Favorite steroids to use and why

I do like this analogy. At the same time; I think it’s fair to say that if someone ran 500mg of testosterone for 15 years *nobody do that btw* I don’t think they would “stop” gaining muscle. I believe it would come on much slower as the body adapts. But I think that would be impossible to stop gaining muscle on super physiological amount of hormones…. I would love to see a study on this
milos sarcev has ran 500mg the past 20-30 yeas year around afaik.
That's a decent analogy, bearing in mind the theoretical numbers are completely arbitrary. You'll have to dumb it down for Ironman though.
I wonder how often and how much one would have to increase the milligrams to keep seeing good gains though.
Test and Var. I was very late to the game getting started with AAS/PEDS. 36 years old. Ran test and var as my first cycle and absolutely loved it. Ran a test/eq cycle for my 3rd cycle but didn't feel like it did much. Since then i've only used test and var when preparing for summer vacation.In my early 40s and very health conscious. There's loads of other steroids out there and tons of sarms/hgh/igf-1 combos to run but i feel its not for me. I run 160-200mg for TRT and then bump it up to 500-600 for the summer and add var at the end. Seeing all these BB's dying in their 40's has hit home for me and that's why i've decided to stick with test and test only. Sure would like to get swole on deca in the winter and run tren in the summer but the risk just doesn't seem worth the reward imho.
Then I guess I will just hope the newbies don’t make the mistake of running testosterone like I did. Go look at Brandon Hardings new video; 250 test, 500 primo and 4 IUs or GH. Hmmmmm wonder why his test is so low ? Primo is the muscle builder
Brandon’s cycle is moronic. He needs to fire his coach.
Test and Var. I was very late to the game getting started with AAS/PEDS. 36 years old. Ran test and var as my first cycle and absolutely loved it. Ran a test/eq cycle for my 3rd cycle but didn't feel like it did much. Since then i've only used test and var when preparing for summer vacation.In my early 40s and very health conscious. There's loads of other steroids out there and tons of sarms/hgh/igf-1 combos to run but i feel its not for me. I run 160-200mg for TRT and then bump it up to 500-600 for the summer and add var at the end. Seeing all these BB's dying in their 40's has hit home for me and that's why i've decided to stick with test and test only. Sure would like to get swole on deca in the winter and run tren in the summer but the risk just doesn't seem worth the reward imho.
Now that i have my followup bloodwork with my doctor done i was think of running var with my TRT but I have high cholesterol and was wondering how it would effect that. I am also in the 40+ category and lost 3 friends this year not much older than me so am taking a hard look at my over all health. Have you had full panel bloods taken to check your levels? If so, how does the increased dosage added with the var effect those levels?
Can you please elaborate more?

I am very interested about your opinion
Just one example: Daily Log to 2019 Show Season

Sticking to what's in the public domain: Dorian outlined his offseason compounds years ago, and it was always test/deca/GH as a foundation. Not many good bodybuilders are running test so high that their E2 is >90 due to aromatization/gynecomastia (unless they've had surgery or are particularly able to handle the sides, which is less common than more common). There's always primarily aromatizing androgen in off-season cycles, with compounds that provide for "hardening" in-season (think mast, tren, halo the weeks before a show, etc). Things become more complex during prep.
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Now that i have my followup bloodwork with my doctor done i was think of running var with my TRT but I have high cholesterol and was wondering how it would effect that. I am also in the 40+ category and lost 3 friends this year not much older than me so am taking a hard look at my over all health. Have you had full panel bloods taken to check your levels? If so, how does the increased dosage added with the var effect those levels?
Yes, I run bloods at least once a year. Most of the time i do try for every 6 months. CV19 screwed us all up and so last year i only got bloods in Jan and will be going back this Jan again. All year long i take a plethora of supplements to keep me safe, hopefully of course!

