Favorite steroids to use and why

i also didnt grow much on test only... but the bloat was real... however, when i stack it with, for example primobolan, its a different story... less bloat and more real muscle... its the combination that works.
What doses of test plus primo did you use to get better results than just solo high test? I ask because test + primo is my next planned blast. I have maxed out on what test alone can do for me up 750mg a week. I really don’t think a gram of solo test will provide better gains now than staking two compounds. I’m planning 600-700mg test cyp with 500mg primo a week.
God bless your future if you think AI's are healthy and the only marker of your heart/vascular system health is your HDL..

I think gambling like that is stupid. But, maybe you are lucky and it won't affect you.
No one has been able to explain to me what is so bad about running exemestane at only 12.5mg twice a week with TRT. My lipids always come back good. I think the hysteria over AI’s is ridiculous. As long as someone isn’t using an AI to drop their estrogen to an unhealthy level, what is the big deal? If you know something I don’t, then please enlighten me.
What doses of test plus primo did you use to get better results than just solo high test? I ask because test + primo is my next planned blast. I have maxed out on what test alone can do for me up 750mg a week. I really don’t think a gram of solo test will provide better gains now than staking two compounds. I’m planning 600-700mg test cyp with 500mg primo a week.
It wouldn’t. You absolutely have to stack something with test. Period. You can’t make gains on test alone unless you are a complete noobie. Stack it with anything. Mast, Tren, primo, EQ, Superdrol whatever you want. Just stack it. Good luck on the cycle
No one has been able to explain to me what is so bad about running exemestane at only 12.5mg twice a week with TRT. My lipids always come back good. I think the hysteria over AI’s is ridiculous. As long as someone isn’t using an AI to drop their estrogen to an unhealthy level, what is the big deal? If you know something I don’t, then please enlighten me.
Thanks to a hormonal imbalance, I was on armidex .5mg 3x a week for years with zero effect on any health markers. Could just be an individual thing.
Bingo. Most of the people on this fourm confuse fat and water gain with muscle haha. Test alone is garbage. Exactly why everyone says “stack it with something, regardless of what something may be” for me, I like EQ with it.

And who is telling you test alone is garbage? Where are you getting this info from?
Everything made after testosterone was also made to be better and more tissue selective as well as less androgenic and more anabolic. Why? Simply because testosterone is more androgenic and not as anabolic. If test were so immaculate, you’d see guys turning pro on test only or test and oral. But you don’t
Correct and they all serve a purpose for specific situations. For example, Oxandrolone was invented for muscle wasting patients like individuals with hiv. It's also still used for burn patients in the ICU and for patients with liver damage.

Anadrol is still used for in the EU for anemic patients.

Primobolan is still used in the EU for children adults that suffer with anemia due to bone marrow failure.

The only drug that has been studied and doses pushed higher medically on muscle building on human trials is testosterone. This is a fact.

I have a couple friends that are high level competitive athletes in the NPC and a couple in the Ifbb and they use solely testosterone year round (Offseason) because it's the least damaging on their lipids. Only then in a preparation other drugs are incorporated closer to a show. If you think for one second you will do 600mg a week in 2x 300mg shots weekly and not expect sides from the influx jump in hormones you are mistaken. Split the injection frequency more often and watch what will happen.
What doses of test plus primo did you use to get better results than just solo high test? I ask because test + primo is my next planned blast. I have maxed out on what test alone can do for me up 750mg a week. I really don’t think a gram of solo test will provide better gains now than staking two compounds. I’m planning 600-700mg test cyp with 500mg primo a week.
Been there done that.

Effective good dose is something like 600mg of testosterone and 400-500mg of Primobolan.

