Sending AAS samples to independent, accredited laboratory in Europe

Would you be willing to submit an unopened sample to an independent accredited laboratory in Europe?

  • No. I could never bear to part with gear.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. I would only send it to a US-based laboratory.

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • Yes. But only if I didn't have to pay for the cost of analysis.

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • Yes. But I would not be willing to pay more than USD $50 for analysis.

    Votes: 18 29.5%
  • Yes. I would pay up to USD $100 for analysis.

    Votes: 20 32.8%
  • Yes. I would pay up to USD $150 for analysis.

    Votes: 4 6.6%
  • Yes. I would pay up to USD $200 for analysis.

    Votes: 11 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Are the test results going to include a summary of their results clearly stating the findings? I believe just the results of the test can be confusing to decipher and to have a conclusion statement would be beneficial.
Yes, the reports will include an interpretation with a clear summary of the findings signed and certified by the lab. The lab has 14 employees including four PhDs in Chemistry and/or Pharmacy and laboratory technicians with vast experience in chemical and microbiological analysis, peptide chemistry, biochemistry, pharmaceutical analytics and medical microbiology. So, this is an interpretation of the raw data/chromatograms that can be trusted.
I'm sorry but what would compel all these poor 20 something year olds to donate when the results are readily available for NOTHING!

Nope most will sit on their ass awaiting the next release.
It doesn't matter. If only 1 out of 1000 people who see the reports/website/banners decide to donate and support the cause, that will be enough.

This thread contains the only announcement about the program. It has been viewed less than 9,000 times in over a year. It has probably been viewed less than a couple of thousand times in the last week (with some people viewing the thread multiple times). 22 generous donors in 5 days is very encouraging.

If the program reports/website/banners reach 1,000,000 people per month, the numbers will make it happen even if 999 out of 1000 do nothing.
Just made a donation. Not sure if you have any control over the payment options page, but the boxes for account info are left blank. Would be more user friendly if you could get instructions for what goes in each box? I'm using an out of date browser, so just ignore this if the problem's my end.
Thank you! If you can take a screenshot of the blank payment options page, I will forward it to gofundme for a response.
Speaking of which, when do you expect the result coming out? I have no problem throwing you a little money because an independent analysis of all the major labs is exactly what I would like to see.
The analyses have been completed. The only thing pending is the receipt of the official lab reports.
As far as legal concerns, I don't think authorities in the U.S. will have any problem because there are no U.S. laws relevant to its operation in Europe. It doesn't involve the movement, importation or testing of AAS in the U.S. It all takes place outside the U.S. And the laws of most European countries are supportive of the principles of harm reduction. The laboratory conducting the testing is fully-licensed to legally and openly test AAS. However, if in the future, the program moves some of these operations to take place in the U.S. and U.S. based analytical problems, there may be some concerns.
No samples are obtained inside the US? I wonder if that could eventually result in significant differences in what is sold in the US and what is sold where products might be tested.
One more question. (this may be a topic for another thread but I might as well go ahead and ask it) If we see a unity among the forums in support of this, do you have any hope of seeing a unity among the AAS community to organize and lobby Washington to legalize simple possession, like with marijuana? It is estimated that there are over 6 million steroid users in America. Over 90 percent of those have to be over voting age and most definitely should be. And with millions more men getting on TRT......well I guess my question is, if a bunch of pot heads can do it, what about us Alpha males? Wouldn't that also contribute to the reduction of harm?
I'd love to see that happen. Steroid law reform, including legalization of non-medical AAS use, would eliminate many of harms associated with criminalization. It will take the right time. And the right person to organize such an initiative. It will be a herculean task of enormous expense with no guaranteed return. I think American society is years away from even considering such a movement much less embracing it.
I'd love to see that happen. Steroid law reform, including legalization of non-medical AAS use, would eliminate many of harms associated with criminalization. It will take the right time. And the right person to organize such an initiative. It will be a herculean task of enormous expense with no guaranteed return. I think American society is years away from even considering such a movement much less embracing it.
Sad but true!!!
Also the only reason marijuana is being legalized is because its a multi billion dollar a year business and govnmt wants in on the action. Its really that simple.
No samples are obtained inside the US? I wonder if that could eventually result in significant differences in what is sold in the US and what is sold where products might be tested.
It could. The further removed the products are from the origin, there could be more issues with counterfeits. Under another scenario, is it possible that a manufacturer would ship "better" products to some regions/countries and send the rejects to others? I don't know

Given that a large number of US consumers purchase their products from international sources, I think the results will remain highly relevant to US consumers.

We must be always be cautious about generalizing the results from any single product analysis to products obtained in different countries, different sources and at different times.
Can I use Pay-Pal to pay you Millard ? ~Ogh
Yes, you can donate via Paypal but I don't think it is possible through gofundme. If you are comfortable sending it to me, I will manually add it to the gofundme progress meter.

