Favorite steroids to use and why

actually you do. Every report I’ve ever heard from users of EQ. Gym rats and pros alike has been its ability to building the traps, delts and upper chest. All of which I experienced with EQ even at 600 mg/week. Testosterone is known for nothing. A 3D look does not exist on test. But it certainly does on Deca, Tren and EQ
As strange as it sounds (I’m all about facts and pharmacology not opinion and forum nonsense) I did get a number of remarks about my traps and delts having more of a ‘pop’ while on boldenone. Haven’t researched it much, but the little I have is it’s binding affinity to androgen receptors (in the named areas). But that is also genetic as to the amount of androgen receptors available there person to person.

Either way, it still a poor choice when compared to nandrolone from a nutrient retention and anabolism standpoint. As well as it’s lack of data in human use (not to mention it is not available for human use in the first place) like nandrolone is.

The best combination of AAS in my experience, opinion and available new age Internet research is -
A testosterone base (personal I like high test if I don’t have a lot of external stress at the time - 750-1.2g)
With the addition of one DHT derivative, a 19-nor, hGH/GHRH&GHRP and optional insulin or memetic.

I think it’s important for me to mention that having test and these other compounds all high is what’s going to give you a hell of a time in terms of sides. The wisest thing I’ve done with my AAS use was recognizing the give and take of combining these compounds. You can either keep you test higher and additional compounds ’lower’ or vise versa.

The answer is not as simple as test is what’s causing the sides so let’s lower it to natural memetic levels or take it out completely. But rather I run one of these examples.

300-400 Testost
500-750 Primo or Drost
500-750 Nand or Tren

750-1,200 testosterone
200-400 primo or drost
200-400 nand or tren

Either way you do it this combo is the killer you all should be figuring out and sticking with. Aside from that work on your fucking diets. Then we will all look like freaks
Can you please walk me through the reasoning you used to arrive at that first conclusion ("Testosterone is a great way to still look natty since it’s affects on the receptors have little to no change")?
Exactly that; people who take test only look natty af. When there’s clearly a study that shows the androgen receptors do not change, that says a lot. Tren increased the receptors 6 fold. Want to look like you don’t run gear? Cool, use test
Exactly that; people who take test only look natty af. When there’s clearly a study that shows the androgen receptors do not change, that says a lot. Tren increased the receptors 6 fold. Want to look like you don’t run gear? Cool, use test
Dude give it up, your troll is getting boring. No one agrees with you here, no one agrees with you on the other boards..... You are misleading a lot of newbies.
Dude give it up, your troll is getting boring. No one agrees with you here, no one agrees with you on the other boards..... You are misleading a lot of newbies.
This is the entire problem with most forums. It’s flooded with newbies misleading other newbies.

On top of the fact they are faceless accounts, even I have read some things that make me question what I know is real and true for gear and training info.

The best advise is stay off forums in 2021 lol only use for obtaining the products, NOT INFO
Dude give it up, your troll is getting boring. No one agrees with you here, no one agrees with you on the other boards..... You are misleading a lot of newbies.
Then I guess I will just hope the newbies don’t make the mistake of running testosterone like I did. Go look at Brandon Hardings new video; 250 test, 500 primo and 4 IUs or GH. Hmmmmm wonder why his test is so low ? Primo is the muscle builder
Exactly that; people who take test only look natty af. When there’s clearly a study that shows the androgen receptors do not change, that says a lot. Tren increased the receptors 6 fold. Want to look like you don’t run gear? Cool, use test

1) what exactly do you mean by the receptor "changing"?

2) why does an exogenous hormone have to "change" a receptor in order for it to be effective?

natty POS

3) why stoop to name-calling?

1) what exactly do you mean by the receptor "changing"?

2) why does an exogenous hormone have to "change" a receptor in order for it to be effective?