Also, how is your injection frequency, how is your diet, how is your recovery, are you training maximal intensity, are you deloading to give your body a break? Alot to reconsider before adding another compound. How is your estrogen levels? If too high you will bloat and feel soft, if too low you will feel flat and like shit. Adding Primo if you already have lower e2 will crush it.
No one has been able to explain to me what is so bad about running exemestane at only 12.5mg twice a week with TRT. My lipids always come back good. I think the hysteria over AI’s is ridiculous. As long as someone isn’t using an AI to drop their estrogen to an unhealthy level, what is the big deal? If you know something I don’t, then please enlighten me.
Aromatise inhibitors longterm will destroy lipids, cause joint issues, etc... Try adjusting your injection frequency first, are you having symptoms, Gyno? Mood issues? If not why are you touching it? Higher estrogen helps with HDL too.

Aromasin is a newer generation AI

My e2 on 100mg of testosterone is 60 and I feel awesome. Back then I use to purposely lower estrogen because my e2 was out of range and my doctor educated me and told me not to do this now. Also Estrogen helps burn fat and build muscle.
And who is telling you test alone is garbage? Where are you getting this info from?

Correct and they all serve a purpose for specific situations. For example, Oxandrolone was invented for muscle wasting patients like individuals with hiv. It's also still used for burn patients in the ICU and for patients with liver damage.

Anadrol is still used for in the EU for anemic patients.

Primobolan is still used in the EU for children adults that suffer with anemia due to bone marrow failure.

The only drug that has been studied and doses pushed higher medically on muscle building on human trials is testosterone. This is a fact.

I have a couple friends that are high level competitive athletes in the NPC and a couple in the Ifbb and they use solely testosterone year round because it's the least damaging on their lipids. If you think for one second you will do 600mg a week in 2x 300mg shots weekly and not expect sides from the influx jump in hormones you are mistaken. Split the injection frequency more often and watch what will happen.

Been there done that.

Effective good dose is something like 600mg of testosterone and 400-500mg of Primobolan.

Also, how is your injection frequency, how is your diet, how is your recovery, are you training maximal intensity, are you deloading to give your body a break? Alot to reconsider before adding another compound. How is your estrogen levels? If too high you will bloat and feel soft, if too low you will feel flat and like shit. Adding Primo if you already have lower e2 will crush it.

Aromatise inhibitors longterm will destroy lipids, cause joint issues, etc... Try adjusting your injection frequency first, are you having symptoms, Gyno? Mood issues? If not why are you touching it? Higher estrogen helps with HDL too.

Aromasin is a newer generation AI

My e2 on 100mg of testosterone is 60 and I feel awesome. Back then I use to purposely lower estrogen because my e2 was out of range and my doctor educated me and told me not to do this now. Also Estrogen helps burn fat and build muscle.
Fair. I’m going off of personal experience. I agree that if you want minimal damage then your best bet is testosterone. I don’t necessarily agree with Tony huge that test itself is no good.i see his point, but I also think he is trying to push Sarms more instead. I just personally haven’t seen much from it until I stack other pharmaceuticals and or orals *I use to like sdrol* on top of test. But I do agree that it’s the best if you’re not looking to be a 230+ pound lean monster.
Fair. I’m going off of personal experience. I agree that if you want minimal damage then your best bet is testosterone. I don’t necessarily agree with Tony huge that test itself is no good.i see his point, but I also think he is trying to push Sarms more instead. I just personally haven’t seen much from it until I stack other pharmaceuticals and or orals *I use to like sdrol* on top of test. But I do agree that it’s the best if you’re not looking to be a 230+ pound lean monster.

Tony Huge is an idiot and that is the last guy to ever take advice from. His narcissistic personality is going to kill someone. He is wreckless and a total bro guy.

But I do agree that it’s the best if you’re not looking to be a 230+ pound lean monster

A 230lbs "lean" monster is from diet and training. If you are talking about a shredded 230lbs competitor dried to the bone this is a different story. That is when different compounds are added to give that finished look on stage.

Now, you can deff be a 230lb lean athlete on testosterone alone absolutely. But weight is subjective, it's all the illusion.

If your hormone levels are superphysiological you will grow point blank. There is no magic drug.
And who is telling you test alone is garbage? Where are you getting this info from?

Correct and they all serve a purpose for specific situations. For example, Oxandrolone was invented for muscle wasting patients like individuals with hiv. It's also still used for burn patients in the ICU and for patients with liver damage.

