Favorite steroids to use and why

He’s not trolling I can tell he watches more plates more dates, I will say if he’s cruising or on trt then it could be a reason I personally never gave test much of a chance, I don’t think I get much out of it because I’m always on it, and it would take a gram minimum, I mean sure 750 with diet to the max but it just doesn’t seem like anything special when anadrol, and all these orals will just give me much quicker results.

my best steroids were always the prohormones. I never really gave injectables a chance and I’m starting to think it may be the reason I’m small because of that appetite loss. Most pros don’t use orals in the off season I think.

i think for i jectables to really hit you for experienced users it has to be a gram minimum and venture to the 1.5-3 gram limit and stop there. Can it be done without that? Of course. I just think most steroid users aren’t exactly as in tune with diet training discipline as the dudes with very good physiques. So it takes a bit extra to fill those gaps.

now me personally? I’m very attention to detail with training but I’m horrible with eating enough food. So that’s the gap for me. On top of that obviously I’m no training guru but I’m somewhat in tune with it. My triceps never grew til I dropped the weight and let them take the tension. Anyways I’m rambling now

It sounds like you're suggesting that long term Test use causes desensitization or creates a tolerance. If that were true everyone on TRT would need to increase their dose over time to account for the diminishing TT results and that simply doesn't happen.
As a newb, are you saying of all of them, tren is best? Hope I'm not misreading your post.
Well I’m pretty sure most pros went from the deca dbol primo in the 80s or whatever to test and some deca in the off season and tren on stage. They went from looking great to kinds just having a lot of red skin and hair loss but being a lot bigger. Now I’m no pro so who knows. I know when I first took a shot of trt 200mg aromatize horribly. Now I can take a 500mg shot and run a gram and not use an ai.
Who knows what’s going on but it’s a clear difference
I have never heard that before. Old pros didn’t take test; they had a brain and new it was just a shitty compound in terms of muscle building.
It sounds like you're suggesting that long term Test use causes desensitization or creates a tolerance. If that were true everyone on TRT would need to increase their dose over time to account for the diminishing TT results and that simply doesn't happen.
Now I would say I 100 percent agree with you…. But I’ve always been curious if it is working through other mechanisms. Your total TT would stay, but cortisol would increase, myostatin maybe, all that kind of stuff. The little things.

I always intuitively believed if you’re somewhere near that natural range things a fairly close to normal and you can throw in 500 test and grow.

but when you’re at 1500ng/dl cruising, you won’t blow up off a gram like you would going from natural trt state to 500mg. This may sound stupid but my reasoning for this is it seems at the end of a cycle you can throw in such high doses and thing don’t really budge like they did at the start.

… all I’m saying is, I aromatized heavily at the beginning of trt. Now I never use an AI. BUT, my dht also basically doubled as my body started to develope more. (I started at 20 years old) my dht was about 24 on a scale of 18-75 after three months of trt. A year later it was more about 50. So maybe that’s the reason for the aromatizing slowing down.

now I’m no expert, but there are so many variables to the human body that i think it would take more than just a TT blood test to get an idea of what’s going on.

the body is always trying to reach homeostasis.

and regarding all this the one thing that always kinda left me confused is that you can take (recommended dosages) and get a good progression. But right around 10-12 weeks. You can triple maybe even quadruple that dose. And it just doesn’t really make a huge difference.

I have never heard that before. Old pros didn’t take test; they had a brain and new it was just a shitty compound in terms of muscle building.

i think what makes you the target of ridicule is that you continually state your opinion as fact. i'd wager there's more users than not that would disagree with your opinion on Testosterone.

I have never heard that before. Old pros didn’t take test; they had a brain and new it was just a shitty compound in terms of muscle building.
That’s what I meant the first guys weren’t using test really I think. But that doesn’t mean it was shitty. Idk I really haven’t developed a good opinion on it but to say it’s shitty is probably not a super accurate opinion. I will say I’m enjoying deca a hell of a lot more than test except for the mental sides.

