
  1. Schwerverdiener

    Oral Weight Loss Substances Ranking – Backed by Science!

    Hey everyone, I’ve put together a detailed ranking of the most effective oral compounds for fat loss - based on scientific evidence and real-world experience. The ranking is determined by actual effectiveness for weight reduction, not just theoretical mechanisms. Do you think an essential...
  2. D

    Now Obese Getting back into the gym and moving again?

    Hey Guys, What would you enhance yourself with, if you had been out of the gym since covid started and had become obese. And wanted to get back into shape and moving again as fast as possible? I'm 178 cm around 138 kg, mid 40s, and obese. I also suffers from some stomach problems, have a...
  3. Luka.Halotestin

    Helios (Yohimbine/Clen) recipe help?

    Hey guys, I've been struggling with some of my formulations with Yohimbine HCl because it won't fully dissolve even at 5 mg/ml. I've come across this photo and managed to get a "better" view of the side label. From what I see it contains: Benzyl benzoate Benzyl alcohol Polysorbate 80 Water...
  4. A

    Which UGL provide lab tests?

    As title suggests
  5. M

    Suggestions on clen in a testo/anavar cycle

    Hi to all, probably it is a stupid question: I'm running 250mg/ml testo E per week and in 4 weeks I will also add anavar (like in my previous cycle, but with an increased dose). I was thinking to use clen for the next two weeks (very low dose at the beginning and then increasing if side effects...
  6. S

    Steroids Rookie

    Good morning guys So this is the situation, I'm fat and tall, 275lb with 6feet of height I wanna lose more weight, but is going so slow that I'm getting frustrated, I'm doing this because I wanna feel how is be on testo but being so fat won't help me too much I have my testo on the sky...
  7. K

    Does Clenbuterol Target the fat cells only ?

    ✅ Does Clenbuterol targeting the only fat cells or can be targeting the muscle also ? ✅ can i use Clenbuterol while bulking phase ?
  8. D

    Clenbuterol Source for UK??

    New member here, have lurked for some time in the underground forum but honestly I am overwhelmed by the vendors.. If anyone can point me in the right direction (no vendors please) that would be much appreciated, as I do not want to hang myself as easy bait. Looking for Clen, based in UK and...
  9. GainsGuru

    Anyone used Pharmacom Clen?

    Hey everyone, Been lurking the site for a while now, but wanted to post for some feedback on if anyone has used Pharmacom clen. How was it?
  10. gunsrus

    Clen and T3 cycle

    Been searching the forum for an good thread about this cycle but I'm not really finding what I'm looking for. 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off, start at 25mcg of t3, and use while on an AAS cycle to help with not losing muscle from the T3. Ok so when should I if at all increase the T3 dose? What...
  11. FutureMrO

    Currently in prep mode!!!!

    Hey guys I’m doing a 12 week prep for a little location show before I take it into the bigger stage. It’s just a local few gyms getting together and doing it to raise money ect. But yes I’m doing it with my coach (who i won’t name yet) and so far iv dropped a considerable amount of bf and...
  12. C

    Clen Question for a Clen Noob

    Hi guys. So I posted a couple weeks back about some clen that I've got. Balkan Pharmaceuticals brand, the stuff was crap and I took up to 10 40mcg tabs a day. Must of been very underdosed or bunk. I got some Hilma Biocare brand a couple days back. From a reliable source on meso. I took 20mcg...
  13. C

    Is My Clen legit?

    Hi guys, first time posting here. I've got a question that i'm hoping somebody could shed a little light on. I got some Balkan Pharmaceuticals 40ug Clenbuterol tablets today. I got a clenbuterol testing kit off ebay, and according to what the test is saying; it's fake. However, my clen comes...
  14. GMTPepsi

    Clenbuterol - missing results (Am i overthinking it - or am i doing something wrong)?

