Primo: risk-reward profile... is it 'conspicuous consumption' or does it really only 'shine' with long-term use?

genetics are irrelevant, if 9 out of 10 guys see their hairline receede on tren, then tren is the culprit, not whether or not you are predisposed to mpb by genetics. Same goes for primo, it's a known shedder to many whomst have used it, and more people would have shedded on primo but they probably injected test that was sold as primo, hence why they didnt shed as much as they should have.

So what the fuck is wrong with you?
Were you taking an AI? Do you feel that an AI is actually unnecessary with 500mg+ primo in the mix? What was E2 like?
I never use an AI with anything as I never need one, my test dosages never go above 500mg though. E2 was low end of normal, I’ll have to look and see what it was exactly. I would think primo could eliminate the need for one in some people, it’s definitely healthier than using an AI in my opinion.
genetics are irrelevant, if 9 out of 10 guys see their hairline receede on tren, then tren is the culprit, not whether or not you are predisposed to mpb by genetics. Same goes for primo, it's a known shedder to many whomst have used it, and more people would have shedded on primo but they probably injected test that was sold as primo, hence why they didnt shed as much as they should have.

So what the fuck is wrong with you?
calm down, i just wanted to say that not everyone loses hair just looking at a vial. And if your predisposed to MPB, simply avoid certain compounds, or quit when you get sides. Not be saying primo is shit because it causes hairloss tralalala-la...

It doesn't cause hairloss... it just activates your predisposition to losing hair... your weak hair genetics.

Just like i avoid high doses of test or masteron, because it causes bad skin..

People are generalizing things way too much, not taking into account we have fucking 3 billion+ of gene combinations..
I don't! Never shed hair on it. I think it must be part of why I've been so skeptical about primo even causing hair loss. But I'm not going to ignore the facts, tons of people do lose hair from it.
lol post top of head. or better yet tell me what supplements youre taking
Is this the norm, or do people who cycle this year long start to see side effects in their blood? What benefit do you get from such a low cycle of primo?
I tried to tell you in the other thread.... this is what experienced bodybuilders use just to cruise and maintain in between cycles and maybe gain a lb or two a month if they are lucky. Didn't you read that? It's actually what I'm doing right now.

And yeah, I have to donate blood whenever I'm allowed and consider bp meds.
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I tried to tell you in the other thread.... this is what experienced bodybuilders use just to cruise and maintain in between cycles and maybe gain a lb or two a month if they are lucky. Didn't you read that? It's actually what I'm doing right now.

And yeah, I have to donate blood whenever I'm allowed and consider bp meds.
I know people cycle on the dose I’m doing - but even a pound a month vs natty gains is still tremendous. Not what AAS users are used to but I would beyond happy with that pace of lean muscle gain.

After how many weeks do you end up having to donate blood & have BP issues? I’m only doing a 16 week cycle
I know people cycle on the dose I’m doing - but even a pound a month vs natty gains is still tremendous. Not what AAS users are used to but I would beyond happy with that pace of lean muscle gain.

After how many weeks do you end up having to donate blood & have BP issues? I’m only doing a 16 week cycle
Would probably want to donate at week 8 and week 16, give or take a week or two. Red Cross limits your donations to one every 56 days... all info is googleable.
Would probably want to donate at week 8 and week 16, give or take a week or two. Red Cross limits your donations to one every 56 days... all info is googleable.
Yeah, I meant - when do your hematocrit levels get high enough on a 200:200 cycle where you need to actually donate? Most I’ve asked said they haven’t needed to donate even at 12 weeks on 500:500
Yeah, I meant - when do your hematocrit levels get high enough on a 200:200 cycle where you need to actually donate? Most I’ve asked said they haven’t needed to donate even at 12 weeks on 500:500
At 250 test and 200 primo a week, and 10mg anavar pre workout 3x a week, my hemoglobin was 17.5 last time I donated and the upper limit is 17.3 for adult men. So my blood was getting thicker that what is healthy, I was retaining more iron than is healthy and it was time to donate. If you follow Vigorous Steve's Youtube channel he's on about the same thing (minus the anavar), has been for 3 months, and his hemoglobin was 17.6. He also checked his hematocrit and that was 53% which was high. So he's in Thailand and foreigners cannot donate but he's getting a therapeutic phlebotomy.

But I think the bottom line is when you're on primo (or boldenone) it's never a bad idea to donate blood. Your body will regrow the red blood cells you lost and even more so. After about a month your hemoglobin probably won't be elevated but after 3 months it will be and you'll wish you donated at the 1 month mark.
At 250 test and 200 primo a week, and 10mg anavar pre workout 3x a week, my hemoglobin was 17.5 last time I donated and the upper limit is 17.3 for adult men. So my blood was getting thicker that what is healthy, I was retaining more iron than is healthy and it was time to donate. If you follow Vigorous Steve's Youtube channel he's on about the same thing (minus the anavar), has been for 3 months, and his hemoglobin was 17.6. He also checked his hematocrit and that was 53% which was high. So he's in Thailand and foreigners cannot donate but he's getting a therapeutic phlebotomy.

But I think the bottom line is when you're on primo (or boldenone) it's never a bad idea to donate blood. Your body will regrow the red blood cells you lost and even more so. After about a month your hemoglobin probably won't be elevated but after 3 months it will be and you'll wish you donated at the 1 month mark.
Super helpful, thanks man

I've done some experimenting with Primo and tend to like it. It has a low side effect profile, but it does have a tendency to drop my estrogen levels, so running it at a proper ratio to Test is key for me.

Too much primo relative to test tanks my estrogen, followed by my lipids, and causes many low estrogen side effects for me.


I was running
70mg Test E
200iu HCG / day
75iu HMG 2 x week

My E2 levels were staying in mid 50s with my total testosterone around 650. I was doing a fertility protocol. Adding in 170mg of primo dropped my Total estrogen (Not E2, but total) to 16 pg/mL (ref range 31-167). This was a significant drop since my E2 was on the higher end before adding primo.

I adjusted my protocol:

Test to 87.5mg / week
Primo to 70mg / week.

Total E2 increased to 90 pg/mL
E2 ultrasensitive was 29

After further experimentation I'm currently running Test about 25-30% higher than my Primo and this has been working great at TRT+ dosages.

How people respond will vary and the best thing to do is start with a comfortable Testosterone dosage and slowly add in primo....allow 4-8 weeks for your body to stabilize and then do bloodwork and adjust from there. (Same with any compound)