I have never heard that before. Old pros didn’t take test; they had a brain and new it was just a shitty compound in terms of muscle building.
“Testosterone levels will skyrocket on Anadrol, strength levels will go through the roof and pumps will become very intense”

this is quoted from that article. Anadrol does not increase or effect testosterone levels in anyway
i think what makes you the target of ridicule is that you continually state your opinion as fact. i'd wager there's more users than not that would disagree with your opinion on Testosterone.
I agree. It’s not a very popular take. But I’ve seen for myself that test is not good at building muscle. A few YouTubers such as Fouiad, Taeian Clark *whom runs Deca only*, the article I linked has a YouTube channel, and multiple others all agree that testosterone is not a good muscle builder. Only once you start stacking will you experience good gains. If you are a beginner, then yes, testosterone is probably what you need to start with. But after you’re noobie cycle, its not effective for most people who want to continuously make gains. I’m my opinion, I think that is a reason why so many fitness influencers and bodybuilders are trying to get away from the test base. It’s not necessary. Even Brandon Harding is only running 250 test, 500 primo and GH. Mainly because primo is more anabolic and extremely low on the androgenic side. Test on the other hand is light on the anabolic side and high on the androgenic side. *balding, acne, water retention, possible blood pressure increase etc*
That’s what I meant the first guys weren’t using test really I think. But that doesn’t mean it was shitty. Idk I really haven’t developed a good opinion on it but to say it’s shitty is probably not a super accurate opinion. I will say I’m enjoying deca a hell of a lot more than test except for the mental sides.
I can’t remember which bodybuilders it was off the top of my head; but there were a few from the late 90s and early 2000s that never touched test either. I just feel that it’s hard to discredit Deca only cycles. Deca is even used as hrt and studies have shown it to be much more effective in building muscle, strength and recovery even as low as 200 mg/week
Old pros didn’t take test; they had a brain and new it was just a shitty compound in terms of muscle building.
They didn’t take test because of lack of AIs. I really think if you add the words “for me personally” after saying test doesn’t build muscle…. You would give people less chance to call you Connor the retard.

everyone is different and responds differently to different compounds.
To your credit, that is correct. That is a reason I dismiss the testosterone study on muscle gain. Still interesting for what it’s worth
Either way whatever people think do what works for u. Dbol is low androgenic and is the only oral to make my hair shed it takes a lot of anadrol to do it. Test makes my hair fallout worse than tren. Deca makes me look huge anadrol makes me look huge dmz throws mass on me better than anything else. Makes me look the biggest. Injectable Superdrol effects me different than oral Superdrol. Blah blah blah point is everything effects everyone differently. To say test sucks probably isn’t good but to say you react better with other compounds is valid. But it’s meso. If one jumps another follows.
All Nats is right . I've come to conclusion.
That if you pick a steroid (whatever , test ,primo,deca) and run it long enough at a proper dosage you will get big no matter what compound if it aromatize like crazy or if it's not.
All mainstream anabolics build muscle at close to the same rate. The reason your delts pop more on eq or primo is because of the low E2 state most people get in. It’s a nice look but deceiving and without the water looks more 3D.
Well for some reason you had to say it first but I’d probably agree with this but I still think orals are stronger than injectables. All day. I’ve never seen injectables at 2-3 gram doses though
I can’t remember which bodybuilders it was off the top of my head; but there were a few from the late 90s and early 2000s that never touched test either. I just feel that it’s hard to discredit Deca only cycles. Deca is even used as hrt and studies have shown it to be much more effective in building muscle, strength and recovery even as low as 200 mg/week

The problem with this pro said this and that pro said that is that they lie. Arnold was a liar. Sergio was a liar. God only knows who's actually truthful because the liars have muddied the waters so badly.

Use whatever compounds you feel are best for you, but don't go betting the farm that these guy's, who have something to lose, are always being truthful about their illegal drug abuse.
The problem with this pro said this and that pro said that is that they lie. Arnold was a liar. Sergio was a liar. God only knows who's actually truthful because the liars have muddied the waters so badly.

Use whatever compounds you feel are best for you, but don't go betting the farm that these guy's, who have something to lose, are always being truthful about their illegal drug abuse.
A valid point. That’s another problem with the industry. 99% of pros lie about their doses and what they use. For me, personally, I follow what @falseprophet09 had been doing. Deca only. No sides, great gains and 20x better than testosterone. But again, that’s my personal opinion and preference
The problem with this pro said this and that pro said that is that they lie. Arnold was a liar. Sergio was a liar. God only knows who's actually truthful because the liars have muddied the waters so badly.

Use whatever compounds you feel are best for you, but don't go betting the farm that these guy's, who have something to lose, are always being truthful about their illegal drug abuse.
I always love that shitty argument about "why would (insert name here) lie about gear usage?"

I can think of 2 REALLY good reasons:

1) Like you said, it's still illegal
2) One that I have never heard mentioned, maybe they feel like they're giving away a competitive advantage by telling people what regimen they're using.