Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Does anyone in here have recent experience with Q's inj. Sdrol? TIA
Loved it, ran it for 3 weeks.
1st wk 5mg & only went up to 15mg daily pre-wo.
Screwed around & started TUDCA, milk thistle and other support supps in the middle of the 2nd week (because I'm an idiot).
Visually i added size, esp arms which i was adding volume too anyway.
Anxious to run it again a bit higher. Started low since I've never used before.
And a full kit of it :) I'm sure I'll be throwing it in often.... lab work depending
Regretfully I suggested an objective indicator that the de minimus rule may be about to go away as the reason I think it's wise to consider stocking up and allowed myself to get sucked into a political discussion without realizing it was against the rules.

Anyway, it really feels like we've hit peak AAS availability and value pricing, so stocking up would be cheap insurance just in case this all gets forced back into the shadows. Because if that happens, there won't be a "last call", it'll hit like a thunderbolt. Delivered orders will be rare, and exit scams will be common.
True that. With all the different sales recently I have many years stocked up.
If I am currently at 5, would you recommend not purchasing these since they are so full?

I wouldn't hesitate, the value is huge. I'd just buy a sterile 10ml vial from Amazon, and after diluting contents with 2.5 ml, transfer the entire contents and dilute further with BAC. Just triple check your math,
True that. With all the different sales recently I have many years stocked up.

I think the biggest threat to longevity of oils kept in otherwise optimal conditions, are the cheap stoppers. Silicon is essentially immune to leaching or deterioration by MCT oil, and has a far longer shelf life in other aspects than other types as well, approx 15 years vs 5. They're 4x more expensive than standard types, but still really cheap. So I'd either filter/transfer to sterile vials and use these to cap them, or at least get a decap/recap tool and replace the stopper with silicone for long term storage.
I think the biggest threat to longevity of oils kept in otherwise optimal conditions, are the cheap stoppers. Silicon is essentially immune to leaching or deterioration by MCT oil, and has a far longer shelf life in other aspects than other types as well, approx 15 years vs 5. They're 4x more expensive than standard types, but still really cheap. So I'd either filter/transfer to sterile vials and use these to cap them, or at least get a decap/recap tool and replace the stopper with silicone for long term storage.
Got an Amazon link or other recommend?
I wouldn't hesitate, the value is huge. I'd just buy a sterile 10ml vial from Amazon, and after diluting contents with 2.5 ml, transfer the entire contents and dilute further with BAC. Just triple check your math,
Ah gotcha, would it also be reasonable to just store this? I have 9 vials of 15 mg left, by the time im done with them, id prob be good to just use the 50s as is right? (hard to tell if the small vial would be overwhelmed with 2ml bac water dilution or not)
If I send an email to QSCs "sigma..."-email for the 50mg Tirzepatide group buy, is it normal that they reply from a different (shady looking) email?
Got you bitch! :D

I just figured you don't really want to be bothered by people, if it can be helped.
So, that is also the reason why, even if want to ask you something, I refrain from doing so.

I am totally fascinated and terrified by you, in equal measure.
Let's say I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of you.
But when you pop up on Meso, it's always brilliant and fun.
Even if you call me a b* (so I avoid the moderator), I will still look forward to your posts.

No I don't. What I know is due to me being on earth longer than you

Even so, you know of things I have not been involved in and so I am ignorant about, so that becomes irrelevant.
I mentioned you because I do think that you are the most knowledgeable here, with regards to what was being discussed.

Have a nice weekend.
I just figured you don't really want to be bothered by people, if it can be helped.
So, that is also the reason why, even if want to ask you something, I refrain from doing so
The only thing that bothers me is pure stupidity. And you are on the other side of that
I am totally fascinated and terrified by you, in equal measure.
Let's say I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of you
See above. I am grumpy and sometimes a little harsh, my age is to blame
Even if you call me a b* (so I avoid the moderator), I will still look forward to your posts
I would call you a c*n7 but I don't know if you are Australian or not. If I want to curse someone I usually go for wate of oxygen

Nice weekend to you too mate
GLP receptors are everywhere, and it seems when activated, they improve the associated organ in function, protect against further degeneration. and in many cases reverse existing damage……..
good looking out! i literally never even heard of Tirz before until just recently. i have some work to do.