I run Rich Piana's Organ and Liver Defender 365 days a year without fail. Not cheap but has properly dosed ingredients for those on gear or just wanting to protect themselves. I also run Animal omega and Nordic naturals fish oil. The animal pack in the am and the other in the pm. My cholesterol has always been within range but these two have made it even better. Any good fish oil is a solid idea.

Anavar can affect your cholesterol for certain, to what degree is dose and subject dependent. Some lads can take 100mg a day and see no increase while others the opposite. Var can lower HDL and raise LDL. You really want to get your cholesterol in check before running it. TRT can also affect cholesterol. Funny thing for me was my cholesterol actually got better once i started TRT. Not sure if it was the lifestyle change, the supplements, or test but i've got no complaints.

If your absolutely intent on running the var then at the very least get on a good liver supplement and try to get some good fish oil to assist with your cholesterol values. Not sure if your PCP has you on Lipitor or any cholesterol meds but that maybe a good idea if diet and supplementation can't bring your values down. Last and most importantly is blood work after the var run. You want to see where everything sits afterwards health wise. Take care and be safe.
They aren’t. Just like bullshitters o YouTube aren’t running “300 test, 300 mast, 300 primo and 20 mg of Anavar” it’s all fucking bullshit. We get it, harm reduction. But nobody is gaining much, if anything from shit like that
So I'm a 24 y/o noob and ran an oral only cycle first time and added 8 pounds overall. I wanted to go all in thinking about next cycle (7weeks) p/week:
300 test E
400 tren ace (might move down on dosage depending on sides)
(depending on sides adding 0.5mg p/week AI)
last 3weeks adding 20mg anavar p/day on top of Tren/testE
So I'm a 24 y/o noob and ran an oral only cycle first time and added 8 pounds overall. I wanted to go all in thinking about next cycle (7weeks) p/week:
300 test E
400 tren ace (might move down on dosage depending on sides)
(depending on sides adding 0.5mg p/week AI)
last 3weeks adding 20mg anavar p/day on top of Tren/testE
that certainly is all in
if you feel ready to go all in with 400 tren right off the bat, i guess youre okay with having your thyroid fucked, insulin resistance, insomnia, soaking your bed every night, going hypo 10 times a day, aggression
or you could do 100 tren and 300 test and feel way better and make the same gains
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I'd love suggestions to limit unnecessary compounds and stick to better stuff for noobs. I'm def sticking to 300test to start not sure which AAS to use tho
i would do 250test/50mast/50tren and no orals. because orals will make you tired regardless of which one you use, anavar aswell, orals make everything more of a hassle and less smooth

2 injections a week of; 125mg test e / 25 mast p / 25 tren a. simple easy low sides, no water bloat, great gains, wont even need an AI because of the mast

primo, mast, test, orals it all pales in comparison to tren. you can microdose tren and still lose fat and gain muscle at the same time, thats why it has the reputation it has. you dont need much. i know people that morphed their entire body on microdosing Tren A just 10mg/day with super low test trt base ontop
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i would do 250test/50mast/50tren and no orals. because orals will make you tired regardless of which one you use, anavar aswell, orals make everything more of a hassle and less smooth

2 injections a week of; 125mg test e / 25 mast p / 25 tren a. simple easy low sides, no water bloat, great gains, wont even need an AI because of the mast

primo, mast, test, orals it all pales in comparison to tren. you can microdose tren and still lose fat and gain muscle at the same time, thats why it has the reputation it has. you dont need much. i know people that morphed their entire body on microdosing Tren A just 10mg/day with super low test trt base ontop
appreciate the recommendation, I'll look into it. I've been reading a lot about tren primarily. That seems like a better start easing in with lower dosages.
I really like 750 test and 400 Mast for the strength gains.
Gained the most on test deca mast.
Best feel good cycle was test and primo.

Anavar i feel great, look great, great strength gains but the pumps kill me.
Anadrol great strength gains, better aesthetically than even Anavar, but high BP and heartburn.
Halotestin I have the best strength gains and I feel good, but can make me irritability and can only be used very short term.
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