Arms (was supposed to be delts too, but wasn’t feeling ready so just did laterals at the end)
1. Ez Bar Curl (bar to nose) - 5x15/15/15/15/10 @ 45/65/85/105/125
2. Close Grip Smith Machine Press (lower high on chest and tuck and fold elbows for max tricep load) - 5x15/15/15/12/8 @ 135/185/225/275/315
3. Alternating DB Curl 4x12/12/10/8 @ 35/40/45/50
4. Overhead DB French Press 3x15/15/12 @ 80/100/120
5. Tricep Cable Pulldown (across body, single hand, alternating no rest) - 3x20/15/12 @ 6/8/10 on the stack
6. Flite Plate Loaded Preacher Curl (1 arm) - 1x12 @ 25lb 1x8 forced negatives at 50lb
7. VBar Pushdowns (flared elbows, bar close to body, push down and away) - 3x15/15/12 @ 150/full stack/stack + 45plate
8. Lateral raises 5x15 @ 15/20/25/30/35
Yes, this is quite a bit of work for just arms. It’s just about the absolute extreme of volume I’ll ever do. This was preceded by a stint of much lower volume and this won’t be maintained for more than a couple weeks.