Anadrol is still used for in the EU for anemic patients.

Primobolan is still used in the EU for children adults that suffer with anemia due to bone marrow failure.

The only drug that has been studied and doses pushed higher medically on muscle building on human trials is testosterone. This is a fact.
Good points here. There is also great animal research on tren's synergy with test (and E2 in cattle) in muscle anabolism, but no human trials.
I have a couple friends that are high level competitive athletes in the NPC and a couple in the Ifbb and they use solely testosterone year round (Offseason) because it's the least damaging on their lipids. Only then in a preparation other drugs are incorporated closer to a show. If you think for one second you will do 600mg a week in 2x 300mg shots weekly and not expect sides from the influx jump in hormones you are mistaken. Split the injection frequency more often and watch what will happen.
I am always skeptical of pro bodybuilders' self-reports of drug regimens/dosages. There's an obsession with obfuscation and insistence on portraying oneself as genetically gifted/running lower dosages than in reality.

Most guys are probably running Test/Deca in the off season, and perhaps Test/Deca/EQ (some rotation thereof). Throwing in orals and plenty of insulin/GH (year round).
Been there done that.

Effective good dose is something like 600mg of testosterone and 400-500mg of Primobolan.

Also, how is your injection frequency, how is your diet, how is your recovery, are you training maximal intensity, are you deloading to give your body a break? Alot to reconsider before adding another compound. How is your estrogen levels? If too high you will bloat and feel soft, if too low you will feel flat and like shit. Adding Primo if you already have lower e2 will crush it.

Aromatise inhibitors longterm will destroy lipids, cause joint issues, etc... Try adjusting your injection frequency first, are you having symptoms, Gyno? Mood issues? If not why are you touching it? Higher estrogen helps with HDL too.

Aromasin is a newer generation AI

My e2 on 100mg of testosterone is 60 and I feel awesome. Back then I use to purposely lower estrogen because my e2 was out of range and my doctor educated me and told me not to do this now. Also Estrogen helps burn fat and build muscle.
Eh, not a fan of the "highest E2 you feel good on." Benefits from aromatization do not come from high E2, but rather in situ aromatization. Higher E2 negatively feeds back on IGF-I/GH response.
Conor is also correct, and not as dumb as people try to make him out to be, that the various compounds in popular use with stacking have real synergy with T (1+1>2). His physique is better than most for a reason... Drugs work.
Test and Masteron. Make me feel great all around and I am too cheap for a good dose of Primo.

Anadrol if I want to get a little wild.

- intense vasodilation, just taking it on a non workout day i get pumped
- works from day 1, heck, i notice it just 1 hour after taking it
- gets out of the body quick too
- tons of glycogenesis, full as fawk
- boosts my appetite
- feels wonderful
- cheap, readily available, and rarely faked
- massive boost in strength even from day 1
- i retain all the strength gains and a surprising amount of the weight gains post-use

Biggest cons are the estro, but thats pretty easy to mitigate. Gives me an uptick in zits usually on my back, but its nothing extreme. Other than that i tolerate it very well.
Tony Huge is an idiot and that is the last guy to ever take advice from. His narcissistic personality is going to kill someone. He is wreckless and a total bro guy.

But I do agree that it’s the best if you’re not looking to be a 230+ pound lean monster

A 230lbs "lean" monster is from diet and training. If you are talking about a shredded 230lbs competitor dried to the bone this is a different story. That is when different compounds are added to give that finished look on stage.

Now, you can deff be a 230lb lean athlete on testosterone alone absolutely. But weight is subjective, it's all the illusion.

