Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

HGH, which is illegal in most countries in the ME. Assuming they're illegal, what are the levels of risk? thanks again

That's like asking how tough customs is in the 15 countries of South America. Just spit it out and stop being. so paranoid.

If you're being watched that closely they already have a torture rack picked for you.
That's like asking how tough customs is in the 15 countries of South America. Just spit it out and stop being. so paranoid.
My bad, I'm going to be around the middle east quite a bit during the next few months, thats why I didnt specify one. I will be in Egypt, the UAE, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia, and maybe a few more. I am wondering which one of these would be the safest to ship to and the overall risk so I can adjust my work travel plans. Thanks in advance.
My bad, I'm going to be around the middle east quite a bit during the next few months, thats why I didnt specify one. I will be in Egypt, the UAE, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia, and maybe a few more. I am wondering which one of these would be the safest to ship to and the overall risk so I can adjust my work travel plans. Thanks in advance.

You can't risk importing it in any of them. I hear if you go to a gym in Saudi Arabia any of the english speaking expats can hook you up as AAS and HGH are widely used there. They're very strict with recreational drugs but not PEDs.
Oh I forgot to mention the weirdest part. This was a domestic order & it arrived with “inspected by customs” tape.

Yeah.. no idea what they were trying to do but no thanks.

Can anyone comment on this? Dom packs don't go through Customs. Maybe the intl pack went through Customs, got flagged, passed through, and lazy fuckers in the US dom warehouse just slapped a label over the Customs tape??
Can anyone comment on this? Dom packs don't go through Customs. Maybe the intl pack went through Customs, got flagged, passed through, and lazy fuckers in the US dom warehouse just slapped a label over the Customs tape??

That was my theory but commenter never replied with details.

Also could've been "Resealed at the U.S.P.S." tape which could be mistaken for customs. Usually for sealing damaged parcels, Also, non Priority or Express packages can be opened for inspection for compliance with postal regulations. And finally Postal Inspectors can open any packages suspected of containing illegal goods. All sealed with that USPS tape. But customs can't touch it.
Just placed an order for Retatrutide. Wire transfer sent to a different Chemical Ltd. All other transfers have been sent to Qingdao Sigma. Is this new?
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Commit crimes! It’s been said a million times the shipment wasn’t illegal. Let’s see the screenshots and proof of the other two cases and what those shipments were. Let us have all the info. If we’re going to resort to hysterics, might as well get us all hysterical.

Edit to add, and if the proof isn’t 100% that they were asked to “commit crimes”, these allegations should be investigated.
Lol, please tell me you don't believe an anonymous Chinese guy who doesn't give a single fuck about you and your well being, as he resides in China, saying, that everything is legal
That would be really dumb

Even HCG is in sheduled controlled substance list in some states. And FDA recently included many peptides to their own scheduled list
Can anyone comment on this? Dom packs don't go through Customs. Maybe the intl pack went through Customs, got flagged, passed through, and lazy fuckers in the US dom warehouse just slapped a label over the Customs tape??

Apparently it's the courier who slaps the labels
Lol, please tell me you don't believe an anonymous Chinese guy who doesn't give a single fuck about you and your well being, as he resides in China, saying, that everything is legal
That would be really dumb

Even HCG is in sheduled controlled substance list in some states. And FDA recently included many peptides to their own scheduled list

Come on dude. No that isn't true, you're making shit up. HCG is not scheduled anywhere. Neither are peptides.
Come on dude. No that isn't true, you're making shit up. HCG is not scheduled anywhere. Neither are peptides.
You should use google once in a while, it is helpful. Sometimes there are things in this world you don’t know, and btw where I am from hcg is scheduled while until recently opiates and hard drugs were legal at certain amounts. Ironic but true.
Even HCG is in sheduled controlled substance list in some *states*. And *FDA* recently included many peptides to their own scheduled list

You should use google once in a while, it is helpful. Sometimes there are things in this world you don’t know, and btw where I am from hcg is scheduled while until recently opiates and hard drugs were legal at certain amounts. Ironic but true.

States and FDA. That's the context. The USA: STATES and the FDA. In which STATE is HCG or Peptides SCHEDULED drugs?

....and that's leaving aside the fact that the FDA doesn't schedule anything, the Drug Enforcement Agency and Congress do.

I even had good laugh at your thief joke, and you put me back in a bad mood.
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