EDIT: Thanks @flenser for confirming gofundme's policy on paypal.
Thank you! If you can take a screenshot of the blank payment options page, I will forward it to gofundme for a response.

My bad on this one. I just checked the site on my phone and the payment page was fine. The page must just be a problem for my outdated mac running old software. Hopefully will be fine for everyone else.
It doesn't matter. If only 1 out of 1000 people who see the reports/website/banners decide to donate and support the cause, that will be enough.

This thread contains the only announcement about the program. It has been viewed less than 9,000 times in over a year. It has probably been viewed less than a couple of thousand times in the last week (with some people viewing the thread multiple times). 22 generous donors in 5 days is very encouraging.

If the program reports/website/banners reach 1,000,000 people per month, the numbers will make it happen even if 999 out of 1000 do nothing.

I hope it works out and know if it can be done your the one who can get it done
Sad but true!!!
Also the only reason marijuana is being legalized is because its a multi billion dollar a year business and govnmt wants in on the action. Its really that simple.

So the only way for AAS to become legal is for it to grow even more into a multi billion dollar business? Well, we know TRT is becoming a multi billion dollar industry.
Yes, you can donate via Paypal but I don't think it is possible through gofundme. If you are comfortable sending it to me, I will manually add it to the gofundme progress meter.

This may be a good option for the future if you don't mind processing them. I made a contribution through gofundme but I'm not completely comfortable with the lack of anonymity with the process. My guess is there may be others that feel the same.

Regarding contributions thus far, I think it is important for those participating in this thread who obviously support and care about the project to get the word out in other threads where the topic may be relevant.

I believe Millard is correct in that the word really hasn't gotten out much beyond this thread and critical mass is going to be vital for the survival of this program going forward.
That is correct. The program is not open to sample submissions by anyone willing to pay a fee for the sample testing. There are many reasons for not offering this individual service. The most important one is to prevent the program from being used by vendors who want to abuse it to provide quality control for their operation, abuse it for marketing purposes, etc.

From a legal perspective and the concern those with ulterior motive may abuse lab results for personal gain that's an excellent idea and one I never considered.

However the grumblings of individual cyclists wanting THEIR STUFF tested are being heard around the world, lol!
Good questions. Nothing would surprise me as far as lab reactions are concerned. I believe the program will be implemented in such a way that it will gain the credibility and trust of consumers and vendors alike.

I am prepared for any backlash because I have objective, independent lab reports and supporters who recognize this as a gamechanger in my corner.

I hope other boards decide to help fund the current project. It is important to note that this is not a service only for the benefit of MESO and its members. It is a program for the benefit of the entire AAS-using community. The program is not a promotional tool for MESO. It will be on its own independent website free of any commercialization. Ideally, I would hope that all of the top AAS-related forums/websites contribute to the costs of the project.

As far as legal concerns, I don't think authorities in the U.S. will have any problem because there are no U.S. laws relevant to its operation in Europe. It doesn't involve the movement, importation or testing of AAS in the U.S. It all takes place outside the U.S. And the laws of most European countries are supportive of the principles of harm reduction. The laboratory conducting the testing is fully-licensed to legally and openly test AAS. However, if in the future, the program moves some of these operations to take place in the U.S. and U.S. based analytical problems, there may be some concerns.
Most all aas forum boards welcome any UGL for sponsor money..They might be hesitant to support with this because when the labs are outed with concrete proof of selling underdosed and fake gear..The forums don't actually want proof these labs are selling garbage they just want the funds the labs are giving ...when the labs start falling and so do sponsorships so do the forums...domino effect.... we might be alone in all of this..
A few of us put a lot of effort into your setup, and not just for our own specific needs. I hope you decide to try it again sometime. Funding is probably the most onerous issue. You shouldn't have to do it out of pocket. The funds are there, more than are needed. We just have to figure out a safe/legal way to get them to the lab.

Rest assured I'm not done yet mate! :)

Admittedly many of the problems were logistical issues that are out of my control.

However it's also ONE REASON I believe the decision to not test US products on Millard's behalf is a very wise one.

He makes the decision and maintains control of the project rather than a few M members who want THEIR results and WILL openly complain when things don't go as planned.
I agree... Because let's face it some of a are in more of a position to donate then others but that does not mean they should not beabke to Benefit from this project.. I think as long as people donate if they can that's all that matters.. If u can only afford 10 dollars a month are even every three months then that's what u can afford.. Cause at the end of the day no ones family should be put 2nd when it comes to this... If one can't afford to donate then fine they should still benefit from this and maybe when they can donate they will...

Here let me simplify MY POSITION, if you can afford to "cycle AAS" you should feel obligated to donate, period.

This is not about starving kids bc if ones funds are that limited, then you should not be using AAS.

The facts are what MILLARD is asking for is roughly the cost of TWO VIALS of those AAS your running, for an entire YEAR.

Thus those who state they "can't afford" to donate yet are cycling, emphasizes my earlier sentiment TALK IS CHEAP!