Tesofensine by Qingdao Sigma Chemical

Since I'm such a deceitful cat I'll pay for everyone's testing by myself if the QSC rep promises that any fake product will be replaced g for g with real Tesofensine.
After QDS leaked your PM’s you lost credibility .
This could be a way to get it back if you are right .
I would chip in to test @Clyde ’s raws but i don't see others saying the same so i guess others don't care as usual .
Meso just wants cheap stuff thats on point and gets delivered 95% of the time and hopefully its someone else that gets fucked so its all good .
This are the times….
After QDS leaked your PM’s you lost credibility .
This could be a way to get it back if you are right .
I would chip in to test @Clyde ’s raws but i don't see others saying the same so i guess others don't care as usual .
Meso just wants cheap stuff thats on point and gets delivered 95% of the time and hopefully its someone else that gets fucked so its all good .
This are the times….
The PM's of me asking them not to sell their trash BPC-157 please and asking about quotes for stuff to pricecheck them? Please elaborate on anything you may have read that discredits me in any way, as I certainly have never done any business with them.

Only 2 guys were delivered tesofensine before this Janoshik lab report, and only one is a lab (EU) who received 14/12, and guess what, his teso is crystalline powder and I still have the pictures of this order (from the identifying process by email):
Since you've already posted this customer picture without permission, would you like me to take pictures and videos of precisely that sachet of Tesofensine to confirm it does match what Janoshik received and then send that sachet as it is to Janoshik, who can take pictures of it to confirm it's the same product and retest it to confirm it matches your fake trash?

No amount of lies and shills will save you this time, but I know you'll try anyways. You could try posting some of your own testing of Tesofensine or an explanation how you're able to sell this at far below its factory price, but that would be silly.

As I said, I'll pay for everyone's testing, but why would you not replace any product that tests fake with real Tesofensine? Can you think of a reason why you wouldn't want to agree with that? I definitely can't think of any reason at all.
You know when a baby is crying and you pick it up and it stops crying? Stop picking up liska, eventually she’ll stop crying and you won’t be entertaining her drama anymore. She’ll get bored and find someone else to start drama with. God bless the poor bastard that has to date her and tolerate this borderline personality behavior daily
Shut the fuck up, qsc rep. You can't bullshit your way out of this shit. Probably better to remain quiet and save what little face you may have left.

I seriously doubt that you will shut up though. The qsc tactic in these situations is to continue to run interference and make customers think the person that is helping them is actually trying to fuck them over.

You'll just disappear and come back under another account when this is all over with as your reputation is already shot.

In case you didn't know, meso is supposed to be about harm reduction. If you cared about that, you wouldn't be trying to drag liska through the mud for bringing something as serious as this is. Stupid bitch.
Obviously the only shills I can see here are Liska's shills.

No shills are needed, it's obvious.

Let's not make it very complicated.

As I said, no drama is needed.

Liska said he paid for testing of a customer of mine.

1- Only 2 customers received tesofensine between annoucement of teso availability and date of sending the sample

2- Sample picture (raw powder) do not match the crystals received by all guys here, and they are many: @Clyde @Wannaflybob @Deadp007 @Steve0815 etc....

3- Liska's posting history make him unreliable regarding testing other sources (conflit of interest) especially us.

4- Liska cannot prove he purchased from us and is not able to verify the reliability of the sample sent.

So in order to make it simple, Liska suggested to pay for testing done by members and they can send a sample for testing, it will be unbiased, more reliable.
This way the discussion can stay civilised and insults can be avoided.

The more you insult, the more you lose credibility and you show like an idiot shill.

What's complicated in this?
Obviously the only shills I can see here are Liska's shills.

No shills are needed, it's obvious.

Let's not make it very complicated.

As I said, no drama is needed.

Liska said he paid for testing of a customer of mine.

1- Only 2 customers received tesofensine between annoucement of teso availability and date of sending the sample

2- Sample picture (raw powder) do not match the crystals received by all guys here, and they are many: @Clyde @Wannaflybob @Deadp007 @Steve0815 etc....

3- Liska's posting history make him unreliable regarding testing other sources (conflit of interest) especially us.

4- Liska cannot prove he purchased from us and is not able to verify the reliability of the sample sent.

So in order to make it simple, Liska suggested to pay for testing done by members and they can send a sample for testing, it will be unbiased, more reliable.
This way the discussion can stay civilised and insults can be avoided.

The more you insult, the more you lose credibility and you show like an idiot shill.

What's complicated in this?
Show me where I have ever shilled for liska. I never ordered from him or used any of his products. I do appreciate that he is a proponent of harm reduction, unlike you and the company that you represent.

You are a spin doctor and have lied repeatedly to try and save face. You have scammed customers and refused to refund them when testing showed the gear was not right.

You force them to pay for a test before refunding when you know damn well what the test will report.

If I was you, I'd probably shut the fuck up before you really piss me off and I make this a mission to get the truth out. You know I will make your life shittier than it is, you scamming frog bitch.

I do this for the community and harm reduction. You do it for the money. Who really has more incentive to bullshit?
Show me where I have ever shilled for liska. I never ordered from him or used any of his products. I do appreciate that he is a proponent of harm reduction, unlike you and the company that you represent.

