Favorite steroids to use and why

My understanding of why guys say you need test as a base for a cycle stems from a belief that only test can fulfill the role of test.

I just take tamoxifen but i hear arm wrestling can work too. In the past i played with exemestane but it seemed to destroy my estro so i stay away from AIs. Basically killed my libido and made my joints feel like they were rusted. It also helps that im rather lean and dont seem prone to gyno. If you got a lot of body fat i think you are much more prone to high estrogen from aromatizing steroids and also gyno formation, so maybe in those guys an AI is a necessity. Experience has led me to prefer a SERM as i get less issues verse AIs.

Dianabol is great, its very popular for a reason. The liver toxicity seems way over exaggerated but i think that has alot to do with a persons genetics too, some ppl just have crappy genes.
That’s all good and fine, but test is shit at building muscle and strength. I tried it for almost 2 months and if anything, my muscle mass and performance all got way worse
That’s all good and fine, but test is shit at building muscle and strength. I tried it for almost 2 months and if anything, my muscle mass and performance all got way worse

Whilst i wont totally agree as theres a lot of science indicating otherwise, i do not subscribe to the belief only test can fulfill the role of test so i dont believe its absolutely necessary to have test as a base in a cycle.
That’s all good and fine, but test is shit at building muscle and strength. I tried it for almost 2 months and if anything, my muscle mass and performance all got way worse
So while we're on the topic, what are some compounds that are good at building muscle? Coming from someone who wants to learn, don't really want to touch 19-nors.
So while we're on the topic, what are some compounds that are good at building muscle? Coming from someone who wants to learn, don't really want to touch 19-nors.
If you don’t want to include Deca- then I think your best bet is the following

HCG- base
Dbol- estrodial
Primobolan- anabolic properties

then of course you could take it a step further and include something like Anavar- but keep in mind, that would be 2 oral compounds which can be very bad for your liver. Make sure you’re taking NAC and TUDCA on any oral. I’ve taken steroids for 5 years- not too long. But I think my results speak for themselves. When I took testosterone, I still looked like I did before I stared gear and a lot balder lmao. Testosterone is just not a suitable steroid for gaining muscle mass.
I’m regards to 19-nors. I get what you’re saying. Tren and Deca made me severely angry and depressed at times. However, I have personally not had that same issue with NPP. But you’d need to run it at about 600 mg/week. Very costly seeing as NPP normally comes in dosed at 100 mg/ml in 10 ml vials
That’s all good and fine, but test is shit at building muscle and strength. I tried it for almost 2 months and if anything, my muscle mass and strength all got way worse
Dude ... you are def a certain kind of stupid. Sooo moron dumbass Connor is the .000001% that test doesn't have an affect on and actually deminished his mass and strength opposite of pretty much what the world says about test.

Guess what toooo retard fuk .....all gear is being manufactured still and anavar , mast are all back.

keep preaching your so called wisdom stupid
I know it seems as tho I’m being ridiculous. People are going to tell you test is your best option. But this truly is not the case. Most of the guys on these forums look like shit. They confuse fat and water gain with true muscle tissue. You don’t need testosterone. Look it up, golden era guys built their bodies on Dbol, Primo and Deca. That’s it. Testosterone is the most overused and overrated compound that you could take. I don’t even believe we should consider it an anabolic steroid. It’s anabolic effects are almost non existent in a muscle building context
So while we're on the topic, what are some compounds that are good at building muscle? Coming from someone who wants to learn, don't really want to touch 19-nors.
You wanna build muscle on no test no 19 nors?
The answer is all other compounds combined dbol especially. But this isn't a proper way IMO.
Equi Primo Dbol Drol GH Slin
It sounds good but really isn't if you don't raise the dosage to the point I wouldn't

Equi primo lowers estrogen so "you won't really build muscle" you'll need high dosage dbol this is not sustainable for long.

You want to run equipoise and after some months go check your estrogen if you aromatise you should be good with equi as a base. If not good luck
Dude ... you are def a certain kind of stupid. Sooo moron dumbass Connor is the .000001% that test doesn't have an affect on and actually deminished his mass and strength opposite of pretty much what the world says about test.

Guess what toooo retard fuk .....all gear is being manufactured still and anavar , mast are all back.

keep preaching your so called wisdom stupid
On the contrary- this new age of anabolic steroid users are coming to the realization that they do not need testosterone as a base of a cycle. Just because you got some nice little water weight put on with it doesn’t make it a viable option. Frankly, if you look at personal reviews of test only cycles- most people clearly say that it was a waste of their time. Wonder why that is? Simple, not a good steroid. If that’s what you want to refer it as
I know it seems as tho I’m being ridiculous. People are going to tell you test is your best option. But this truly is not the case. Most of the guys on these forums look like shit. They confuse fat and water gain with true muscle tissue. You don’t need testosterone. Look it up, golden era guys built their bodies on Dbol, Primo and Deca. That’s it. Testosterone is the most overused and overrated compound that you could take. I don’t even believe we should consider it an anabolic steroid. It’s anabolic effects are almost non existent in a muscle building context
I outsized Golden Era guys very early just for reference. If it wasn't testosterone I wouldn't
Also back in the day they used horses instead of cars...
If you don’t want to include Deca- then I think your best bet is the following

HCG- base
Dbol- estrodial
Primobolan- anabolic properties

then of course you could take it a step further and include something like Anavar- but keep in mind, that would be 2 oral compounds which can be very bad for your liver. Make sure you’re taking NAC and TUDCA on any oral. I’ve taken steroids for 5 years- not too long. But I think my results speak for themselves. When I took testosterone, I still looked like I did before I stared gear and a lot balder lmao. Testosterone is just not a suitable steroid for gaining muscle mass.
I’m regards to 19-nors. I get what you’re saying. Tren and Deca made me severely angry and depressed at times. However, I have personally not had that same issue with NPP. But you’d need to run it at about 600 mg/week. Very costly seeing as NPP normally comes in dosed at 100 mg/ml in 10 ml vials
That sounds about what I'm planning to do. Generally my understanding from what I've read, listening to podcast etc. sort of aligns with the same philosophy that higher test doses aren't really necessary, and should only be used as a base. Currently planning to do a first cycle of test and hcg and finishing off with anavar, and was thinking of adding primo to my next cycle, but that's far into the future, but might look into dbol some more as well then. Thanks.
I believe if you’re on trt or cruise then maybe test is less effective than those that cycle but I have no idea I never ran a test only cycle. But I did get better results from lowering my test dose and using orals only on 250 test maybe because of my metabolism. Idk high test really freaks my body out I’m some ways.
On the contrary- this new age of anabolic steroid users are coming to the realization that they do not need testosterone as a base of a cycle. Just because you got some nice little water weight put on with it doesn’t make it a viable option. Frankly, if you look at personal reviews of test only cycles- most people clearly say that it was a waste of their time. Wonder why that is? Simple, not a good steroid. If that’s what you want to refer it as
Even if they get it on the dark web?
I believe if you’re on trt or cruise then maybe test is less effective than those that cycle but I have no idea I never ran a test only cycle. But I did get better results from lowering my test dose and using orals only on 250 test maybe because of my metabolism. Idk high test really freaks my body out I’m some ways.
Because testosterone isn’t a muscle builder: the orals are tho