Sending AAS samples to independent, accredited laboratory in Europe

Would you be willing to submit an unopened sample to an independent accredited laboratory in Europe?

  • No. I could never bear to part with gear.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. I would only send it to a US-based laboratory.

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • Yes. But only if I didn't have to pay for the cost of analysis.

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • Yes. But I would not be willing to pay more than USD $50 for analysis.

    Votes: 18 29.5%
  • Yes. I would pay up to USD $100 for analysis.

    Votes: 20 32.8%
  • Yes. I would pay up to USD $150 for analysis.

    Votes: 4 6.6%
  • Yes. I would pay up to USD $200 for analysis.

    Votes: 11 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Donated $100
I knew you would eventually get around to doing something like this @Millard Baker
Great job and a huge thanks for stepping up to the plate. I plan to donate again in a month or so, maybe in a couple weeks. I just wish I could do more. Once again thank you Sir for all your efforts.
By the way I just stumbled across this today and seen a donation pool has been setup. We need to spread the word across the board so others will know this is here now. Maybe that's already being done I'm not sure but I didn't see it very easily on tapatalk. Why isn't this a sticky?
Donated $100
I knew you would eventually get around to doing something like this @Millard Baker
Great job and a huge thanks for stepping up to the plate. I plan to donate again in a month or so, maybe in a couple weeks. I just wish I could do more. Once again thank you Sir for all your efforts.
By the way I just stumbled across this today and seen a donation pool has been setup. We need to spread the word across the board so others will know this is here now. Maybe that's already being done I'm not sure but I didn't see it very easily on tapatalk. Why isn't this a sticky?
Fuck, I just did $100 too. Should've done $101 had I known... ;)
Just setup my recurring monthly donation and will donate more when I can. Generally I am pretty pessimistic about things, but strangely I am hopeful about this. MESO has saved me from making some pretty bad mistakes when it comes to UGL’s. Honestly I have never purchased from a UGL because of what I have read in the Underground and lab testing section. I’ve bought locally (which is no better than a UGL) and from my “longevity clinic” (which is insanely expensive). These UGL’s expect us to accept their words as true, and ultimately don’t care about what we are injecting into our bodies as long as they get paid. At least locally I have a face I can go confront when there is a problem, over the internet we can post bloods and a negative review while they continue to do business.

This program is our chance to level the playing field. Optimistically people will see that it is better to contribute to this and not waste their money and time on failed or subpar cycles. One successful cycle is better than infinite mediocre cycles. Hopefully there is no need to go to a subscription type model for this. The further information on these labs is spread the better chance of holding these UGL’s accountable.
The site will be up in about 1-2 hours :)

I will be back to answer questions after that.
Anabolic Lab - Independent Analytical Lab Testing for Anabolic Steroid Harm Reduction

A couple of notes:

(1) I recommend registering for the site for unrestricted downloads of the PDF reports. If you don't, you will be prompted to enter your email address for every report.

(2) We've posted the 5 reports for "testosterone enanthate" steroid products. The remaining 12 reports for nandrolone decanoate, boldenone undecylenate and trenbolone acetate will be posted over the next 12 days.

(3) The summary report is the only report for each product that is currently available. The raw data/chromatograms will be posted as soon as the lab scans them and forwards them to us.

Please provide feedback.
Im a little confused, i registered and was never asked a password. I left the site and when i returned it now asks me my pass word, since i never made one there seems to be nothing i can do to get back in it just keeps saying i forgot my password.
Im a little confused, i registered and was never asked a password. I left the site and when i returned it now asks me my pass word, since i never made one there seems to be nothing i can do to get back in it just keeps saying i forgot my password.

Maybe they emailed you the password? Have you checked your email?
Will the source be told of how the products were obtained. Was it via Darius (reseller) or basicstero?
Makes me feel a little better about my Prop and NPP that's on the way!

I assume these were obtained without the source knowing they were going to be tested