You are a spin doctor and have lied repeatedly to try and save face. You have scammed customers and refused to refund them when testing showed the gear was not right.

You force them to pay for a test before refunding when you know damn well what the test will report.

If I was you, I'd probably shut the fuck up before you really piss me off and I make this a mission to get the truth out. You know I will make your life shittier than it is, you scamming frog bitch.

I do this for the community and harm reduction. You do it for the money. Who really has more incentive to bullshit?
Funny how you have been claiming QSC is using alt accounts for a year now even though Millard himself said there’s no proof of it. You are embarrassing yourself, seriously. A source testing another sources product? I couldn’t see foul play there at all…. Let’s see some other customer tests before labeling the largest source on the forum a scammer. Why are you trying to act big? Telling him you will make his life hell? You seem pretty pissed off already and have been for a year, and still people keep ordering from him.
Funny how you have been claiming QSC is using alt accounts for a year now even though Millard himself said there’s no proof of it. You are embarrassing yourself, seriously. A source testing another sources product? I couldn’t see foul play there at all…. Let’s see some other customer tests before labeling the largest source on the forum a scammer. Why are you trying to act big? Telling him you will make his life hell? You seem pretty pissed off already and have been for a year, and still people keep ordering from him.
I can't fix stupid. But I can lead a horse to water and hope they are willing to drink.

The cheap prices are too enticing for most of qsc customers. They aren't here because they believe they found the highest quality. They are here because they found the cheapest price. And that's fine.

But when shit like this comes out, I'm going to tell people to be careful. Qac has been caught scamming. They have doxxed at least one member and threatened to dox another.

If you are happy with what they sell you, great. But why do you feel the need to come white knight for a source that wouldn't piss on you to save your life if you were on fire?
Being in his thread and letting potential customers know what is going on, is not good for his business. If he wants to gaslight me (and potential customers) and act like there has been no problems, that I'm just a shill for his competition, etc I'll do my best to prove him to be the liar that he is.
Since everyone has had their say, we will leave it up to the meso members to judge and make their own conclusions/testing ^^
Here's a better picture of your Tesofensine raws:
The only reason I can think of you fighting this tooth and nail is because you may genuinely not know this (yet), so while I expect you to publically dismiss it to protect your pride, here's your homework for tomorrow: Look into the differences in production of both Tesofensine raws available to your company from factories at vastly different pricepoints and you'll understand why I said right at the start that other sources "just laughed at their pricing".

Whether you want to tell the Meso classroom your findings afterwards or waste everyone's time dragging this out is up to you, I'm game for anything.
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Has anyone who has purchased Tesofensine from QSC remarked about the strong appetite suppressing qualities it has? Considering the many anecdotes of users of other products from other suppliers stating that 0.5-1mg per day murders their appetite, surely some of the buyers from QSC could attest to its efficacy. It may be precisely the opportune time for, day I say it, a 'feels report'.
I have bought 10 grams of tesofensine powder and can confirm that the powder is crystalline in nature. Have not tried it though. Would be interesting to see how this plays out
Here's a better picture of your Tesofensine raws:
View attachment 250543
The only reason I can think of you fighting this tooth and nail is because you may genuinely not know this (yet), so while I expect you to publically dismiss it to protect your pride, here's your homework for tomorrow: Look into the differences in production of both Tesofensine raws available to your company from factories at vastly different pricepoints and you'll understand why I said right at the start that other sources "just laughed at their pricing".

Whether you want to tell the Meso classroom your findings afterwards or waste everyone's time dragging this out is up to you, I'm game for anything.
Those two pictures you posted don't even look like the same thing.
One in the left could be smashed detergent, the one on the right has the same consistency as @Clyde posted and others confirmed.

Does something like this is supposed to strengthen your argument? Cause from where I am sitting it ain't.
View attachment 250546
Those two pictures you posted don't even look like the same thing.
One in the left could be smashed detergent, the one on the right has the same consistency as @Clyde posted and others confirmed.

Does something like this is supposed to strengthen your argument? Cause from where I am sitting it ain't.
Here's some more pictures in different lighting conditions:
QSC Teso 2.pngQSC Teso 3.pngQSC Teso 4.png
If the consensus is that these pictures don't resemble Janoshik's sample sufficiently/believably, I can just have the entire remainder pictured sent for testing, have a more conclusive picture taken, have that sample tested and compared to the previous test result as well as the test result of real Tesofensine and we'll be back in this exact position again in a bit.
On the left pic it could be grinded down to it's powder form.
Why would someone alter the compound to be tested in any way before sending?
Here's some more pictures in different lighting conditions:
View attachment 250548View attachment 250551View attachment 250552
If the consensus is that these pictures don't resemble Janoshik's sample sufficiently/believably, I can just have the entire remainder pictured sent for testing, have a more conclusive picture taken, have that sample tested and compared to the previous test result as well as the test result of real Tesofensine and we'll be back in this exact position again in a bit.
At this point of the ordeal we need a 3rd party that has no affiliation to test their tesofensine. You offered to pay @Clyde testing expense to send his product to be tested, correct?