    Hi guys, (Male - 24 years old - 92-92 kg - 184 cm) I’m in the middle of my first two weeks Of my Clen Cycle.. (doing 2 weeks on 2 weeks off x2). I’m on 160 mcg as the highest. I work out every single day, and i’m on about 1000 calorie deficit. I just lost 16 kg. in 3 months - so i’m very...
  15. L

    Female Var/Clen Cycle Log

    Because of the lack of resources on steroids for women I decided to log my personal experience during my anavar/ clenbuterol cycle (roids from alpha pharma). This is going to be my first cycle on steroids. Ive been on the cycle for a little ver a week now I just have been waiting for my account...
  16. Natesfitness

    1st cycle - Var, clen and phen

    Finally - my summer cut starts today! Decided to make a different thread for my cycle log :) I am doing an 8 week cycle of var, clen and phen. I won't be starting with everything all at once - that might be too much to start off with. So I'm starting with var and phen and then I'll add clen...
  17. K

    Another fat loss advice request...

    I’m a 5ft 6in male, 53 years old at 157 pounds. I do running and cycling but over the past two years I have gained over 15 pounds of ugly fat mostly around my abdomen. I’m currently taking doctor prescribed Clomid, 25mg eod due to T numbers that tested at 325 and 305 in two different blood...
  18. Gbaby12

    Cocaine and Clen

    I'm not drinking at all because the diet I'm on but still would like to have a good timeout tonight, I'm at 60mcg of clen right now, would I have a heart attack if I did a little blow? Can't find any information on interactions between the two but so far Im assuming the worst with clen being so...
  19. Hulksdaddy

    2nd Cycle with 2 orals?!?

    basically from the titled i got ripped off and injected abuncha low dosed gear. But I finally found a reliable source and purchased some Test Enthate and some winny. I have some clen and alittle bit of var left from my little cutting cycle I did months ago. Im going to be pinning once a wk at...
  20. VVV

    Clenbuterol, Salbutamol/Albuterol and Sleep

    Howdy everyone, I'm wondering how to get the best of both worlds here: I love the effects of clen and also the way that it makes me feel, the energy boost. Same with albuterol/Sambutamol. BUT. About sleep: The side effect that I get - since I'm sensitive to stimulants - is lousy sleep. High...
  21. Brad B

    Clenbuterol Cycle

    After research I have decided on the incremental cycle for clen. Day 1-14 will be 40MCG/day. Days 14-28 will be 80MCG/day then peaking at 120MCG/day. Questions: 1. I plan on taking all in the morning. I work M-F 9-5 and have a 9 month old. I can't risk the sleep issues that can come with clen...
  22. Brad B

    What To Use, When To Use It

    I am a noob. 33 years, 5'6, 230 LBS. Clearly my goal is weight loss but at same time looking to gain some lean muscle. After some research I have decided on these supplements/helpers: Clenbuterol Taurine Protein Shakes Creatine I am pretty set on taking the clen for a while and the taurine as...
  23. T

    First cycle, adding a compound

    Hello guys, doing my first steroid cycle next week. Stats: 75kg 1.72cm tall ~12% bf Lift: Bench 120kg x3 Deadlift 180x1 Squat 140x5 Diet on point, 200g protein a day, on a cut id eat 200g carbs, or i would adjust accordingly to how im feeling. Ill be doing 100mg test p EOD. Got nolvadex just...
  24. M

    Help me with clenbuterol please

    Hey champs! Ive revently decided i will start taking clenbuterol for fat loss that have been stubborn all my life Im 22 yrs old , 5"11 , 211 pounds On ablut 20% bf Ill combine clen with lifting+ cardio 6 days a week My diet as i read will be low carb high protein ( ill increase my carbs a...
  25. B

    Anavar Clen first cycle

    Im currently running my first cycle of Anavar 50mg ed for 6 weeks in total. Stacked with 80mg clen ed and lately i changed it with GW cardarine. I was not in complete out of shape, i worked out for the last past 3 -4 years (crossfit, gym, running half marathon) but with high BF 28% (btw im...