Palumbo is a quack. Steve is a bit better, but still a BPD "know it all" influencer.
And for the love of good, stop talking about mg's and start talking about ng/dl's. 250mg's is around 2000 to 2500 ng/dl at Tmax for a lot of people, with free T being a lot more then only 3x supra levels and that certainly constitutes as a cycle. For those for whom 250mg's equals only up to 1250 ng/dl, I agree, that's a waste, but still, if one wants to be careful, more power to him.
Don't make this in to an ideological debate. Only morons who don't have enough knowledge to compose proper arguments turn to populist ideologies and this thread certainly does contain some of the meso's finest; so newb's reading this thread, be advised.