DHT displacement from what, SHBG? Wouldn't that yield more active DHT in circulation? There is something called the Megalin hypothesis that might impact uptake of an SHBG-DHT complex, but this is speculative. What is the connexion between SHBG-bound DHT and sexual function or libido, anyhow?
Finasteride on the other hand is a 5α-reductase inhibitor that actually reduces DHT synthesis by this mechanism. It also, separately, has been associated with a post-finasteride syndrome that may (very speculatively) implicate neurosteroids (synthesized in the CNS).
Are you saying that primobolan could inhibit libido in the same way that Finasteride can? That’s confusing, because it’s also always said that Finasteride cannot protect from hair loss due to the DHT-derivatives, and I’m pretty sure the studies that are out there indicate ED from Finasteride is rare, all things considered.