Sunaven Laboratories - Canadian Domestic Source

You will be posting it without this source being able to post back. He's gone. You obviously don't have a clue Mason. Neither does this source.
You don't get to threaten our members. You won't be logging on again. Get the fuck on.

I meant no disrespect, just calling it how I see it.
Im done with you Nick.

Post one more comment in here trying to contaminate my customers with your nonsense and I'll post your tracking slip for everyone to see. That has your full name Nick C****** and your full address. Quit with this, it's getting awfully old and annoying to be blatantly honest.
You're done. Enjoy the other boards that tolerate this unacceptable behavior. You have a lot to learn but you've learned your last one here.
If there are any members that support a source that threatens to openly post a members information in response to the posts this member made I ask you to reconsider. How dare this arrogant prick log on, make money, and then threaten a member of the board he pays no source fee of any kind. This isn't acceptable and won't be tolerated.
Broken promises? Lies? TA breakdowns? Show me them please.

Out of the current forty-eight customers and seventy-three orders sent out and received I have had three complaints from which two were resolved swiftly and one being this Nick fool who had received his tracking information long ago. Nick has a history of being a troubling customer too.

If you even count Nick as an issue that would still represent that 1.36% of my current customers were unhappy with their order while 100% of paid orders have been received.

I'm not gonna scroll up in your thread to find quotes that you know are there... 1)You promised tracking numbers, they never came through… 2)You said you sent people tracking numbers, that never happened!
3)Your TA is quoted at 3 to 4 days but yet people are sitting around for over two weeks!! Without promised tracking numbers!! 4) You threatened to post people's personal info!?!?

Bottom line, you didn't handle your business… And then eventually when he tried to handle your business, you did it the absolute wrong way. I personally wouldn't have said anything if you didn't threaten to post peoples info… But once you did that, all bets are off.

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This nick is clearly an asshole. That in no way makes the threat the source made out of frustration any more acceptable. If anything, the fact this idiot got his pack shows how unprofessional this source is. Let the facts speak for themselves. He fucked the dog with this second chances when threatening members in this way.
Calm down their killer. From reading your past posts I can see your quick to anger there buddy. But I am an Asshole lol takes one to know one ;]

Hey guys not to blow the whistle or anything. ive been on his test p and tren for about a week now and don't feel shit from the tren or test. and my balls are still as big as fucking apples not normal on a cycle for me.

I never received any tracking info from Sunapuss or I would of not been buggin the shit out of this thread. Claims he sent it multiple times. I have no reason to lie about this clown.

I wouldn't order from this guy atleast till I get my bloods in a week or so.

Ive been angry as fuck lately probably cus I just ended things with the slut I tried to turn into a house wife LOL
Been on the Test E and Dianabol for 3 weeks, will get blood work done soon. Strength has been going up a lot but haven't "blown up."
GET HER DONE MAN! I wanna see that Im not the only one wasting time on this clown gear been on for a week. Feel the same. I can up the weight myself no problem.

Calm down their killer. From reading your past posts I can see your quick to anger there buddy. But I am an Asshole lol takes one to know one ;]

Hey guys not to blow the whistle or anything. ive been on his test p and tren for about a week now and don't feel shit from the tren or test. and my balls are still as big as fucking apples not normal on a cycle for me.

I never received any tracking info from Sunapuss or I would of not been buggin the shit out of this thread. Claims he sent it multiple times. I have no reason to lie about this clown.

I wouldn't order from this guy atleast till I get my bloods in a week or so.

Ive been angry as fuck lately probably cus I just ended things with the slut I tried to turn into a house wife LOL

Didn't you just get your pack Monday?
Ya 3 days ago this guy doesn't know if he's coming or going ???

Sent from my N762 using Tapatalk 2
fuck you guys. Its test PROP have you guys never takin it?
Maybe Im jumpin the gun here but Ive been pounding the calories and putting on fat so I don't know.
Like I said don't know till I take bloods. So chill the Fuck out Fuckers!

What a real piece of work you are Nick. I suppose you think you're a real pro at the game huh? How bout you wait 4-5 wks for those labs dumbass. You really are the most stupid fuck I've seen here at Meso since Blazinshotgun took a timeout. Just an FYI, get the full labs done with e2/LH/TSH so we can see if you actually take anything you stupid fuck.

What a real piece of work you are Nick. I suppose you think you're a real pro at the game huh? How bout you wait 4-5 wks for those labs dumbass. You really are the most stupid fuck I've seen here at Meso since Blazinshotgun took a timeout. Just an FYI, get the full labs done with e2/LH/TSH so we can see if you actually take anything you stupid fuck.

this guys a fuckin clown the meso rx police as he thinks he is. Go fuck yourself punk
What a real piece of work you are Nick. I suppose you think you're a real pro at the game huh? How bout you wait 4-5 wks for those labs dumbass. You really are the most stupid fuck I've seen here at Meso since Blazinshotgun took a timeout. Just an FYI, get the full labs done with e2/LH/TSH so we can see if you actually take anything you stupid fuck.

Thank god someone said it. I felt like I couldn't because I don't post much and it'd seem ignorant but I lurk this forum a lot and this mother fucker Nick looks like a grade-A piece of shit retard
this guys a fuckin clown the meso rx police as he thinks he is. Go fuck yourself punk
Why am I not surprised at your dumbass thinking you don't "feel" anything yet from your just received gear. No one here takes anything you say seriously so just do everyone a big favor and disappear forever. I actually feel bad for you, like you must have ridden the short bus to school. Oh and I'll say it again...get e2/LH/TSH...look it up if you don't know what they are.
GET HER DONE MAN! I wanna see that Im not the only one wasting time on this clown gear been on for a week. Feel the same. I can up the weight myself no problem.

Are you fucking retarded? Can you count the days?

Yes the half life of prop is a few days, but you can't really tell shit for a few weeks. And it sounds like you constantly get burned anyway so how would you know? You also look like a DYEL idiot who probably has no business even using steroids so just stop talking and keep training

Why isn't this loser banned. If anyone on here ever sells to him again I would be in awe.

This is why open forums suck, losers stick around and ruin the place
Lol everyone wants to act tough behind there keyboard hahaha
All be taking labs in 3 weeks . When I do all be standing here pants down Dick hang in out ready for you guys to start slobbin on my knob
Yup he's a special one. There's always one in every class right? Well he's the one.o_O