involve the movement, importation or testing of AAS in the U.S. It all takes place outside the U.S. And the laws of most European countries are supportive of the principles of harm reduction. The laboratory conducting the testing is fully-licensed to legally and openly test AAS. However, if in the future, the program moves some of these operations to take place in the U.S. and U.S. based analytical problems, there may be some concerns.
Are the test results going to include a summary of their results clearly stating the findings? I believe just the results of the test can be confusing to decipher and to have a conclusion statement would be beneficial.
I am sure that you will see an even bigger increase in donations and donators once the results for the first batch gets released. The lab results for the first batch will most likely find their away across all the different boards, especially since the labs being tested have such a large customer base. The increased exposure should bring in a lot more potential donators. Or maybe that is being too optimistic.

However I think the progress for the gofundme page has been great so far, and I'm sure the donations will spool up even more when the results find their way across the net. :)

I'm sorry but what would compel all these poor 20 something year olds to donate when the results are readily available for NOTHING!

Nope most will sit on their ass awaiting the next release.

In that regard it's unfortunate this is an AAS forum rather than one for the Boy Scouts, :)

If this is to succeed it will be the result if Meso's long history of creating vets that do give a shit!

I truly hope I'm wrong but history says otherwise.

Just made a donation. Not sure if you have any control over the payment options page, but the boxes for account info are left blank. Would be more user friendly if you could get instructions for what goes in each box? I'm using an out of date browser, so just ignore this if the problem's my end.
I'm sorry but what would compel all these poor 20 something year olds to donate when the results are readily available for NOTHING!

Nope most will sit on their ass awaiting the next release.

In that regard it's unfortunate this is an AAS forum rather than one for the Boy Scouts, :)

If this is to succeed it will be the result if Meso's long history of creating vets that do give a shit!

I truly hope I'm wrong but history says otherwise.


Speaking of which, when do you expect the result coming out? I have no problem throwing you a little money because an independent analysis of all the major labs is exactly what I would like to see.
One more question. (this may be a topic for another thread but I might as well go ahead and ask it) If we see a unity among the forums in support of this, do you have any hope of seeing a unity among the AAS community to organize and lobby Washington to legalize simple possession, like with marijuana? It is estimated that there are over 6 million steroid users in America. Over 90 percent of those have to be over voting age and most definitely should be. And with millions more men getting on TRT......well I guess my question is, if a bunch of pot heads can do it, what about us Alpha males? Wouldn't that also contribute to the reduction of harm?
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I think starting it the way he has is the way to go. Not everyone checks the board every day and people that stop by may not even see the thread. It has only been a few days. As weighted chinup said, i am also hoping that this is a boulder that will continue gaining speed as it goes along.

A lot of big events occur from a minority of people getting the ball rolling, so why not this? It does seem to take a stalwart guy at the helm, which i think we have in this case, not to mention some competent supporters.

I definitely don't speak for everyone on this i am sure, but i do not have a problem donating every month to a cause that is going to benefit the greater good for our community. It isn't a negative to me that "freeloaders" as Dr. Jim put it, will benefit as well. I want everyone to benefit and i think we need the information out there in black and white so people can see what they are truly dealing with. This is a safety issue and we have to regulate things ourselves the only way we can. It really doesn't matter if it is a substance i am using or not that gets tested. While it might be nice when it happens, it still paints a picture of the lab and fills in data point so we can understand how they are operating and adjust accordingly.
I agree... Because let's face it some of a are in more of a position to donate then others but that does not mean they should not beabke to Benefit from this project.. I think as long as people donate if they can that's all that matters.. If u can only afford 10 dollars a month are even every three months then that's what u can afford.. Cause at the end of the day no ones family should be put 2nd when it comes to this... If one can't afford to donate then fine they should still benefit from this and maybe when they can donate they will...