3) why stoop to name-calling?
1. By that; I am referring to how other compounds have an anabolic effect on the androgen receptors. Test had little to no effect. Whereas a steroid such as Deca, Tren, EQ , Dbol etc have MAJOR anabolic effects. *fuller, more round look in the muscle*

2. if the receptors aren’t being fed; the muscle will not grow

3. I have no respect for naturals
1. By that; I am referring to how other compounds have an anabolic effect on the androgen receptors. Test had little to no effect. Whereas a steroid such as Deca, Tren, EQ , Dbol etc have MAJOR anabolic effects. *fuller, more round look in the muscle*

2. if the receptors aren’t being fed; the muscle will not grow

3. I have no respect for naturals

And i'm sure that naturals would have no respect for a troll that uses AAS as a crutch and can't train without them.
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Connor. Dbol as little affinity for the androgen receptor just like anadrol. They cut out rats pituitary in a study and these drugs had no effect suggesting they work through igf 1. Just like type 2 said Superdrol orally is stronger because it had a certain methyl group that is reactive in the liver. Also working through igf 1.

not all gear works through the androgen receptor. Being fuller and rounder in the muscle? Growth hormone makes me look like I gained 10 lbs in the muscle and it has nothing to do with androgen receptirs. I agree with some of what u said but ur last post is just wrong.
And EQ? Pretty weak compound compared to test
On top of that, test leaks me look way fuller where as tren can make me look flat. So many wrong points

i'm convinced he's trolling. He's been here a while now. He has access to so much information, but he appears to be getting dumber. He's actually pretty smart. Smart by troll standards anyway. He fooled just about everyone here. i don't think your everyday, run of the mill idiot could pull that off for nearly as long as he has.
And EQ? Pretty weak compound compared to test
I feel that in terms of muscle gains I’ve gotten way more from EQ.
On top of that, test leaks me look way fuller where as tren can make me look flat.
Also interesting. I’ve always looked great on Tren. Maybe I just eat a lot of carbs. Nonetheless, I will never support testosterone as a solid anabolic to building muscle tissue.
i'm convinced he's trolling. He's been here a while now. He has access to so much information, but he appears to be getting dumber. He's actually pretty smart. Smart by troll standards anyway. He fooled just about everyone here. i don't think your everyday, run of the mill idiot could pull that off for nearly as long as he has.
for a time I had my fun; but I fully stand by my point that testosterone is a shit muscle builder. I somewhat still stand by my raws theory. Everything else I’ll say was just a bunch of crap
300-400 Testost
500-750 Primo or Drost
500-750 Nand or Tren

750-1,200 testosterone
200-400 primo or drost
200-400 nand or tren
Do you notice increases in tissue accrual with Mast when added to the stack? Broscience and forums say that it is only a cosmetic drug. I was think test/deca/EQ, but maybe test/deca/mast would work better.
i'm convinced he's trolling. He's been here a while now. He has access to so much information, but he appears to be getting dumber. He's actually pretty smart. Smart by troll standards anyway. He fooled just about everyone here. i don't think your everyday, run of the mill idiot could pull that off for nearly as long as he has.
He’s not trolling I can tell he watches more plates more dates, I will say if he’s cruising or on trt then it could be a reason I personally never gave test much of a chance, I don’t think I get much out of it because I’m always on it, and it would take a gram minimum, I mean sure 750 with diet to the max but it just doesn’t seem like anything special when anadrol, and all these orals will just give me much quicker results.

my best steroids were always the prohormones. I never really gave injectables a chance and I’m starting to think it may be the reason I’m small because of that appetite loss. Most pros don’t use orals in the off season I think.

i think for i jectables to really hit you for experienced users it has to be a gram minimum and venture to the 1.5-3 gram limit and stop there. Can it be done without that? Of course. I just think most steroid users aren’t exactly as in tune with diet training discipline as the dudes with very good physiques. So it takes a bit extra to fill those gaps.

now me personally? I’m very attention to detail with training but I’m horrible with eating enough food. So that’s the gap for me. On top of that obviously I’m no training guru but I’m somewhat in tune with it. My triceps never grew til I dropped the weight and let them take the tension. Anyways I’m rambling now
I feel that in terms of muscle gains I’ve gotten way more from EQ.

Also interesting. I’ve always looked great on Tren. Maybe I just eat a lot of carbs. Nonetheless, I will never support testosterone as a solid anabolic to building muscle tissue.

for a time I had my fun; but I fully stand by my point that testosterone is a shit muscle builder. I somewhat still stand by my raws theory. Everything else I’ll say was just a bunch of crap
Well I’m pretty sure most pros went from the deca dbol primo in the 80s or whatever to test and some deca in the off season and tren on stage. They went from looking great to kinds just having a lot of red skin and hair loss but being a lot bigger. Now I’m no pro so who knows. I know when I first took a shot of trt 200mg aromatize horribly. Now I can take a 500mg shot and run a gram and not use an ai.
Who knows what’s going on but it’s a clear difference