Favorite steroids to use and why

Idk man. Maybe I’m just too harsh on synthetic testosterone. I just don’t get any strength or muscle gains from it. I’ve always been interested in the golden era cycle protocols *dbol, Deca and primo* as well as the style of training *balls to the wall, maximum effort training* all of which have helped me grow appropriately. I am by no means someone looking to compete, nor do I believe I’m superhuman. But I will say I’m very pleased with what I’ve accomplished. I tried testosterone by itself. It did me no good, as I said…… I took LGD 4033, creatine and Turkesterone and managed to gain much more muscle and strength. Test did nothing. Even sdrol, LGD and Turk made test look like even more pathetic

Same reply as above ^
Now that’s a reasonable statement that I think many would acknowledge. It’s not an absolute statement and mentions your experience with it. You claiming that testosterone isn’t a great anabolic for you is a perfectly legitimate thing to state. A much more level headed comment but you couldn’t stay on that road apparently.
That study was on men who never used AAS before. Pointless study and a bad “anabolic”
Pointless except that it directly refutes your earlier comments about testosterone being “useless.”
No lol. Just trying to prove to some idiots that test is dogshit and their perception of “Test is best” is wrong
I hope you can realize that it doesn’t need to be an absolute. There is vast area between “test and best” and it being dogshit. Personally, I think the rhyme is certainly silly but it’s clearly effective. But more effective for some than others.
I hope you can realize that it doesn’t need to be an absolute. There is vast area between “test and best” and it being dogshit. Personally, I think the rhyme is certainly silly but it’s clearly effective. But more effective for some than others.

I would like to see an "expert" come in here and comment on this. It is rather confusing for a beginner sorting through all of this
Show me your studies.

Starting to believe you are trolling. You got me. I’m out.
I’m not trolling. It’s just a shitty muscle builder. If it were good; people would be turning pro on testosterone. News flash- they don’t. It’s much more androgenic than anabolic. That 1:1 ratio shit is so skewed. Test is at least 2X more androgenic than anabolic. I wish we had scientific studies on long time aas users that switch to test only; you would see they lose a shit load of muscle and strength and gain absolutely nothing. That study you provided is on people who were 100% natty their whole lives. Take any long term steroid user and I promise you they won’t gain a fucking thing
I’m not trolling. It’s just a shitty muscle builder. If it were good; people would be turning pro on testosterone. News flash- they don’t. It’s much more androgenic than anabolic. That 1:1 ratio shit is so skewed. Test is at least 2X more androgenic than anabolic. I wish we had scientific studies on long time aas users that switch to test only; you would see they lose a shit load of muscle and strength and gain absolutely nothing. That study you provided is on people who were 100% natty their whole lives. Take any long term steroid user and I promise you they won’t gain a fucking thing
You are correct, steroids in general are crap muscle builders, BCAAs are king and so is mega mass 3000.
I would like to see an "expert" come in here and comment on this. It is rather confusing for a beginner sorting through all of this
Not an expert, but my suggested synopsis is:

-Test is a good anabolic. It is generally well-tolerated and test-only cycles typically keep bloodwork in acceptable ranges.

-It works better for some than others; like most things in life, it's a spectrum. Where you fall on the spectrum will be for you to determine.

-The same applies to all other AASs. Weigh the risk:reward and determine whether you want to try a new compound. Add 1 at a time so you know how it effects you.

-Don't listen to absolute statements; they are typically missing part of the big picture. We are all different.
@Connor 25257 post a few pics to prove to us all your knowledge you bring to the table….. we’ll be waiting to see your stellar physique
I’ve done that 4 times since joining meso. I’m not going to spoon feed it to you. Go find it. If you can’t find it here, then go to UGbodybuilding. It will be there as well. User cocoh23. Lookie there, I even gave you a big hint.
I’ve done that 4 times since joining meso. I’m not going to spoon feed it to you. Go find it. If you can’t find it here, then go to UGbodybuilding. It will be there as well. User cocoh23. Lookie there, I even gave you a big hint.
You definitely have a lot more experience than I do, and probably many other on here... but....... Even on UGbodybuilding the majority does not agree with you. Does that mean anything? Dunno
You definitely have a lot more experience than I do, and probably many other on here... but....... Even on UGbodybuilding the majority does not agree with you. Does that mean anything? Dunno
It’s all opinion. I don’t like test. I think it’s a crappy muscle builder. Most people think otherwise. I don’t respond well to test. One compound I love that other people hate is EQ. For me, EQ gave me exactly what I wanted. 3D shoulders, vascularity and major trap size. Some people take EQ and hate it. They get anxiety, high BP and no vascularity. It’s really just finding what works for your body and what you get gains from. For me, test was not that compound
I'm not trying to be mean here, but if you had adopted this viewpoint from the begining, this thread would be about half the size that it is with a lot less bickering.
Most likely. I was just wanting to put away a stigma that you need testosterone in a cycle. Seemed as if everyone in the thread was giving a notion of test was a necessity
Most likely. I was just wanting to put away a stigma that you need testosterone in a cycle. Seemed as if everyone in the thread was giving a notion of test was a necessity
Yeah, I understand. Everyone is different, and you're at the end of the spectrum in that regard. I could not imagine running a cycle without test, but to be fair, I've never tried. Dbol does NOT agree with me, and I adamantly refuse to ever try deca. I wish you the best, man.