Depending on what Ester I’m running is usually what I go by for a kickstart.

I’ll use injectable adrol anytime during my blast, not limited to kickstart. If I’m squatting, benching or dead’s I’ll use it preworkout. Also, IM injections will have a 24 hour HL versus 6-9 hours for orals
Got another blend in the works. Made a small batch yesterday to check on solubility and make sure it doesn't crash. If all good will be adding it to the list next week.

Boldenone Undecylinate (EQ) 300mg/mL
Nandrolone Undecylinate 300mg/mL

Have plans to add about another 20 more products to my list not including the pharm grade gear.
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This solidifies my position that you don't have the money, or don't have the confidence, to invest enough money into this side business to keep it running smoothly.

The idea of shutting down isn't a bad one, but it quickly snowballs. You shutting down just one time will create a domino effect that will lead to you having trouble staying open. When you get to that point, it will be difficult for you to fund your AAS line and probably impossible to fund your pharm product line.

Again, I think it's a good business idea but I don't think there is enough investment going into this from the start. I still hope to be proven wrong though.

I know this is an old post... But my source shuts down . Has always done it. He projects the shut down, and reopens when he says . I'm not bagging you, just saying it can be done . He's been around for a long time.
Got another blend in the works. Made a small batch yesterday to check on solubility and make sure it doesn't crash. If all good will be adding it to the list next week.

Boldenone Undecylinate (EQ) 300mg/mL
Nandrolone Undecylinate 300mg/mL

Have plans to add about another 20 more products to my list not including the pharm grade gear.

I like this. So many sources offer blends with testosterone. I prefer running lower Test for a number of reasons. These kind of blends make sense.
I know this is an old post... But my source shuts down . Has always done it. He projects the shut down, and reopens when he says . I'm not bagging you, just saying it can be done . He's been around for a long time.

I'm not following you. I have no plans on shutting down and don't have any concerns with funding my line up.

If the occasion occurs where I found it necessary to temporarily shut down for any extended period of time I'd announce it in advance, make sure all orders were filled, and would still be reachable for any emergency situations that needed to be addressed.
I'm not following you. I have no plans on shutting down and don't have any concerns with funding my line up.

If the occasion occurs where I found it necessary to temporarily shut down for any extended period of time I'd announce it in advance, make sure all orders were filled, and would still be reachable for any emergency situations that needed to be addressed.
I think.he was referring to the op not you. It actually was a favorable comment towards you.
I think.he was referring to the op not you. It actually was a favorable comment towards you.

Yeah this.
Shutting down isn't the end of the world. If you shut down out of the blue and don't communicate that's bad. But putting it out that your shutting down to restock and will be open in xx days and not holding an order for an extnexte time...that's totally fine.
I think.he was referring to the op not you. It actually was a favorable comment towards you.

Re-reading it I guess that does make more sense. I was like what the fuck is he talking about.

@Robfromga my apologies if I offended you or came across in a negative connotation.

There are a few sources that do temporarily shut down from time to time. In this business I can see why they do this. Sometimes you just need to shut down and completly disconnect. Give yourself a few days to regroup and recharge the batteries before getting burnt out.