Primo: risk-reward profile... is it 'conspicuous consumption' or does it really only 'shine' with long-term use?


I've done some experimenting with Primo and tend to like it. It has a low side effect profile, but it does have a tendency to drop my estrogen levels, so running it at a proper ratio to Test is key for me.

Too much primo relative to test tanks my estrogen, followed by my lipids, and causes many low estrogen side effects for me.


I was running
70mg Test E
200iu HCG / day
75iu HMG 2 x week

My E2 levels were staying in mid 50s with my total testosterone around 650. I was doing a fertility protocol. Adding in 170mg of primo dropped my Total estrogen (Not E2, but total) to 16 pg/mL (ref range 31-167). This was a significant drop since my E2 was on the higher end before adding primo.

I adjusted my protocol:

Test to 87.5mg / week
Primo to 70mg / week.

Total E2 increased to 90 pg/mL
E2 ultrasensitive was 29

After further experimentation I'm currently running Test about 25-30% higher than my Primo and this has been working great at TRT+ dosages.

How people respond will vary and the best thing to do is start with a comfortable Testosterone dosage and slowly add in primo....allow 4-8 weeks for your body to stabilize and then do bloodwork and adjust from there. (Same with any compound)
Excellent data! Thanks for this.
I recently ran primo at 600mg per week, I ran it for my entire 16 week prep for my show, and admittedly I was running it for quite a while before starting prep. I pulled labs twice while on the primo, and then once last week after coming off the primo, and my labs are looking great. I really loved primo, for me it really clicked and I as making great physique and strength gains while on just test+primo+gh. I agree with the guys above, if you expect tren like results, yoh may be disapointed, but for me I was quite the opposite. I was anything but disappointed. I threw in 250mg of npp and man combined with primo I was full as a fucking house. Dropped the npp 4 weeks out from the show.
I tried to tell you in the other thread.... this is what experienced bodybuilders use just to cruise and maintain in between cycles and maybe gain a lb or two a month if they are lucky. Didn't you read that? It's actually what I'm doing right now.

And yeah, I have to donate blood whenever I'm allowed and consider bp meds.
How would you see DHB instead of primo at a maintenance cruise? Same effect at somewhere around half the dose of primo, or better just stick to primo? And the ability to preserve muscle in a cut?
primo kills my libido and its not because of E2. its something else primo does, so whoever wants to figure that one out time to get in the lab boyo. Greenamine said it might be DHT displacement

either way primo is off the table for me. Shame, it really made me look full in the best way
primo kills my libido and its not because of E2. its something else primo does, so whoever wants to figure that one out time to get in the lab boyo. Greenamine said it might be DHT displacement

either way primo is off the table for me. Shame, it really made me look full in the best way
I second this. I really liked the aesthetic effects. Did you try any other compound that fits your better? I am on mast right now and am enjoying it
I second this. I really liked the aesthetic effects. Did you try any other compound that fits your better? I am on mast right now and am enjoying it
Oh yes indeed my man. im on mast too and tren, i feel like primo + tren made me look twice as big, but i guess thats expected
I've ran primo a year ago, but with mast. I was cruising on test and mast up until December or so when I switched to primo. I've read a lot of guys talk of low libido when on primo, I personally didn't buy it at first.

Been on 250 test, 450 primo since late December, increased primo to 500 three weeks ago. About the time the mast cleared and primo accumulated, zero libido. As in none. Planning to get bloodwork soon, my E2 has got to be low.
I've ran primo a year ago, but with mast. I was cruising on test and mast up until December or so when I switched to primo. I've read a lot of guys talk of low libido when on primo, I personally didn't buy it at first.

Been on 250 test, 450 primo since late December, increased primo to 500 three weeks ago. About the time the mast cleared and primo accumulated, zero libido. As in none. Planning to get bloodwork soon, my E2 has got to be low.
primo what a fickled whore
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Why? What else about primo would cause libido issues?
i dont know. but in 12 hours i went from jerking off 4 times a day to not being able to get a boner. i was on 1500mg test+250tren when i injected primo

and its happened twice, both times when i start primo. if im gonna believe its due to estro being crushed, then we dont need letro anymore because primo is way more effective apparently

this only happens to people with legit primo tho. the rest of you are injecting masteron or test prop and wondering why people complain about primo and libido issues

I saw someone on another forum compare primo to being chemically castrated, and thats probably the most apt description you can muster, tho i havent been chemically castrated before i imagine thats how it feels
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i dont know. but in 12 hours i went from jerking off 4 times a day to not being able to get a boner. i was on 1500mg test+250tren when i injected primo

and its happened twice, both times when i start primo. if im gonna believe its due to estro being crushed, then we dont need letro anymore because primo is way more effective apparently

this only happens to people with legit primo tho. the rest of you are injecting masteron or test prop and wondering why people complain about primo and libido issues

Right so it's not legit primo unless you can't get a boner, gotcha.
Right so it's not legit primo unless you can't get a boner, gotcha.
i mean i dont rly give a shit. im just saying what happens when u inject primo. ur dick goes limp and u lose all sex drive.

who cares anyways, primo is weak anyways, all it does is load u with glycogen that goes away faster than dbol bloat when u stop. yes its a good "Look" but its not real hypertrophy otherwise nobody would use anything except primo

u can pretend like thats not what happens but ive only used legit primo, and plenty of other people report the same thing. chances are ur the one whose had fake primo, u probably had masteron or eq