If your hormone levels are superphysiological you will grow point blank. There is no magic drug.
Perhaps I should have worded that differently- 230 pounds shredded is what I meant. Fouiad has also been someone who says no to test only cycles. Granted he is probably looking at it from a competitor POV. But I think when that threshold is hit, it’s time to add in another compound. Now this is just my personal opinion. I have no evidence of that. I did see a study yesterday on testosterone by itself and Tren used by itself on cattle. The Tren targets the androgen receptors more by about 6x I believe , making them bigger and fuller. Maybe this is why I never get that full look until I add another compound or 2. I can agree there isn’t a magic drug. But I do believe that some anabolics will work better than others. Example being Tren over test. Do I think test should be included in cycles? Absolutely. Unless you want to risk your liver by running Dbol for 14+ weeks. Now, If you are an advanced steroid user and you want to run testosterone by itself, do I think that is worth it? I’m going to have to say no. It’s definitely not as healthy when you start stacking in things. But you would be lucky to gain any significant lean muscle tissue from testosterone alone as an advanced user. Even Chris Bumstead only gained 4 pounds of muscle this off-season. And I would say he runs more than testosterone. But then again, I think as mentioned above, all pros lie about how much they are using and what they are using
Perhaps I should have worded that differently- 230 pounds shredded is what I meant. Fouiad has also been someone who says no to test only cycles. Granted he is probably looking at it from a competitor POV. But I think when that threshold is hit, it’s time to add in another compound. Now this is just my personal opinion. I have no evidence of that. I did see a study yesterday on testosterone by itself and Tren used by itself on cattle. The Tren targets the androgen receptors more by about 6x I believe , making them bigger and fuller. Maybe this is why I never get that full look until I add another compound or 2. I can agree there isn’t a magic drug. But I do believe that some anabolics will work better than others. Example being Tren over test. Do I think test should be included in cycles? Absolutely. Unless you want to risk your liver by running Dbol for 14+ weeks. Now, If you are an advanced steroid user and you want to run testosterone by itself, do I think that is worth it? I’m going to have to say no. It’s definitely not as healthy when you start stacking in things. But you would be lucky to gain any significant lean muscle tissue from testosterone alone as an advanced user. Even Chris Bumstead only gained 4 pounds of muscle this off-season. And I would say he runs more than testosterone. But then again, I think as mentioned above, all pros lie about how much they are using and what they are using
when I added 200 primo to my 750 test I almost changed overnight. Test only is definitely overrated
when I added 200 primo to my 750 test I almost changed overnight. Test only is definitely overrated
Definitely helps a ton. I don’t want too much stress on my organs but right now it’s test and 10mg sdrol for 3-4 weeks max with TUDCA and NAC to keep the liver good. Might stack on a Masteron or something later on. I’m not an NPP or Deca fan like I was. EQ is pretty damn toxic. So it’s having to choose the lesser of “evils” persay
Definitely helps a ton. I don’t want too much stress on my organs but right now it’s test and 10mg sdrol for 3-4 weeks max with TUDCA and NAC to keep the liver good. Might stack on a Masteron or something later on. I’m not an NPP or Deca fan like I was. EQ is pretty damn toxic. So it’s having to choose the lesser of “evils” persay
not a fan of 19nors myself, even tren causes moonface. I would try stacking sdrol with epistane fat will melt off you. anavar epistane sdrol is even better you can go from husky to sixpack in a week if you run maintenance calories
not a fan of 19nors myself, even tren causes moonface. I would try stacking sdrol with epistane fat will melt off you. anavar epistane sdrol is even better you can go from husky to sixpack in a week if you run maintenance calories
You like those designers huh? I didn't know epistane was still available.
i think they are potent and dry. Brawn has legit epistane btw. Did you run the old havoc?
I ran methylsten and M1T. Getting interested in superdrol.

Methylsten is still a compound I miss and it was cool from a technical standpoint too. A bit obscure but I liked it.
not a fan of 19nors myself, even tren causes moonface. I would try stacking sdrol with epistane fat will melt off you. anavar epistane sdrol is even better you can go from husky to sixpack in a week if you run maintenance calories
Tren and 19 nors in general Fuck with my mental state. That is quite a bit of orals. Be careful with that. I try to make sure it’s no more than one oral. Sdrol can be harder to find. A lot of sources don’t carry it. Thankfully I know 1 that does. Sdrol is also amazing at getting as strong as an ox *while you’re on it* I remember benching the 120s for 15 last time I ran it. Scary strong stuff